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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
This brexiteer MEP is get it. Thick as pigshit in the neck of a bottle.

June Mummery @ June mummery
Attending the penultimate session of the #EuropeanParliament’s #FisheriesCommittee #PECHcommittee) with #BritishMEPs. The big question now is, who will be here to hold these people to account while they still control Britain’s waters, but the UK has no representation?

Yep! "Thick as two planks" and there are many more like her in the EU Parliament and in the British Parliament. There is a UKIP woman (can't remember her name offhand) who is a pro Brexit campaigner and is occasionally "wheeled out" by the bbc on their Newsnight prog and this woman is a total scumbag and similarly "thick as two planks". She was "banging on" about attending the upcoming Brexit party in Parliament Square while dismissing the fact that some university professor challenged her re her toxic politics and the fact that she was a racist bastard and a hypocrite with her consistent toxic narrative to push on with Brexit!! Her age bracket was the usual mid 50s to mid 60s but her "poisonous narrative" was seriously offensive. It really pisses me off to see these morons triumphantly "flying the flag" over a political situation/crisis that is no "laughing matter" and was never a reason to party now that we know all the facts (and the lies!) re the nightmare that lies ahead for the country. Even more concerning is the fact that parliament and the Brexit govt itself are "riddled" with some real dimwits and that doesn't augur well for taking on one of the biggest political challenges since WWII.
(15-01-2020, 16:50)hibeejim21 Wrote:

And then.....just like magic  Laugh  Laugh


EU confirms there will be border checks on goods inside the UK under new |EU deal.

Its almost like we have a PM who wanders around telling lies to everyone without media challenge.

Have a read of the Political Declaration document which is annexed to the Withdrawal Agreement. It is not worthless. However, it is so vague as to be meaningless in the real world. There are going to be real choices in the real world and the Tories are entirely unprepared for them. I think there will be plenty opps for the political opposition, albeit weak, to bring home to people just what is being lost for nothing!! I'd hope there will be some media challenge on this issue as well!!
By the summer I reckon the farmers and fishermen will realise how much they have been fucked over.

How do you hold a PM like Boris to account though ? He just blatantly lies and spraffs shite, and the media put their hands over their ears.
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The fishermen up here were warned often enough not to trust the Tories on the promises that were being made to them esp after the lessons re shameless lies in referendum year 2014 and also during the Brexit referendum year 2016.
Meanwhile I notice Johnson's plans to impose taxes on the big US tech giants immediately pulling an extreme response from Trump that "the US will be gunning for you" if you do this!! An Orwellian level of response - hitting offenders with a "big stick" on behalf of the 1% but notably wealthy backers of the US govt! And remember this extreme situ precludes any trade deal-making, post Brexit!
Watching that BBC documentary about the Cornish fishermen, I understood their frustration at their communities being changed in front of their eyes and the difficulty of making a good living from the industry but nothing about Brexit is going to make that any better.

Its the usual story, the big companies and fisheries will do ok but the rest are going to get hammered.
It's been announced that the UK won't be implementing Article 13. Which is good news.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY

This is a vg read and to expect that everything now settles down after the "lie" that was Brexit. a product of toxic English nationalism, from the very beginning is naivety in the extreme. Re a fractured UK, I love Lord Salisbury's naïve unionist solution that is called federalism!!? Some Labour Party unionists like the quisling, Gordon Brown, have referred to this "red herring" as well!! From a Scottish indy perspective it is total bullshit and why on earth have a "piece of the pie" when we can take the whole pie, namely full governance of our country esp as opposed to subservience to a bunch of lying, disrespectful Westminster unionists with a clear impudent agenda to stop Scotland's progress in the name of a "precious union" that is fractured and beyond repair. Equal nations within a UK set up? Total bullshit and one can observe and listen to this, first hand, in the televised narrative of the current fascist Brexit govt - as undemocratic and disrespectful as it gets!! Who pulls out the first "political grenade" to lob into Johnson's lap? Ireland or Scotland? Lets wait n see but one will definitely follow the other devolved nation, that's for sure!!
Is there any appetite in England for federalism ?
(29-01-2020, 19:21)hibeejim21 Wrote: Is there any appetite in England for federalism ?

I think if it was done right I think there would be interest in this in some regions, particularly in the north of England.
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