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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
That would be Neil Ferguson, who resigned from SAGE after having met a "burd" in his house without the required social distancing. At least he didn't need his eyes tested or a road map to find his way around!

Of course, after being ridiculed for his prediction, he turned out to have a better idea of the situation than his detractors.
Cabbage is still good for you
The scariest thing is Boris will get away with it. They will launch some whitewash enquiry down the track headed up by some plank from Eton.

I've said it till I'm blue in the face but the biggest problem in the UK is its media, for years they have worked hand in hand with the tories and created a culture of nastiness and xenophobia in the UK and we are seeing it now reach its natural conclusion. With division everywhere, mass inequality, authoritarianism and English nationalism sitting on top of the whole pile. But even more than that they have got the right amount of people believing that this is the right thing to do and to keep anyone below them battered down. You get around 40% of the vote in the UK and its system grants you absolute power.

100k deaths should be a resigning matter. But it wont be, because its not useful for the tories to get rid of Boris now. But when it is he will gone pronto and the next empty suit will be drafted in to replace him. The press have been long softening people up to accept this scale of death toll as normality. All that matters is the tories and the super rich backers.
0762 likes this post
No written constitution attached to any govt down there either Jim!
This is a good report questioning Johnson actually "taking responsibility" in the way that he bogusly intimated last night - a good exposure of the real facts and culpability/incompetence attached the lot of these shameless Brexit c####!!
hibeejim21 likes this post
(26-01-2021, 20:20)theo_luddite Wrote: The racist bitch and her racist boss continue their "Little Englander" theme. WTF are they worried about? That we might learn something useful from people with different cultures and experience? Or did the useless pricks never listen to basic History lessons which lay it out pretty clearly that we Brits are a race made up from invaders, and the occasional tourist cruise, from all over the European Continent? Club 18-30 has been around a lot longer than we all realise (just ask your friendly neighbourhood Viking). How the hell else did a collection of islands on the edge of the Atlantic shelf on one side, the North Sea on the other and a relative puddle between here, France and the European Lowlands, darn sarf get populated in the first place?

The fact that we've tried to repel all boarders since Harold took one in the eye for the lads just down the road from Hastings is neither here nor there. We lost that one too. At least they didn't foist some strange foreign currency on us back then when we could still barter a pig for a few hens, a couple of hours bairn sitting while we went round the neighbours for a mead or two, a bag of spuds, as many sprouts as we could handle and a few lumps of wood to throw on the fire. Oh, hang on a minute, no calm down, we'd been using the £ for while before then.

Absolutely vile stuff with more than a hint of the old national front style politics.

Patel is a sadistic, sociopathic, moron liar and bully.

So another titled Conservative bastard comes out with more shameless bullshit that is even reviled by some of the shameless Tory c#### who haunt Brit politics in this current Brit govt. BUT THEY STILL REFRAIN FROM SUSPENDING THE BASTARD!!???? IMO there is absolutely no hope for the future if it goes on like this!!! Time to "dig the trenches"!
I noticed in the BBCs terribly sad report about whats happening in royal London hospital right now (and boy should that be mandatory viewing for people who wont follow the rules) that they couldn't help but slip in a 'Its nobodys fault' into the interview with the nurse.

Shameless politicising of this tragedy. The powers that be are shaping up to whitewash Johnsons catastrophic and murderous attempts at dealing with COVID.
0762 likes this post
I watched this sad bbc coverage and similar stuff that covered Tower Hamlets. The Tories have definitely set up their people in senior bbc positions to influence certain bbc presentations/narrative such as that interview with that poor nurse. I recently verbally attacked the bbc to emphasise that point when they were preaching re their so called impartiality and then introducing guests who were bogusly comparing Scotindy groups such as AUOB with Trump "loon balls" - no evidence re riotous behaviour at all, never has been!! The impudence of this centres on the fact that they link themselves to people with that kinda RW hate speech, innuendo and extreme behaviour and don't challenge it themselves!!!Thumb down
Scientist does not think border controls can currently stop new variants in UK - and worries vaccines may not be as effective against new Kent mutation

Dr Julian Tang, honorary associate professor/clinical virologist at the University of Leicester, is among the scientists to have responded to the mutation of the Kent variant - the so-called E484K mutation - and what it means for the UK.

This is what he had to say: "[It is] a worrying development, though not entirely unexpected.

"This is another reason to follow the COVID-19 restrictions/infection control measures more strictly - otherwise not only can the virus continue to spread, it can also evolve.

"Unfortunately, the lack of control of these different variants in the UK may lead this population to become a melting pot for different emerging SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 variants - so we really need to reduce our contact rates to reduce the opportunities for viral spread/replication to reduce the speed with which these different virus variants can evolve.

"Closing borders/restricting travel may help a little with this, but there is now probably already a sufficient critical mass of virus-infected people within the endemic UK population to allow this natural selection/evolution to proceed - as this report suggests - so we really need to stick to the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions as much as possible.

"If this E484K mutation is acquired by most of the UK B.1.1.7 variants - the recent reassurances from recent studies showing that the mRNA vaccines will still offer optimum protection against the original UK variant - may no longer apply."

Sounds as if we maybe have been very premature in the early vaccinations, Westminster is worried as this virus is still mutating rapidly.

For those that don't want to follow the link for obvious reasons, it's a twatter post from the HIGNFY team - not the BBC.

"Boris Johnson says he’s ‘optimistic’ that people will be able to go on holiday this summer, in latest crushing blow to the UK travel industry."

Chances are that holiday will be the same place as last year - your back garden - but you will be allowed to invite everyone that's been vaccinated locally around for a BBQ, in the rain - or likely not. So that's alright then.
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A guide to cask ale.

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“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”

This breaking news re Valneva officials confirming their COVID outbreak warning to Brit govt officials before Johnson's unrecommended visit to their Livingston lab really "beggars belief" - just confirms again that the serial liar is one big plonker of a Brit PM!! Again following the Trump book of rules that cover sheer arrogance and disregard for rules and regs, good advice etc - IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM!!
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