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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
When one briefly scrutinises this Brexit conclusion it becomes clear that this bad deal could've been brokered just under a year ago. Also a "huge word" which already arises from this deal is "arbitration"! In other words, a lotta disputes are gonna arise and an independent arbitrator will be brought in to resolve them. I reckon the EU will hold the upper hand in these disputes as it becomes apparent the negotiations are not actually over - far from it!
There's a long way to go for a lot of trading situations and it looks as though it will be at least 5.5 years before things are finally settled.
Cabbage is still good for you
Starmer already pledging Labour Party support/agreement on this deal without even reading the document - COME ON!! At least show some serious scrutiny on a bad deal Brexit compared with the far superior EU trade pact that we previously had even though it is clear that a majority Tory vote will pass it through Parliament anyway. And Johnson's usual triumphant comment that, "This is a fantastic deal for UK families and businesses"??? Thumb down The serial liar who joined the Brexit quest at the start and uttering bullshit, similarly ending by telling the country we are now in the land of milk of honey. Remember this is the same guy who tried to unscrupulously prorogue Parliament, subvert UK law and hides in fridges when the going gets tough!! Thumb down
Starmer after a promising start is making a xxxx mess of it. His intervention on Scotland earlier in the week was frankly ludicrous and now he is whipping the mps to vote through a hard Brexit after telling everyone labour was the party of remain. He's clearly going all out for the gammon vote in England by trying to be a more competent version of the tories......It wont work.
0762 likes this post
Starmer is the alternative acceptable face of the Westminster establishment. Well over 40% of Scot Labour members + certain unions now support Scot indy. His lame and sanctimonious pro-Union federal comments up here impressed nobody any more and when Scottish observers realised that he is aligned with a quisling and ex-Blairite antagonist called Gordon Broon, IGNORE WITH UTTER CONTEMPT!! Broon is a hardline "blinkered" unionist who is totally out of touch with reality re what is actually happening in Scotland and will block any proper democratic way to exit the UK. I personally suspect he is an Orangeman or similar - his obsessive antagomnist behaviour has been suspicious for years. It says a lot for Scottish public tolerance after putting up with this guy's random anti SNP, anti Scot indy rants every so often - he never stops together with that other Hearts "nut job"/Labour MP in South Edinburgh, Ian Murray - the only Labour MP left in Scotland and he's propped up by lotsa tactical voting Tories who have deliberately tried to block the SNP winning his seat because they didn't want to "split the votes" for unionist parties - some democracy when these c#### practise in this way. And the reason why they are doing it is obvious - the push for self-determination in Scotland is absolutely real and, like the Tories, they can't "get their heads around it" but a huge chunk of their SLP members "get it" and many others will join the quest after listening to the usual unconstitutional bullshit from their "out of touch" leaders.
Patients from London to be sent across England as hospitals have no room.

Nightingale was a Tory PR stunt after all.
The Nightingales always were a stunt to make it look like the Prime Dickhead was doing something. 40,000 vacancies in the NHS, thanks to many European staff going back home rather than work in a country where the xenophobic nutjobs were making life impossible for them, and they stick a few beds in a few Exhibition halls and - tada - no staff to fill them with. Doh They were a place to bury bad news (and a few dead bodies) for a while. Now, we're closing them down as the hospitals reach breaking point. Sure, we could use the beds, but with no staff what's the point? There never was one.

St. John's Ambulance (and no doubt others) have appealed to all First Aid Certificate holders to volunteer to administer the Covid jabs, or help with organising the queues and keep an eye on those that have had it for any reactions. So now we want volunteers to stand in the Covid firing line again. Are those coming in for the jab being tested for Covid first? Doesn't read like it on the email I received.
BouncingHibees and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Watching the clowntramp grinning away like a village idiot tonight while he has just sold the country down the river should make any normal person angry. Mostly I just felt numb and resigned instead.

Our freedoms and rights have been totally pished over. You simply can’t elect a buffoon on a platform of obvious lies and a promise to screw over +60% of Scots in a hilariously bent election and expect that to work out great.

Theres no going back now, not ever.
Trump Mark II, a British one - the similarity in political orchestrations, lies, masquerading, is enlightening to any savvy political observer. Powerless is prob the most appropriate word I could describe how I feel but inwardly I am so angry that this has been allowed to progress to this unacceptable conclusion.
The lowest of the low - opting out of the Erasmus programme which allows working class students the chance to study and live abroad. Commendably the government in Dublin stepped in to ensure that students in Northern Ireland will get that chance.

It's just how weird it is to outright lie for a political advantage, in full knowledge that you'll get found out but it won't matter. Thats where we are now with the tories.
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