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Labour Leadership Contest
Take a breath of fresh air 0762 and back away from the keyboard for a little while.

I respect (most of) your opinions because you are entitled to them just as much as me or anyone else on here, but you do go a tad over the top occasionally.

Think about it.

There's a few of the younger generation on these boards but most of us have been round the mill a few times and you and me are amongst 'em.
Amelia Chaffinch and St Charles Owl like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Personally I'd rather we just all got along and enjoyed the crack.

But seeing as today we seem to be marking a line in the sand with use of generalisations and offensive language - and thats cool by me - next time I see stuff like "p_ki" and 'useless little black c*nt' posted on this forum without a squeak in response then I'm going to call certain people out.
(03-07-2021, 19:51)hibeejim21 Wrote: Personally I'd rather we just all got along and enjoyed the crack.

But seeing as today we seem to be marking a line in the sand with use of generalisations and offensive language - and thats cool by me -  next time I see stuff like "p_ki" and 'useless little black c*nt'  posted on this forum without a squeak in response then I'm going to call certain people out.

Really? Where do these phrases appear? Confused
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
I've no problem with feisty bastards having an opinion. Feisty bastards having a personal pop at fellow posters is another issue entirely. If the likes of Galloway and Bodgit suddenly appeared on these boards, I likely wouldn't want to be here.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(03-07-2021, 16:34)0762 Wrote: Spice n ha'penny?????? God Almighty, what next from this ultra defensive person!!?? You are entitled to your opinion and that is fine - part n parcel of the debate on this Sb board. But YOU HAVE BEEN MODERATED - a bit like a civil arrest on the street!! YOU WERE OUT OF ORDER IN A COUPLE OF YOUR REMARKS!! THEY WERE FALSEHOODS!! I know this because you made them against me!! I'm comfortable in the fact there is no substance to certain criticism you made other than some kinda personal perception of another Sb member on your part!! I notice you don't wanna refer to the items that I challenged you on because they are falsehoods!! RETRACT THEM NOW IF YOU HAVE ANY KINDA BACKBONE WHATSOEVER!! As for " appearance of dictating to the English"??????? WTF!!!! Quote - "You rant at anyone who doesn't agree with you"????? Ehhhhhhh!!! How many of my threads have you read FFS - absolute bullshit, slanderous and a misrepresentation of the facts!! I will say I'd certainly rail against fascists!! I compile lots of threads on this board and the percentage of them that relate to "......dictating to the English" (if any) or ranting (if any), in reality being critical of RW behaviour, are miniscule in % terms!! ABSOLUTELY F###### MINISCULE!! I MAY HAVE THE ODD MOMENT OF RELAPSE BUT YOU COMING OUT WITH SUCH A FALSE GENERALISATION IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! YOU CAN CHECK BACK ON LOTSA MY THREADS, SAY OVER THE PAST 12 MONTHS, AND COME BACK AND APOLOGISE!! It is all in your own head how you perceive this stuff anyway. Btw I'm not standing back and putting up with the falsehoods that you uttered!! No way!! I REPEAT YOU WERE OUT OF ORDER AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO DEFEND WHAT YOU SAID BECAUSE IT WAS SHIT, WITHOUT SUBSTANCE!!! And that is exactly why I am irate and assertive, something which is very rare to see from me on this Sb board and contrary to the slanderous remarks that you recently made!! F###### outrageous!! Thumb down

Cabbage is still good for you
(03-07-2021, 19:25)theo_luddite Wrote: Take a breath of fresh air 0762 and back away from the keyboard for a little while.

I respect (most of) your opinions because you are entitled to them just as much as me or anyone else on here, but you do go a tad over the top occasionally.

Think about it.

There's a few of the younger generation on these boards but most of us have been round the mill a few times and you and me are amongst 'em.

Theo. A member of this board went "way over the top" with certain downright lies, not just smears - that is the issue. And AC knows that - a fundamental breach of conduct against another Sb member, a long term one at that and one who also gladly "forked out money" in good faith to help this Sb board during times of hardship. Also note just out of curiosity I've carried out my own check on activity by this member and it transpires AC rarely contributes to the Abstract Chat at all apart from adding the odd "like" to a thread (just like your one!!) that is either negative against the SNP or the Scot FM or it has some kinda criticism or negative aspect against me or another Scottish member who says something that doesn't gel with AC's position re Scotland or some other kinda Scottish/Brit govt/Labour Party related issue or comment that AC regards as disagreeable. Suddenly AC "appeared out of nowhere" on the Abstract Chat to utter certain extreme remarks. But one can detect a certain theme and bias to the behaviour when scrutinising it more closely. Hardly uttered a word on Abstract Chat in months n months n months......prob well over a year and then this sudden charade of outrage!!!??? Huhhh!! I just wanna reiterate I didn't do anything that drastically wrong in the first place and I think that advice of "taking a breath of fresh air" applies as much to AC for causing such an unnecessary furore albeit one must add it was "just an opinion"! Rolleyes May I also add I'm no "shrinking violet" and I'd describe quite a few members in the same context. However, I am not even close to being a serial "ranter" of any sort as being implied/exaggerated!! I'm sure most of us have the odd "moment of reflection" now n again - I'd challenge anyone to count through all my threads/OPs down the months/years and calculate a % of this kinda critical text - you'll find it is MINISCULE!! It doesn't make us "bad people" or "bad members" esp when it involves complicated or intractable issues that make for more interesting debate and it is not easy to arrive at a common consensus point anyway - all about opinions and counter opinions plus information to back it up, plus deserved respect. Sure, we're bound to "fall out" now n again. But I'd say most veterans of this Sb board just "dust themselves down" and move on very quickly - life's too short to do anything other than that.
I read these pages and most forums everyday. Sometimes when I read your comments, 0762, there is a snide comment or what could be perceived as a snide comment. I won't be apologising this time. I still think at times you know very well what you're saying and mean to be rude about the English. You say you don't so I have to accept that but I really do wish you'd consider how it comes across.

It's true that I don't comment as much I once did and I have contributed an awful lot in my time but when you've been bitten once or many times as I have, you tend to not bother. Some of those incidents you are well aware of because you were the one I had to intervene for! I was responding to much the same complaints yesterday.

These things are your interests and you are clearly knowledgeable. Also, like SCO said yesterday, I agree with a lot of what you say, just not how you say it or that all our problems are caused by the English or how we vote.

Eg today you infer I might be a man but you've never said that before. It's one of your hidden insults. It's got to be. And somewhat childish, I may add.

Please don't carry on the argument for the sake of it. I've said my piece, you've said yours. 

I have advised the complainant to follow the correct channel next time. Complaints should not come through PMs. There is a proper reporting system.

Thank you.
St Charles Owl and Lord Snooty like this post
Nobody's done more for Sportsbabble than Amelia. A lot of which goes unnoticed or appreciated.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
(04-07-2021, 19:21)Lord Snooty Wrote: Nobody's done more for Sportsbabble than Amelia. A lot of which goes unnoticed or appreciated.

Well more so New606 but I'm still at it.
I stay off for a few days and weeks and everything seems to kick off.

Going back to the Labour Party, I bought a book off Amazon called 'The Fall Of The Red Wall' and it's about Labour areas turning Conservative in 2019. This hasn't happened because of Jeremy Corbyn or Brexit, Labour losing votes in these 'Red Wall' seats have been happening since 2005. Under Thatcher and Blair we lost 6-8 million jobs in manufacturing and a lot of these places in the Midlands, Yorkshire, North East and North West where the manufacturing jobs were the backbone of these places. These jobs disappeared meaning it left people unemployed and having to move out of these areas and towns to find work but it also meant people had less money meaning the town centres and shops became run down, it's had a domino affect. There is a North/South divide but there is also a Cities vs Everywhere else divide.

Labour took for granted the votes of these areas and the people thinking they would always vote Labour no matter what. Labour moved from the trade unions and standing up for the 'traditional working class' and tried to go after the Middle class, London elite and young professionals vote and the party has moved as well as everything now seems to be focused on London, inner cities, students and the middle classes.

The manufacturing jobs in the Midlands, Yorkshire, North East and North West have been replaced by call centre's, care work or retail work which doesn't pay enough for people to live on. The people who live in these areas are having to leave these places behind and move to cities like London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield etc to find work or move to an area where they can commute to work. It's not just jobs though there has been a lack of investment by local Government into facilities in these areas as well. Due to young people moving out of these areas to inner cities to find work and socialise it has meant that the people left behind in the areas have been retirees and retirees are more likely to vote Conservative where the younger generation are more likely to vote Labour.

What I found also interesting in the book is that there are more floating voters now then ever before. Also people don't make the jump from Labour to Conservative without UKIP. So these voters who used to vote Labour would go from Labour to UKIP to Conservative. Also the 2016 referendum helped the Conservatives because the 2016 referendum brought out voters who wouldn't normally vote or were disenfranchised and these people were more likely to vote Leave but they also voted Conservative in 2019. A similar thing happened in Scotland after the 2014 Scottish Indy referendum, people who never voted or were disenfranchised voted Yes in 2014 and these same people voted for the SNP in 2015. People who vote for SNP only vote SNP for independence as they like Labour's economic plans but don't want the Union. Also in Scotland and in Europe there is a vote for 2nd preferences and they think there is some sort of theory that if you choose a party as a 2nd preference then you maybe swayed to vote for them in a General Election depending on how positive you think that party is.

Anyway I'm half way through it but it's very interesting.
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