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Labour Leadership Contest
Managed to borrow someones clippers and the mrs gave me a shave on one of the high numbered settings. It will do for now.
0762 likes this post
Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

I don't understand the media in this country. If you aren't rich and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'jealously' or 'politics of envy'. If you have money and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'champagne socialism'. Doesn't matter who leads the Labour Party they can't win. I honestly believe the media in this country won't be happy until there is no Labour Party or any other party come to that and we just have the Tories ruling us forever.

Tell you what annoys me the most is when people work hard and get on well in life but they forget there roots and where they came from. Surely if you worked hard and did well for yourself then surely you would want that for everyone.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
You're wanting to live in an ideal world, matt, but it really doesn't exist. Having said that, I try to live in my own little bubble where everyone is kind and gentle and has equal potential to get on in life and do well for themselves.

The only comment I would make on the Daily Mail is that they also live in their own little bubble where the Tories are wonderful and good for the country. That world doesn't exist either, as more and more people are slowly beginning to realise.
Cabbage is still good for you
(17-05-2020, 22:19)spireitematt Wrote: Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

I don't understand the media in this country. If you aren't rich and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'jealously' or 'politics of envy'. If you have money and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'champagne socialism'. Doesn't matter who leads the Labour Party they can't win. I honestly believe the media in this country won't be happy until there is no Labour Party or any other party come to that and we just have the Tories ruling us forever.

Tell you what annoys me the most is when people work hard and get on well in life but they forget there roots and where they came from. Surely if you worked hard and did well for yourself then surely you would want that for everyone.

What the mail won't tell you matt is that starmer worked hard for his position and status and actually achieved things off his own steam. Unlike their hero bojo who had it handed to him on a silver plate.

The attacks on the labour leader are stepping up now, he's clearly got Johnson shitting himself about Wednesday afternoons.
0762 likes this post
(17-05-2020, 22:19)spireitematt Wrote: Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

And the Daily Mail's readership massively skews towards older women who love animals, which means a key Tory-voting demographic have spent the whole weekend reading about a politician who used his hard-earned money to set up a donkey sanctuary for his sick mum. Do you think they're going to be remotely outraged or horrified by that? As Napoleon (supposedly) said, "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake." And this is the Mail making a mistake. You don't even need to convert their readers; you just need them to become so jaded with their own party and indifferent towards Labour that they stay at home on polling day, and if their newspaper is helping to achieve that, then so much the better.
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
(18-05-2020, 04:51)Ska\dForLife-WBA Wrote:
(17-05-2020, 22:19)spireitematt Wrote: Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

And the Daily Mail's readership massively skews towards older women who love animals, which means a key Tory-voting demographic have spent the whole weekend reading about a politician who used his hard-earned money to set up a donkey sanctuary for his sick mum.  Do you think they're going to be remotely outraged or horrified by that?  As Napoleon (supposedly) said, "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."  And this is the Mail making a mistake.  You don't even need to convert their readers; you just need them to become so jaded with their own party and indifferent towards Labour that they stay at home on polling day, and if their newspaper is helping to achieve that, then so much the better.

And that paragraph is essentially what most Democrats are doing over here after nearly 4 years of Trump. Initially Dems fought with Trump’s base, they argued their case, appealed for better morals and tried to persuade his base that they needed to question him and his motives. It took probably two years for most to realise this was simply a fools errand, they will not turn on him no matter what he does and they certainly will never vote for a Democrat anyway. The best we can hope for in November is that they simply do not bother to vote, because if his base turn up to vote then he may well get in again.

Labour need to take a long term view of the challenge ahead of them, a lot of traditional Labour voters turned their back on them at the last election, probably still a fallout from Brexit, but that is now done and should be taken off the debate table completely. Win back the supporters through sound opposition of what the Tories are doing now not what went on in the past.
(17-05-2020, 22:19)spireitematt Wrote: Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

I don't understand the media in this country. If you aren't rich and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'jealously' or 'politics of envy'. If you have money and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'champagne socialism'. Doesn't matter who leads the Labour Party they can't win. I honestly believe the media in this country won't be happy until there is no Labour Party or any other party come to that and we just have the Tories ruling us forever.

Tell you what annoys me the most is when people work hard and get on well in life but they forget there roots and where they came from. Surely if you worked hard and did well for yourself then surely you would want that for everyone.

I think you are absolutely right re the Tories "me me me" philosophy which I remember was fully exposed decades ago in Thatcher's great failure in trying to convince esteemed members of the Scottish Assembly that her new vision for future generations was based on utter selfishness and a total disregard for people while ensuring that one could make lots n lots of money from the free market. She was consequently vilified by the very honourable and socially/community bound people who she really believed she could convert to her flawed ideology!! However, down the years we have sadly been observing the appearance of her "converts" - people within her political group who embraced this philosophy to the point of trying to defend her in all kindsa tactics incl the banning of songs against her and honouring her after death etc etc. Now this group has morphed into the next phase of political extremism and damage to the country that one could never have dreamed of years ago and you are correct in your assumption that these people do want to see a full monopoly of governance for decades and decades with no Labour Party to oppose them any more. It reminds me of the political stranglehold in certain African countries where the population just can't remove the unscrupulous, scheming and corrupt political parties who have ruined their countries and ensured their own elite tribal group retain all the wealth while a huge chunk of their populace is literally starving. But this is the UK that we are talking about eh!! It should not be anywhere near comparable!!! But it is!! Thumb down
(17-05-2020, 23:21)ritchiebaby Wrote: You're wanting to live in an ideal world, matt, but it really doesn't exist. Having said that, I try to live in my own little bubble where everyone is kind and gentle and has equal potential to get on in life and do well for themselves.

The only comment I would make on the Daily Mail is that they also live in their own little bubble where the Tories are wonderful and good for the country. That world doesn't exist either, as more and more people are slowly beginning to realise.

We all have ideals Ritchie in life and you are right it doesn't exist and it never will.

(18-05-2020, 00:13)hibeejim21 Wrote:
(17-05-2020, 22:19)spireitematt Wrote: Daily Mail having a meltdown that Keir Starmer owns land behind his childhood home which he bought in 1996 for his mum so they could look after Donkeys. Daily Mail is saying it's worth £10 million.

I don't understand the media in this country. If you aren't rich and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'jealously' or 'politics of envy'. If you have money and want a fairer distribution of wealth then it's 'champagne socialism'. Doesn't matter who leads the Labour Party they can't win. I honestly believe the media in this country won't be happy until there is no Labour Party or any other party come to that and we just have the Tories ruling us forever.

Tell you what annoys me the most is when people work hard and get on well in life but they forget there roots and where they came from. Surely if you worked hard and did well for yourself then surely you would want that for everyone.

What the mail won't tell you matt is that starmer worked hard for his position and status and actually achieved things off his own steam. Unlike their hero bojo who had it handed to him on a silver plate.

The attacks on the labour leader are stepping up now, he's clearly got Johnson shitting himself about Wednesday afternoons.

I knew that Starmer worked hard for himself but that doesn't fit the Mail's agenda or any right wing agenda. I find it odd that people are saying they can't vote for Starmer because he has done well for himself but they are very happy to vote for Johnson who is a millionaire and has got by, by playing the joker or clown.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Tory lead over Labour has fallen from 15pts to 6pts in less than a week, according to the latest YouGov/Times voting intention survey

Con 44% (-4 since 19 May)
Lab 38% (+5)
Lib Dem 6% (-)

Turns out the public don't like being made to look like mugs after all.
Lord Snooty likes this post
Reading the recent iteration from Starmer's Labour "branch office" in Scotland and it is no wonder that most people up here have long since gone past the point of caring what contortions they have got themselves into. So they have taken a hard line stance against Scottish independence thereby pitching themselves against a big chunk of their membership plus those who have deserted them in droves for the past 10-15 years or more. To summarise, the "branch office" is strongly in favour of the Preciousssssss Union and Britain at all cost, but don't you dare call them Unionists or Brit Nats! They are in favour of democracy! Rolleyes But they are not in favour of actually allowing the to vote in another referendum in case the people give the wrong answer. That non-entity leader, Richard Leonard (with that Yorkshire accent!) even clashing with trade unions like Unison who have sided with a membership majority that favours Scottish independence. His comment being that Scotland had no appetite for independence on the very same day that a Panelbase poll came out showing there's a majority support for independence with 63% of Scot Labour's own voters opining that Scotland is less safe as part of the UK!! As for the usual extreme anti indy comments of Ian Murray, I won't even go there any more. The man is a prat and I suspect he is also an Orange Lodge member effectively telling Scots they can be saved from the Tories by a Labour Party which has turned itself into a version of the Tories. Scot Labour's hardline message on Scotindy means they have effectively abandoned any hope of regaining the voters they have lost to pro-independence parties. Instead, they prefer to "fish in the increasingly shallow pond" of diehard Brit Nat voters, the voters who would still oppose Scot indy under all and any circumstances. IMO in doing so, they are effectively signing a suicide letter for the next Scottish elections. Good riddance!!
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