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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
From what I've seen so far no-one in my area is social distancing. Covid-19 is something that happens to other people, not to them it seems.

Scores of folk queuing up to get into costa this morning - I mean FFS just make a coffee at home. Going for a decent walk once a day is OK in my book as long as you keep away from everyone else, but apart from that I'm staying inside as much as possible.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
(22-03-2020, 23:08)hibeejim21 Wrote: From what I've seen so far no-one in my area is social distancing. Covid-19 is something that happens to other people, not to them it seems.

Unfortunately, when it comes to pandemics, there have been so many false alarms through the years that people have grown blasé about it, and they don't recognise the genuine threat now it's arrived. They're dancing on the deck of the Titanic while the lifeboats are being launched.
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
This is what needs to happen.


More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(23-03-2020, 02:19)spireitematt Wrote: This is what needs to happen.

Laugh Laugh

What a legend tucker was Laugh

(23-03-2020, 01:13)Ska\dForLife-WBA Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 23:08)hibeejim21 Wrote: From what I've seen so far no-one in my area is social distancing. Covid-19 is something that happens to other people, not to them it seems.

Unfortunately, when it comes to pandemics, there have been so many false alarms through the years that people have grown blasé about it, and they don't recognise the genuine threat now it's arrived.  They're dancing on the deck of the Titanic while the lifeboats are being launched.

Boris's slowness to react and wittering on about 'appropriate measures' makes me think the plan is still herd immunity.

Get as many young and healthy people infected as possible, without overwhelming the NHS, try to lock things down just before that happens, then release and repeat.

Very dangerous.
ritchiebaby likes this post
(22-03-2020, 19:28)0762 Wrote: Just visit Portobello beach on a sunny day like today and study how many govt requests/rules have been violated! The same goes for all these mass incursions into rural areas in England and lotsa people trying to identify any "loopholes" in govt advice that they can exploit.

There is a big worry that warmer weather and then Easter will being droves of people down here to Cornwall for a holiday. Pubs, restaurants and hotels have closed but people will always find a way through holiday parks etc..

Cornwall has had 7 deaths so far. If people do come down, the County hasn't got enough facilities to combat a large increase in cases.
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
Similar up here josh, people coming up in camper vans and just dumping themselves in the highlands. Meanwhile taking all the supplies that the locals rely on. And if they get ill up there NHS highland won't be able to cope.

An article in the New Statesman (16 March 2020) explains that the UK Government ran a pandemic flu exercise in 2016, but subsequently failed to act on its findings - one of which was that we would not have enough ventilators to cope with demand.

What was Jeremy Hunt doing?

Leave politics out of it my hole. We are facing probably the largest crisis of our lifetime and we have these assholes in charge. Great,just great.
(24-03-2020, 19:26)hibeejim21 Wrote: Similar up here josh, people coming up in camper vans and just dumping themselves in the highlands. Meanwhile taking all the supplies that the locals rely on. And if they get ill up there NHS highland won't be able to cope.


Although hardly slumming it in a camper van, Prince Charles is now self-isolating in his second home in The Highlands. And used the local NHS to get his test, so one less available for the locals.
Cabbage is still good for you
Pardon my cynicism but he'll have the best of medical attention applied (at a distance) during the monitoring process of him and immediate members of his family plus staff at Balmoral. Remember, "We're all in it together"! Rolleyes
Disagree with the criticism of Prince Charles in those posts. What do we expect him to do?? He is doing what we would expect anyone else to do, he is in the vulnerable age group and as far as I can tell he is asking for nothing over or above anyone else!! As for using the NHS for the test, where else should he go, if he had been given a test by his personal doctor people would have criticized him for that more than using the NHS!! And if we want to be critical of there being "one less test for the locals", then that should be squarely aimed at the NHS/Government etc, not a 70+ year old individual who has this virus!!

As for "we're all in this together", if anything proves that statement is correct, it is him getting it despite the privileged life he leads and the medical attention he gets!! This virus isn't being picky as to who it chooses to infect.
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