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World cup 2022 predictions BML
(18-12-2022, 20:02)Imre varadi Wrote: Hdps !!!!

Points updated in main thread Owlskev feel free to correct anything if it wrong ..but I thing it's safe ...I win the thread by the way Wink

Imre 7
Owlskev 6
Maddix 5
Stateside 4
Washington 3
Charlie  f..uck all !
Pieowl f..uck all !

Can we let Kev do the maths? I should have something for England winning the group!!
Imre varadi likes this post
Yes correct charlie ..I've got you down as SCO ...charlie has 1 point's all on the main thread you're both welcome .

Recent post edited .

Can I just say something racist but true ...them African french like them African English are absaloutley shite at taking penaltys !!!
There goes my lead, time to stop being a clever bstard!
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
My summary of this world cup like the last one and the euros in-between piss poor teams have won all 3 ...but they know how to play a game and win it through whatever it takes .
Meanwhile we have Mr nice guy at a football match while being the most vile horrible c..unt in his press conferences against his own people ...typical extremist left woketard as long as the message off buggery pedophilia and save Islam, get across !!!
Statesideowl and Maddix like this post
Basically... And they said no politics in football?

If a Christian or other religious nation held the tournament and treated migrants/gays/trans etc people the way a Muslim nation has there'd be more than a few whimpers and whines on social media.
It's further proof our ruling class have been enabling and cultivating its hostile belief system.
Sidegate like most of Europe, is conditioned to pander to Islam or face the consequences. Admonish and disenfranchise the indigenous so profoundly they become self hating, willfully eradicating their own infidel cultures to make way for Islam to take over.

Our ruling class are the ones to blame, they're the ones that made bedfellows of it.
They saw how absolutely oppressive it is and wanted it for their uppity serfs.
A culture of money, which is something our ruling class admires. A massive win-win in their eyes.

I've had so many arguments over the years with middle and upper class enablers of Islam who have absolutely no clue what it is or the insidious nature of it. They've never actually faced it or dealt with it in any way but always tell those of us that have dealt with it, that what we're experiencing is not what we're experiencing lmao it is actually acceptable to gaslight the victim's of Islam. Especially if they're white.
These clowns just enjoy sniffing their own farts and butt patting one another for how 'diverse' they've behaved Laugh

Most are not capable of critical thinking and thus cannot work through the cognitive dissonance or their government issued cognitive bias against themselves when faced with Islam.

Though forced to endure it, I will not bend to it or tolerate it. It isn't even compatible with itself nevermind a progressive civilization. Gutter culture...

Absolute illegitimate shitshow of a tournament though lol
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Okay, on a positive note Laugh

The rigmarole is over. The lights are on,there's whisky in jawowow and a couple of mince pies in the cupboard.
And other single malts, for those that appreciate a good scotch

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Good health and happiness. All whining aside it's the little things that matter when you make the most of it.
For those of you with kids/grandkids you can think of me full of whisky, sleeping Xmas morning as you endure screaming bambinos!
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
No screaming bambinos on my side ...little Imre is 10 now and we'll accustomed with big Imre and his laws Wink plus she learnt well from the dogs lol ... only running around I will get is trying to fit work into having time to shop for food come Saturday I'm in charge of the kitchen..a bit like Gordon Ramsay on acid and drunk !!!

A sparrow farted on this thread charlie and got his answers from without as much acknowledging what the answers where ! If sparrows are going to fart then they should have the decency to acknowledge the answers to there questions or stop farting effing sparrows..c..ough!!!
Statesideowl likes this post
Glengoyne 18
Aberfeldy 12, 16 & 21
Lagavulin 16
Deanston 12 & 23 for me SS Thumb up

Famous Grouse for the visitors Laugh
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
Give 'em Bells, Maddix Laugh

Some nice cask years there!! The petey and smokey flavoured ones aren't really for me but everything in between is gravy.
Maddix likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
(20-12-2022, 08:13)Statesideowl Wrote: Give 'em Bells, Maddix Laugh

Some nice cask years there!!  The petey and smokey flavoured ones aren't really for me but everything in between is gravy.

Funnily enough I quite like Blair Athol 12 year old which is one of the main parts of the Bells blend Confused
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
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