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Labour Leadership Contest
I must admit to not really caring about who becomes Labour Leader, but he/she must have a personality to match Boris and must have a slogan to grip the voter's imagination. Boris is an absolute idiot, but he did have a brilliant slogan-led campaign (with no policies) to defeat Jeremy (all policies, but no cohesive, believable campaign).
Cabbage is still good for you
There are loadsa these jokers spread through Labour and Tory ranks and it is clear they are absolutely obsessed and biased towards unionism, almost bordering on fanaticism FFS!!!! As you say, who gives a f### what these c#### think any more!! They are so out of touch with the whole political mood north of the border!!! I recently listened to the Scot Labour MSP, Monica Lennon, commenting on the woes of her party in Scotland and arguing for an independent Labour Party in Scotland while conceding that a Scot indy referendum is democratically correct to hold. Then she added that, "I am opposed to Scot indy because I believe it will make the poorest Scots poorer"????????????????????? She blew away all her positivity with such an inane comment, a repeat of the "Better Together" meme from 2014!!!!! With an insight as idiotic as that, it is no wonder that Labour up here is in existential turmoil. Lennon is tipped as a future leader , yet she still blethers on the same bullshit!!! For the past ten years or more the Westminster Parliament under the Tories have applied, under an "austerity banner", so called benefit "reform", Universal Credit, and Bedroom Tax and so on - ALREADY MADE POOR SCOTS POORER!!!
As an MSP, she seems to be blindly ignorant of the measures Holyrood has had to take to alleviate from its block grant the scourges of Westminster, aka Union imposed measures. Having no doubt been "fed a diet" of SNP Bad, it is obvious Lennon has been unaware of these mitigating measures by the Scot govt. Indeed all Unionists at Holyrood are in total denial of Scot govt measures to meet Scot needs and wishes - an absolute disgrace!!!! THEY DO NOT STAND UP FOR HOLYROOD AT ALL, AS THEY, DEEP DOWN, DO NOT IDENTIFY WITH IT!! Devolution was for them a panic measure to preserve a Union which has increasingly been the bane of all Scots in recent years. It looks like Labour, in its present state here, is heading for a complete exit and my personal "default" is the unforgiveable alliance of 2014 when Labour "joined Unionist hands" with the Tories (plus the Libdems) against Scot indy. Millions of other decent Scot voters will share similar sentiments to mine. I won't even dwell on that false f####### vow that they desperately dreamt up in the last week of their shameless "Better Together" campaign!!! Thumb down Why so many Scot voters "fell for that con" is still "raw" even to this day!! It was an affront to true democratic values and honour, a f###### lie!!!!
Starmer gets the biggest trade union behind him and the PLP nomination.

He's going to win on corbyns politics just not Corbyn ticket I reckon.....hearing him talk there I wouldn't be surprised if he's the next PM.
No surprise there. I thought KS was one of the standout, articulate Labour speakers during last year's parliamentary debate re Johnson's shit Brexit deal. He covered most of the flaws, item by item, in a document that the opposition had little time to scrutinise properly.
He was getting a tough time from cathy newman on C4 news about being a remainer, but he stayed calm and gentleman like through it all and answered all the questions with good grace.

He's one of the few class acts labour have left. They would be bonkers not to elect him.
Labour has to start fighting back against this consumerist bullshit attitude of the voter always being right...even when they are being thick,moronic or bigoted.

Their values and politics are right, it's just Corbyn didn't have the presence,smarts or guts to fight for them properly.

For the party's self respect at the very least they need to elect as starmer.
ritchiebaby likes this post
Yep! Months ago I said Labour and the opposition, in general, had so much "ammunition" to fire at the whole flawed Tory ideology plus Johnson's frailties and weaknesses when considering him to be anywhere near a PM's position as well as the "lie(s)" that is Brexit and yet the whole political shambles with Labour has been a huge factor in there being not just a Tory/Brexit Party govt in place but a majority one - this outcome is an absolute disgrace and is surreal in many ways but it has actually happened!!! This current British govt should never have got anywhere near its majority status - undeserved, unscrutinised and a shocker that is unforgiveable in the eyes of many millions n millions of people up n down the country!!
This attitude of pandering to the Brexit vote is xxxx nuts, what's right is right and labour should be standing for whats right not the Wetherspoons, thick as xxxx, gammon agenda.

Leaving Erasmus and deserting immigrant children is the net result and that's just scraping the surface.
0762 likes this post
And don't be fooled by this 'lack of investment in our communities' comfort blanket. The brexit vote was driven primarily by immigration, the stats show it and John harris's excellent interviews in brexit voting English towns showed it too. They just don't want to admit it.

As we've seen already most of them haven't a xxxx clue what being in the EU involves, or why they want out. If they thought there would be less foreigners on their high street by staying in the EU they would vote for that too.

As the article in todays guardian points out maybe labour needs to find new heartlands. The older generations do not share their values any more so concentrate on the young and new voters.
0762 likes this post
So Lisa Nandy wants to ban SNP and Scottish leaders from UK wide TV debates because they aren't a UK wide party.

Emily Thornberry wants to take private property off people who aren't using it and take it back into Government hands.

Richard Burgon who is standing to be deputy leader thinks that Labour Party members should vote on military action.

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