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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Once again that is remarkably convenient.
Once again, he and various Tory MPs ignored social distancing and mask-wearing rules (Hands, face, space). You'd almost think there was a ploy on here - pardon the cynicism.
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Johnson today in a conference call with 70 MPs has said devolution was a 'mistake' and we will receive no more powers, now I'm sure in 2014 we where promised lots of new powers and 'great new powers with brexit' it appears they will try and end devolution.
Yep! I listened to this treacherous fat Tory shit heid going well beyond his remit AGAIN and additionally saying that devolution was a mistake by Tony Blair. No reference to the fact that over 85% of the Scot voting population supported devolution and a good majority regard governance of the country as positive esp compared with the sham that is happening in Westminster. The resultant positive Scot election results since 2007 are clear - THE SUCCESSIVE SNP GOVERNMENTS WERE ELECTED BY THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE!!! Just watching on bbc Newsnight another Tory arsehole called Damian Green being easily "ripped" by the SNP MP , Phillipa Whitford, re defensive comments like, "The Scottish people will vote conservative because the Scot Tories do good things for the people of Scotland"!!!????? WTF??? NO THEY WON'T AND THERE IS CLEARLY A POLITICAL AGENDA ATTACHED TO JOHNSON'S SHIT COMMENTS OR HE WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO BE CAUGHT OUT AGAIN!! Is the best Scotindy recruiter, namely Johnson, doing this deliberately??? The furious responses up here will be phenomenal tomorrow and even wee DROSS scurrying aboot to avoid the flak from his own Scot Tories being "thrown under a bus" lol!!! They never stop with this shit and you'd think they didn't have a hugely damaging pandemic crisis to deal with in England!
BouncingHibees likes this post
Dross actually said similar two weeks ago but zero media attention was given on his attack on Scottish devolution, these shitesters are going to get pummelled come election time. Scottish devolution is worse than the Iraq war by the looks of it (In Tory minds).
Listening to some of Johnson's Tory associates and Tory media people trying to explain "What Johnson really meant"!!? What a joke!!
It's all a great boost to the cause of Independence. Keep going, Boris.
Cabbage is still good for you
I cant understand his thinking here. Riling up Scotland at the moment is just nuts especially when questions are being asked of the SNP, it's like he wants to break up the UK.

We've had a procession of tories and journalists coming on the media to helpfully explain what poor Boris really meant. xxxx that we know full and well what its about. Ultimately the Tory issue with the EU is about control and it's the same with devolution. This is why you wont see any federalism in England, even though the north west and possibly a couple of other places would probably vote for it.
Not like he has previous in being tactful is it? Doh
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It's not even about tact Theo, he has said similarly insulting stuff about Scotland throughout his time as a journalist. He actually believes it.
From his perspective he's happy in a way to see all those SNP MPs in parliament because it means labour cant win....but the flip side is the damage it does to the union.... It cant go on forever, something has to give.

He's happy to endanger the UK and insult Scotland as long as he gets Brexit and keeps Labour out.

Once the electoral boundaries get changed and there are more southern English seats the tories might change their tune.
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