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New 606
Some of the Hibees have come over already to one extent or another, but as for the other mob...let's face it, craigwhytesbankmanager told the green goblins not to come over because they couldn't do as they please on this site. Our presence on New 606 never seemed to stop them spamming our board on a daily basis and the only difference here was going to be that they'd be moderated properly.
The Celtic board over there is full of threads and posts about Rangers anyway!! Its quite difficult to find a post about Celtic these days!! Craig certainly made it clear that he didn't want to come here and kept the Celtic posters over there. It will eventuially just disappear as a forum and they will disperse elswhere.
It wasn't as one sided as that tbh. The moderation was a problem for a long time and many changes were made to sort that out. I'd have been happy to make you the Rangers mod had you volunteered when I asked for volunteers for the Scottish boards but no one came forward. No matter, everyone is where they want to be now and that's the main thing. Thumb up
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
I'm still on here a lot, but that's more to do with the Town board than the Hibs one. I'm almost speaking to myself on there, except for regular visits from Amelia and Snooty, and the occasional contribution from SCO and 0-7.

The Hibbies seem to prefer New606 which is fair enough. If that site collapses, then some will come across here, but others (including me) are already members of Salt'n'Sauce.
Cabbage is still good for you
TBH on New606 ive never seen Rangers V Celtic so friendly, ive been on other boards and Rangers fans are writing to Parliament complaining Asda`s sign is green and white and all sorts
Every single Historical, religious, political reference going back about 600CE is in there, but apart from the odd `Tim` reference I thought they were very well behaved considering some of the stuff ive browsed through.

Dont go on there at all and its a shame as a few good posters on there that i`d like to see on this board, Bonner lost a lot of SPL people to Salt n Sauce(registered but never went) and through not showing any interest in anything by the look of it
It's a shame we had to have the split but its better for everyone all round.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
What happened to New 606? I went to have a look at it and it doesn't exist anymore.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Their server crashed a couple of months ago and even though a message went out that it was being fixed and everything would be restored, nothing happened and it is still gone. To be fair, this is why we wanted to migrate to somewhere new, we knew it was only a matter of time before the lack of maintenance on the site caused it to crash and we always feared that Matt would not put the time or effort in to get it fixed.
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He was always going to do improvements but we soon realised he wasn't a man of action. "Going to" doesn't keep the site going. This was always going to be the result.
The old site I found slow and the banner was never updated from the 2014 World Cup.

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