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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
(19-02-2020, 14:32)0762 Wrote: Remember that well used bogus threat by these lying bastards - the Turks will eventually be migrating to GB in droves to take British jobs etc etc!!! There must be something about the mere mention of "the Turks" to the Brit/English mindset that tells them that it is a believable "terrible threat" to the UK as a civilised country etc etc etc!! Never happened and just the usual scaremongering of the highest order to glean support for Brexit, a product of extreme English nationalism and that is a fact, pure n simple!

Following on from my comments in thread #54, this article is so fitting and just confirms to me that the bbc are "at it" again. It endorses my "theory" that the bbc are infested with certain politically biased infiltrators, at a senior level, who allow shit like this (uttered by the same, common factor "oldie" nut cases who should know better but don't because they are totally "brainwashed" and have been for years!!) to actually happen and witnessed before on bbc QT broadcast progs from England, Wales and Scotland where these brainwashed loon balls are allowed to "spout off" their poison and hatred towards certain people/nationalities. Up in Scotland we had the same shit that was broadcast from Glasgow and Inverness where a total scumbag of a unionist infiltrator was allowed to "spout off" his SNP BAD poison and was literally unchallenged apart from a few audience members who ridiculed him "out of hand" and rightly so. THESE FASCISTS MUST BE SCRUTINISED AND CHALLENGED AT ALL TIMES!!!!!! Otherwise we allow these morons to "peddle" this shit willy nilly to a targeted audience within our population!! Sadly, a lot of this shit ties in with the extreme antics of this current fascist/English Brexit govt!!! Thumb down And lets not forget that hypocritical fascist bastard Farage, the "daddy" of them all!! Thumb down

Aye! Bring on that wonderful US trade deal Mr Johnson if you dare!!! I'm surprised nobody has yet highlighted the "climate change impact" of such a deal in logistical terms. IMO switching from an EU deal "next door" to the UK and moving towards such a stupid move but lotsa their wealthy backers will be having orgasmic palpitations in anticipation of their conspiracy to make millions n millions of quid actually coming to fruition and also avoiding an EU "tax hit" this year for many of these offshore chancers!! What a country, what a bunch of shit heids from top to bottom!! Thumb down

No recognition of climate change? No proper plan for years to assist regions of England that have been devastated by historical flooding, desperately require assistance, and the Tories can't blame the Labour Party for that "dereliction of duty" and lack of proper funding!! Am I surprised? NOOOOOOO!!! Esp when we are dealing with politicians who "lie through their teeth" and have been engendered within a selfish "me me me" political culture for "donkey's years"!!!
Now this is only my personal opinion, but I think we are far too obsessed with trying to get the better of Nature. A complete waste of time,as nothing will work to any great extent.

Flooding? We are wasting money by spending billions of pounds on flood defences in certain areas. It only moves the flood waters to further downstream and somebody else gets flooded. And we're still planning to build thousands of new houses on flood plains. There's a clue to potential problems in the name. We should be building basic housing away from the danger areas instead and moving people away from the flood plains - a far better use of money..

Climate change? Again we are wasting our efforts in banning the sale of coal and wet wood, as it only affects the ordinary population NOT THE RICH BUSINESSMEN. We are targeting meat eaters and cattle farmers, as it only affects the ordinary population NOT THE RICH BUSINESSMEN. We are going ahead with Heathrow expansion and HS2, not because it benefits the ordinary population BUT THE RICH BUSINESSMEN.

Electric Vehicles? We are far behind in upgrading our National Grid network to cope with future demand. Last year the Grid went down because of an overload in current (sorry) demand, not future increased demand. Surely we must have charging points at every house within the next 20 years. Plus charging points at public parking spaces in every town. It won't happen because it would benefit the ordinary population NOT THE RICH BUSINESSMEN. They will get preferential treatment yet again.

Gas Heating? It's been announced that gas heating will be banned for NEW BUILD houses from 2025. Considering the pathetic, totally inadequate numbers of new houses being built, this is virtually meaningless. What about the millions of existing houses using gas heating/cooking. There's no mention of that of course.

We need action, we need it fast and we can use the bottomless pit of money set aside for vanity projects. Get it done, Boris.
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Cabbage is still good for you
Agree with that Ritchie. I will go one stage further and say that while I think the vast majority agree that we can all do little things to help reverse some of the effects we are having on the planet, the big changes we probably need to do not exist yet!! Electric vehicles are not the future, aside from the challenge on the power grid, the fact that most homes in the world, let alone the UK have nowhere to put a charger to charge it at night. The technology we will need now needs to be invented, and that will fall back onto businesses and entrepreneurs to design and develop products that help. Obama did a good job in pushing sustainable energy grants to businesses who would further develop solar and wind power to make them much more efficient. You can see the results of this where I live as in California we now get 40% of our electricity from renewable resources!!

At least if we encourage private enterprises to develop new technologies we might actually get THE RICH BUSINESSMAN somewhat interested in the revenues this technology will produce!! We cannot wait for governments to do this, they just need to help facilitate it.
The biggest problem with flood defencing is the environment agency basing policy on the value of property. It means up to 60% of the £2.6bn flood defence funding from 2015 to 2021 will be spent around London — Yet the worst of the flooding is in other areas of England.
The farmers have started to turn on Johnson because they want to keep the same food standards like we had inside the EU and the EU have said we need to ban chlorinated chicken to get a trade deal.

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(26-02-2020, 00:40)spireitematt Wrote: The farmers have started to turn on Johnson because they want to keep the same food standards like we had inside the EU and the EU have said we need to ban chlorinated chicken to get a trade deal.

Tough shit.
Yep! Just like all those naïve fishermen/trawlermen, they chose their political backers with all those promises of a new age of opportunity for their fishing communities - absolute fools!!!
Have you noticed when Corbyn or an opposition MP asks Johnson a question he looks down at his tie and fiddles with it like a naughty schoolboy being told off by the headmaster. He should at least have the decency to look at the person when they are talking to him. It just shows he has no respect for anybody or anything and is out for himself.

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