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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
I totally agree with all of you in your comments. My point was solely based on the phrase I highlighted in bold.

There is an unfortunately increasing need for food banks, as well as living within your means. His calculation of 30p is not far off a tenth of the true cost, but even at £3 is still cheaper than a takeaway and I agree with theo about it being a generational thing.

I am a great believer in individual responsibility, but that also applies to Tory MPs like Lee Anderson, who lectures people on how to live their lives without giving them the means to do so.
Cabbage is still good for you
The BBC News tonight featured a piece about the failure of Stormont politicians to form a Government and that the invisible border in the Irish Sea was responsible for that failure and that it threatened democracy. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH. The failure is entirely down to Donaldson and the DUP throwing their toys out of the pram because they were beaten in a democratic election. Stuff the electorate seems to be their battle cry.

Of course the reason that there is an invisible border is that Boris and Co were so desperate to "get Brexit done" that they would have sold their grannies to do it. Oven-ready deal, indeed! And now they've got the cheek to complain about the deal they signed off. Everybody seems to have known about the potential problems of an invisible border, except Boris and Co, who all wanted to get the deal signed and slope off to yet another party.
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Everybody seems to have known about the potential problems of an invisible border, except Boris and Co, who all wanted to get the deal signed and slope off to yet another party.

Or order another meal from Deliveroo, Deliveree, whoever, or anything than actually go to the local Micky D's drive through. What do you mean walk there and eat in? Cook a meal? What's that all about?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
(14-05-2022, 00:07)ritchiebaby Wrote: The BBC News tonight featured a piece about the failure of Stormont politicians to form a Government and that the invisible border in the Irish Sea was responsible for that failure and that it threatened democracy. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH. The failure is entirely down to Donaldson and the DUP throwing their toys out of the pram because they were beaten in a democratic election. Stuff the electorate seems to be their battle cry.

Of course the reason that there is an invisible border is that Boris and Co were so desperate to "get Brexit done" that they would have sold their grannies to do it. Oven-ready deal, indeed! And now they've got the cheek to complain about the deal they signed off. Everybody seems to have known about the potential problems of an invisible border, except Boris and Co, who all wanted to get the deal signed and slope off to yet another party.

It's a circle that can't be squared. Having rejected staying in the single market and customs union, border checks are inevitable to preserve the EU trade area. If they aren't in the Irish Sea then there has to be a hard border on the island of Ireland, which damages the Good Friday Agreement.

It's that simple.

And who was it that negotiated the protocol ? And who was it that prevented parliament from examining said protocol ? Oh yeah. Yet they have the nerve to expect the EU to sort out their shit.

Thing is NI has actually benefitted economically from the protocol, but the DUP are being given the whip hand to wreck the place to suit Boris. There is something of Putins attitude towards Ukraine in how Boris sees Ireland.
0762 likes this post
The words "serial liars" come to the fore again!! The whole Brexit charade a "total lie" - full of deceptions, rhetoric from all these disingenuous bastards, together with their complicit press/media, ushering people/critics to move on from Brexit; only a lotta of people in this country don't wanna move on from this conspiracy and that is exactly what it was and they've gallingly "got away with it", inflicting lots n lots of "casualties"/damage all over the country. Remember how many of these liars told us time n time again how "easy" Brexit was gonna be - an absolute disgrace and cover-up of the true facts!!

This is another "brain dead" Tory Cabinet minister who should never have been anywhere near the Home Sec's position. I was even reading an article where she was not dismissing the possibility of introducing chain gangs to this country's penal system. IMO should be "sacked on the spot" if she attempted such a disgraceful outdated punishment!!
Jesus wept. Patel is another xxxx nightmare. Everything she touches turns to shite.

Meanwhile the Clowntramp is gaslighting us all again. Is he really trying to say that Barnier didn't warn us there would be a customs border in the irish sea ? It's pretty evident he did.

The real problem here is that for expediency he told the DUP bigots that they could chuck the resulting paperwork in the bin and all would be well.
It's pretty evident Johnson knew there would be a border somewhere, most likely in the Irish Sea even though he'd lied out of his arse like he always does that there wouldn't. I was sat in a pub with UK TV or whatever the gobshite latest Murdoch rubbish is. The female presenter spouted so much sh*te about how the EU was punishing the UK over the NI protocol I just had to laugh. Otherwise I'd have thrown my beer glass through the screen.
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
These shit heids are effectively flushing whatever remaining political reputation this country ever had right down the lavvy pan!! Johnson and his shameless cabal are good at that!! I've said it before - they shouldn't be anywhere near governing this country and causing colossal damage in the process, absolutely amazing developments of sheer skulduggery!
hibeejim21 likes this post
Incredibly, he told the C4 last night in NI that he didn't expect "our friends" in the EU would necessarily want to apply the agreed protocol in the way they have. Remember it was applied as a border because thats what all the negotiations entailed!!!

Then he added the smirk...

The tories thought the EU would let them opt out of freedom of movement (which the xenophobes wanted stopped) and the tax visibility (which the billionaires wanted stopped) but STILL get allowed access to the Single Market....Even after we voted and demanded to become a 3rd country.

As 0762 says the damage these shysters are doing is incalculable.
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