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Hibs FC and coronavirus - our Chairman's statement!
Correct me on this but I seem to remember that we were led to believe that any Scot footie club that initiated legal action against its governing body without first referring to the court of arbitration in sport would be banned from all official football leagues? No doubt, the subsequent end of Hertz or Partick Th as league clubs will not happen but will this law court end up sending them to the court of arbitration?
This has a way to go yet and compensation is the minimum Hearts will get..........but how much???
(25-06-2020, 10:58)newhavenhibby Wrote: This has a way to go yet and compensation is the minimum Hearts will get..........but how much???

Why should they get anything now with the confrontational way they have behaved during a time of crisis ? This is essentially an internal spat in a members club with pretty clearly defined rules that hertz voted to create. Remember as 0762 points out this should have been routed to the SFA and if necessary CAS first and foremost.

It's going to court now definitely, the SPFL have employed Shepherd and Wedderburn to lodge their defence today. They are one of the top 50 firms in commercial law cases I believe. They aren't xxxx about here.
Not saying they should get compensation but believe they will. This could range from a substantial sum down to a nominal ( hopefully insulting Wink ) amount. It will all depend on the legal arguments from both sides.

Unfortunately it probably wasn't fair to them ( I was in favour of a null and void season as in Holland), but they should still have gone along with the numerous votes that have occurred from ending the season through to re-constuction, and accept their position in the Championship. The whole sorry process has certainly not painted Scottish Football in a good light.

First hearing at Edinburgh Court of Session next Tuesday, 30th June.
Welcome back newhavenhibby! I still think the ECS will reject this case as being not within their jurisdiction. It could be that the SPFL will poss offer some form of compensation before the parties even enter the court but I still think Doncaster "holds the dealing cards" and has a vg legal representation to back that up. IMO a court of arbitration could well be the last "port of call" in this long drawn out shambles.
hibeejim21 and HerefordBull like this post
Agreed is their last chance saloon..... and you may well be right that an out of court settlement may be reached first for an "undisclosed" sum. This would save Budges face if ( as it probably will) doesn't meet with the Jambo fans expectations of millions of pounds. Wink
"The FFF Executive Committee today confirmed the decision to maintain a 20-team format in Ligue 1 next season - finally, entirely condemning Amiens & Toulouse to relegation."
Can I ask a question I should have asked ages ago? Why did Scottish football not play the remaining games like we are now seeing in other countries? Why the need for such an early decision? I hear that in France they are now very much regretting the early decision they made and wish they had held on to see if the games could be played.
I feel it came down to finances and uncertainty of the lockdown..................many clubs up here are struggling financially, and that was before the pandemic. With no fans allowed in ( most clubs in Scotland rely on attendance to stay afloat more than most countries) the only way of getting money to meet all costs plus the extra ones such as testing for covid is from TV / satellite coverage. Obviously in the UK, the companies ( including the BBC!) are falling over themselves to pay for the EPL and the Championship.......they would have little interest of also paying for all Scottish games, save for the uglies who as usual would get the lions share. For the same reasoning the Div 1 and Div 2 in England opted to end the season.

I'm surprised that the top leagues in France and Holland called it early as I am sure the broadcasters there would have paid well to televise the games.

We will have to wait and see how clubs individual TV systems / channels cope with the increase in numbers who will want to watch when games start again.........ours certainly wasn't good at times and from seeing what fans from other clubs have written, we are not alone. Clubs are now selling "virtual season tickets" to enable the viewing via these channels and Ron Gordon hinted they were looking at improving our system. Many of the clubs fans up here have been superb in buying Season Tickets for next season considering they may not get in till after xmas, however, these sales are still down on a "normal" season and many expenses are still there ( players wages etc) so at present it is a balancing act ..........without the satellite and TV monies we have to cut our cloth accordingly eg: we have mothballed the academy at present.
0762 and St Charles Owl like this post
Thanks for the explanation Newhaven, and welcome back!!
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