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I actually don't subscribe to free speech as you say and I never said only men should have free speech, we either have it as a society or we don't. Are we to assume that only men with violent sexual desires buy the Sun and do we assume that Page 3 is the only reason they do so?? Their readership is too high for that to be the case and I am sure they have a breakdown somewhere, but as I said not buying it is the way a lot of people protest.

I think there should be limits but at the same time as Matt said there is always someone offended at anything and everything, so where do you draw the line?? I object to being told what I should be offended by, offence is in the eye of the beholder, but just because one person is offended by something doesn't mean we all should be!! But I also protect the right of someone to protest due to something they consider offensive, I just don't have to agree.
Your lack of understanding proves that you're no supporter of women's rights. I know you deny that but it means nothing when you continue to condone the objectification of women on your own board. But it is indeed your right.
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
I support the right of anyone to do what they want to do, as long its within the realm of the current law!! I am not a supporter of women's or men's rights, I am for the rights of an individual!! In the job market, the best candidate should be chosen, choosing a woman or ethnic minority at the expense of a better qualified white male to me is as wrong as any other form of discrimination.

As regards objectification of women, that again is a matter of opinion!! We objectify women of all types, especially with Pei posting his Canadian women and older Hollywood stars!! We also objectify footballers as well, although we are a little harsher on them most of the time!! I have just seen a Mercedes advert that used a women in a nice dress to promote the car, I suppose that is objectification as well, and Julia Roberts is endorsing a nice perfume in a slinky dress while looking very sexy!!! And there is a billboard on my way to work that has David Beckham in his undies showing his abs and tattoos, is that objectification?? There are so many more issues in this world that we need to worry about, that need urgent attention such as domestic violence, child abuse, cure for cancer, famine, poverty etc and for me these take up far more of my time than worrying about what the Sun puts on Page 3!!!

Amelia, you know we won't completely agree on this, but that is the essence of a democratic and free society!! We can disagree without ramifications, we can express our opinion and I for one embrace both of our rights to do that!! We are both against breaking the law with anything I am sure, we are both against violence of any kind against anyone and I know for certain we have different ideas of the consequences and outcomes from these sort of things!! Doesn't stop either of us having our say though.
But the type of men who like pictures of naked women say inappropriate things about women. It happens on this very forum. Boards that don't have naked women don't have the same comments made unless I've missed something. I see proof that page 3 images lead to no good. You do not. And I think it's an important issue, just as important as everything else. Or is it a case that it's OK to treat women as light entertainment because there's all the other shit? It's because there are men who commit child abuse and sexual crimes that I care so much about the perceived image of girls and women. We'll have to agree to disagree ....again!
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
There are very few men on this planet who haven't at one time or another looked at and liked pictures of naked women, very few go on to anything further than that, even on here!!! I respect your view that its a very important issue to you, its not as important to me though. That doesn't mean either of us are wrong, its just degrees of opinion. As for child abuse, a lot of that is men on boys and often has nothing to do with women but all of that is wrong, I just don't agree with you that that is caused in any way by a Page 3 girl in the Sun!!! There are far more despicable avenues for anyone so inclined to get off on that I would prefer to see curtailed somehow.

And we don't have to agree to disagree, but we should respect each others right to the opinions we have!!
"But the type of men who like pictures of naked women say inappropriate things about women. It happens on this very forum. Boards that don't have naked women don't have the same comments made unless I've missed something."

Not all men who see an attractive woman will say inappropriate things about her. I don't I respect women and treat them right maybe its because the way I've have been brought up. Most people who say inappropriate things to women say it because they are in a group and want to be "one of the lads" just like those on this forum. I would say one or two who make lewd, sexists comments on this forum actually believe what they say which is pretty disturbing.

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Today is a sad day IMO, Page 3 apparently is no more Sad
I think the page 3 debate is a publicity stunt by the sun because the newspaper and I would say most newspapers are dying on there arse because people are getting news through social media, BBC website, the internet etc. In another 10 years newspapers probably won't exist what with e-newspapers. This has been done I think to stir it up so it will get people's backs up that its been scrapped. Another example is the NHS, as a nation we take the NHS for granted but when its not there people will cause a fuss because its like the saying you don't know what you have till its gone.

Do I agree with page 3? It doesn't really bother me because I don't read the Sun and the only reason they put tits in the Sun and the Daily Star etc is to defer it from what a poor excuse of a newspaper it is. Page 3 is outdated and it is wrong to publish it in a so called family newspaper.

I can understand where Amelia is coming from, you think that if a man see's a naked woman in a newspaper then it gives him the right to stare and oggle at a woman without her knowledge in a shopping centre for example and that they might step over the mark.

The only thing which offends me and gets my back up is when people label all football fans as hooligans that really pisses me off. I was at Manchester Piccadilly 2 years ago waiting to get the tram up to Bury and there was about 20-30 Chesterfield fans and this woman who was with another woman labelled us all as football hooligans.

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The Sun is a comic anyway
Nudity in any form male/female/other is freely available on the internet for those who want it anyway, I can understand why people find it offensive and personally it does nothing for me
I think if we are talking about stopping outdated things and getting into a Brave new world why would we allow the Hooray Henry`s to bring back fox hunting? I mean you look at someone the wrong way your a racist yet hurtling through a forest surrounded by a pack of hounds isnt stuck in the 12th Century at all is it? And to be honest Ive never seen any oriental or Burka wearing members of the hunt!
I saw a pair of tits in my newspaper.

Messrs Cameron and Osborne.

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