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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
(13-01-2021, 19:48)theo_luddite Wrote: Well what a surprise - the 12 week wait for jab no. 2 has feckhall to do with vaccinating as many people as possible before the 2nd dose and everything to do with the incompetents, despite being first to pay over the odds for the first batch, having failed to secure a regular supply.

Now 'ooooood a thunk the bunch of incompetents in Downing Street could possibly have made a Horlicks of this? I mean - it's not like they screw things up every day is it? Doh

The only surprise here is that Matt Handsoncock has actually admitted to it.  Smartass

Why does he do his morning TV interviews in his toilet?

He really is an absolute throbber of a man, at the very heart of Bunters clown car government.
I laughed out loud when Piers Morgan asked him why he voted against the free kids lunches. Wanker.

And they are still ahead in the polls Laugh
This vaccine rollout seems to me to be an easy stick to bash governments with, and I live in a country where the government deserves that bashing. This process is completely new territory for just about every country and yet of all the major Western countries the UK has the highest vaccinations per 100 people, twice the rate of the US, 4 times the rate in Italy, Spain and Canada, 5 times the rate of Germany, 10 times the rate of Belgium and a whopping 15 times the level in France.

I am not saying they should be absolved of criticism but some perspective as to the enormity of this task is surely due and being in the hands of a few big pharma companies is not an ideal situation. Time will tell how successful this rollout is but as far as I can tell the playbook for this sort of operation is being created as we go along.
All miles behind Israel though - and remember, we've only done a few hundred twice, maybe into the 1000's now. It's double tops that counts for a finish, not single tops.

Apart from that - they set out the plan and once again, over promised and underdelivered. It's not just weekly now it's daily.

They have now killed over 100,000 just with Covid due to their incompetence, somewhere north of 120,000 when all early deaths are factored in, but they are blaming us that have never left the island(s) for spreading it around.

Nothing whatsoever to do with people arriving in the country carrying who knows what version of Covid with them, going where they want and leaving without so much as a thanks or a good bye. Got to keep the economy going, sod the cost, just keep printing money. The total arriving last year easily equals our population, which, given apart from a few weeks in Summer we couldn't go anywhere begs the question, where are they all coming from? All over the world, that's where. No tracking, no tracing, no testing. You can go but be back soon, you can go but bring back plenty (of Covid variants with you).

Taiwan has half of our population and 1/7th of our land mass - go see how many they've killed. They are an island nation too, that also needs some imports to feed everyone.

There's competence, there's incompetence and there's murderous incompetence. Our Prime Covidiot and his Cabinet and your equivalents are in the third group.
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A guide to cask ale.

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“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
There are hardly any countries in the Western world that are free from accusations of incompetence with their handling of this with the exception of maybe Germany and Japan and I am not suggesting criticism isn't deserved, but the comparisons between the numbers are there for all to see and so far few countries have dealt with this very well.
Self interest being the main reason SCO. Looking after the health of your fellow citizens by expecting them to pay for your incompetence isn't acceptable on any level. The richest folk in the world have increased their wealth by a huge chunk yet again this last year while ordinary Joe and Josephine have gone backwards big time, yet again. Enabled by Governments that sing to their tune, print money and allow their tax dodging on a grand scale.

A small piece of their wealth and a modicum of competence would have consigned this thing to history pretty quickly. But as Reece-Smug said early doors (or words to this effect) - there will be big money to be made here - that is all that drives these wankers. They don't give a toss about you and me as long as they think they are immune to this kind of thing, which with wealth, keeping out of the way, a good diet and prodding us away with barge poles means, they mostly are.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
(13-01-2021, 21:51)theo_luddite Wrote: Self interest being the main reason SCO. Looking after the health of your fellow citizens by expecting them to pay for your incompetence isn't acceptable on any level. The richest folk in the world have increased their wealth by a huge chunk yet again this last year while ordinary Joe and Josephine have gone backwards big time, yet again. Enabled by Governments that sing to their tune, print money and allow their tax dodging on a grand scale.

A small piece of their wealth and a modicum of competence would have consigned this thing to history pretty quickly. But as Reece-Smug said early doors (or words to this effect) - there will be big money to be made here - that is all that drives these wankers. They don't give a toss about you and me as long as they think they are immune to this kind of thing, which with wealth, keeping out of the way, a good diet and prodding us away with barge poles means, they mostly are.

Yes I agree with that. Unfortunately there is always money to be made in every crisis, but the middle and lower classes don't have that luxury or opportunity.
The numbers are there for all to see alright.

1) UK has the highest death rate in Europe.

2) The excess death charts in the last 10 years (guess what that coincided with) are now being shown a lot now instead of being ignored....and they make for interesting viewing too. As in a oh I wonder why they stopped declining then for ?

The tories will use SCOs argument at election time to excuse their lying,mishandling,profiteering from COVID and the resulting economic chaos.

AND our rotten, corrupt media will help them do it.
0762 and theo_luddite like this post
The UK is 9th on the death rate list for European countries and 16th on the cases per population.

(13-01-2021, 22:14)hibeejim21 Wrote: The tories will use SCOs argument at election time to excuse their lying,mishandling,profiteering from COVID and the resulting economic chaos.

AND our rotten, corrupt media will help them do it.

And what argument is that? I am not using an argument, I am quoting numbers. The Tories will try to brush this all under the carpet just like Trump did, the benefit they have is its likely to be in our rear view mirror by the time of the next GE, but they will still spin it as will all the other parties.
Just in case you missed it SCO

There's one about somewhere from last year with the usual Cabinet idiots saying even they couldn't mess up the roll out of the vaccine, I'll let you know when I spot it.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

“In the best pubs, you can spend entire afternoons deep in refreshment without a care in the world.”
Only Mexico, India, Brazil and the US have recorded a higher figure, according to the daily Covid-19 deaths collated by Johns Hopkins University. No idea what you are looking at.

"There are hardly any countries in the Western world that are free from accusations of incompetence with their handling of this "

That argument - that one above in bold. Thats what they will use. Thats not a figure, its a way to prevent proper analysis of their handling of the pandemic.
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