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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
I must challenge you strongly on the "we're all in it together" endorsement Saint Charles Owl. I'd say most of the population are indeed "all in it together" with lotsa community help groups etc being created but there is that privileged proportion of our population, and others, who will be given preferential treatment as usual although I do agree that this virus undoubtedly doesn't discriminate between a very wealthy privileged individual or a poor person. The "all" word that is being bandied out in this soundbite is a tad inaccurate TBF!! The Westminster govt is not embracing every worker!! The employed must pin their hopes on fairness and efficiency from a govt that has been castigated by the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty for the "harsh and uncaring ethos" of existing support systems such as Universal credit. The self-employed were abandoned up to today and gig economy workers are currently broke. And many folk watching and listening to Johnson's mitigating statements are not workers at all - they are claimants, disabled people, students and pensioners - CITIZENS in short!! Does the long, generous embrace of Johnson reach them???? Or have we all just swallowed the notion that non-workers are second-class citizens??? I could go on re other issues such as parking is free for everyone attending hospital - it is not true!! Re the Prince Charles position, firstly he broke the CMO advice not to travel and travelled to Balmoral anyway. Then he was found to have contracted the virus and was seemingly allowed to "leapfrog" MOPs and desperate doctors to be tested positive!!! Thumb down This criticism has actually been "chased up" for clarification by the Scottish Medical Officer, Catherine Calderwood, and she endorsed the action to test as being correct based on undisclosed private personal details that covered both individuals but she didn't cover the morality of this type of queue-jumping!!. Her response followed a huge outcry from lotsa people, incl medical coordinators, who perceived a difference in protocol compared with other punters who experience similar minor symptoms and duly follow the self-isolation advice. The words "fob off" come to mind but lets hope that an honest explanation was given and we move on. Anyway, there are "bigger fish to fry" at the moment as we approach the point of the predicted escalation in infections. I pray that it is not as significant as expected as many deaths will consequently be attached to this anticipated "surge".
(26-03-2020, 02:16)St Charles Owl Wrote: Disagree with the criticism of Prince Charles in those posts.  What do we expect him to do??  He is doing what we would expect anyone else to do, he is in the vulnerable age group and as far as I can tell he is asking for nothing over or above anyone else!!  As for using the NHS for the test, where else should he go, if he had been given a test by his personal doctor people would have criticized him for that more than using the NHS!!  And if we want to be critical of there being "one less test for the locals", then that should be squarely aimed at the NHS/Government etc, not a 70+ year old individual who has this virus!!

As for "we're all in this together", if anything proves that statement is correct, it is him getting it despite the privileged life he leads and the medical attention he gets!!  This virus isn't being picky as to who it chooses to infect.

It's hard not to feel for Prince Charles at this time. He will have to squeeze the toothpaste on to his brush by himself now.
0762 likes this post
As for the "wiping of his erse" Jim? I won't go there lol!! Laugh
(26-03-2020, 02:16)St Charles Owl Wrote: Disagree with the criticism of Prince Charles in those posts.  What do we expect him to do??  He is doing what we would expect anyone else to do, he is in the vulnerable age group and as far as I can tell he is asking for nothing over or above anyone else!!  As for using the NHS for the test, where else should he go, if he had been given a test by his personal doctor people would have criticized him for that more than using the NHS!!  And if we want to be critical of there being "one less test for the locals", then that should be squarely aimed at the NHS/Government etc, not a 70+ year old individual who has this virus!!

As for "we're all in this together", if anything proves that statement is correct, it is him getting it despite the privileged life he leads and the medical attention he gets!!  This virus isn't being picky as to who it chooses to infect.

SCO, I do feel sorry for Prince Charles in contracting Covid-19 and he is one of the people who will meet far more members of the public than most, in the course of his Royal and Duchy duties -  indeed, generally, I am one of his supporters. He is the heir to the throne and should automatically be tested for that reason. BUT I would much rather he had been tested privately, the same as he would have been treated if required, not on the NHS. AND he travelled north to Scotland despite showing mild symptoms, which is in direct contravention of Government and medical advice.

In previous posts I have been very critical of the Government, but in this case they are right and he is wrong.
St Charles Owl and 0762 like this post
Cabbage is still good for you
(26-03-2020, 23:38)ritchiebaby Wrote:
(26-03-2020, 02:16)St Charles Owl Wrote: Disagree with the criticism of Prince Charles in those posts.  What do we expect him to do??  He is doing what we would expect anyone else to do, he is in the vulnerable age group and as far as I can tell he is asking for nothing over or above anyone else!!  As for using the NHS for the test, where else should he go, if he had been given a test by his personal doctor people would have criticized him for that more than using the NHS!!  And if we want to be critical of there being "one less test for the locals", then that should be squarely aimed at the NHS/Government etc, not a 70+ year old individual who has this virus!!

As for "we're all in this together", if anything proves that statement is correct, it is him getting it despite the privileged life he leads and the medical attention he gets!!  This virus isn't being picky as to who it chooses to infect.

SCO, I do feel sorry for Prince Charles in contracting Covid-19 and he is one of the people who will meet far more members of the public than most, in the course of his Royal and Duchy duties -  indeed, generally, I am one of his supporters. He is the heir to the throne and should automatically be tested for that reason. BUT I would much rather he had been tested privately, the same as he would have been treated if required, not on the NHS. AND he travelled north to Scotland despite showing mild symptoms, which is in direct contravention of Government and medical advice.

In previous posts I have been very critical of the Government, but in this case they are right and he is wrong.

I accept the travel aspect but if he had taken a private test then there would have been uproar!!! We are already seeing people criticising him for the privilege he does have, he would have been slaughtered if he had been able to use that privelide to get a private test!!! Even footballers were criticised when their clubs were able to test all their players. He was in a no win situation with the test through no fault of his own.
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Now Johnson confirmed with minor symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test followed by his Health Sec, Matt Hancock, tested positive as well!!! So much for their formal "social-distancing" advice!! Doh Also it looks like one or other has passed on the infection lol!! Not a great advertisement for the UK govt and if they are being given fast-tracked" tests then lets be fair about this and initiate tests on front-line NHS doctors and nurses as well!!! THAT AINT HAPPENING!!!!! Thumb down Remember we're supposed to be "all in it together eh"!!! Rolleyes
BOJO and Hancock both have Covid-19. Why oh why did this moron wait til 422 people died before he imposed lockdown? Oh yeah because 'dom' told him to go down the herd immunity route.
Worryingly we were lied to about the EU ventilator scheme, and Hancock simply 'forgot' to keep us involved. Instead we are getting that Brexit loving dipshit Dyson to do them.


"Documents show that officials working under former health secretary Jeremy Hunt told medical advisers three years ago to “reconsider” a formal recommendation that eye protection should be provided to all healthcare professionals who have close contact with pandemic influenza patients.

The expert advice was watered down after an “economic assessment” found a medical recommendation about providing visors or safety glasses to all hospital, ambulance and social care staff who have close contact with pandemic influenza patients would “substantially increase” the costs of stockpiling.

The documents may help explain a devastating shortage of protective gear in the NHS that is hampering efforts by medical staff to manage the Covid-19 virus pandemic."

Now we are going to have a perfect storm of a government that put brexit hoarding and austerity before looking after what really matters. It's people. Asking schools to provide goggles FFS. Words can't express how angry I am with this despicable government.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
On Johnson, what a bloody irresponsible fool of a man he is, admitting that he shook a plethora of hands whilst visiting a hospital full of coronavirus patients! Doh
God only knows how many folk this "tool bag" of a man has infected. I hope he has passed it on to that creepy creton, Cummings!! Johnson had virtually no credibility before the outbreak. Now, after this fiasco, who’d listen to a word he utters!!! As for Hancock? There is some bbc footage of this plonker passing on a coffee cup to a colleague and then flicking his eyes with his hand followed by a scratch of his erse!!?
Thank god we have astute statesmanlike individuals in Scotland like Nicola Sturgeon and the Scot CMO, Catherine Calderwood.
It's perfectly obvious that the real reason for failing to supply PPE and Coronavirus Testing Kits to the frontline is nothing to do with scientific modelling or even herd immunity. It is because we never had any of the equipment in the first place.

As for the Scottish Government, they have a modern "state of the art" hospital sitting there unable to be used in this crisis and another with issues over infection control. And they could have made arrangements to buy at least some safety equipmant. Politicians!!!! No bloody idea!!!! Angry
Cabbage is still good for you
Projections: The numbers looking towards 3 million infected of which 60,000 will need ICU support. The NHS can just about cope with that and the tests now being put place will allow frontline staff to be maximised.

The next 2/3 weeks are key - we all have to do our bit and stay inside as much as possible, read books, watch Netflix, use your gardens,go near no one outside your group. Be careful touching surfaces. Scrub hands before going shopping or into any public area. The projected wave is coming and we have to all do our bit to try and help the NHS cope.

IMO Boris and co have fucked this right up, but there is no more they can do and we all just need to take personal responsibility now for our community.

Take care everyone!
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