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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I never listened to any of it Jim - totally disinterested in what is effectively a Tory election manifesto! I wonder how many millions n millions of people in the UK did likewise esp after the previous misuse of the Queen in that crazy proroguing exercise. I notice the British govt propaganda machine is now trying to "sell" a poss Brexit deal that is no better than May's deal. The shameless way that the "forces of evil" are trying to portray and normalise such a damaging deal is nothing short of ludicrous and unacceptable, even if it does happen by some miracle and remember that parliamentarians must scrutinise and approve it anyway.
Deals there it seems....varadkar and blowjo have compromised but Leo has to deal with Barnier and blowjo has to buy off the dup to get a harder brexit than may proposed.

The latter are a disgusting,regressive bunch who are a front for loyalist paramilitaries and dinosaur denying nutjobs.

As John crace put it " not a government, but a collection of shits and charlatans for whom lies have become 2nd nature"
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Yep! As a Scot, the sooner Scotindy is finally achieved up here, the sooner we can get on with fully running our own affairs independently/progressively and let the English populace decide if they really want a fascist govt full of nutters. I'm very curious to see how many people within the English population will actually "broker" such a crazy political outcome and will it finally prove that this population is significantly riddled with "closet fascists" full of angst - absolutely alarming, a real eyeopener and polarisation to prevail even more if it was proved to be true!!

And a Brexit deal is brokered by the lying BoJo's negotiators and Johnson calling it a "great deal"(???????). The serial liar continues his shit rhetoric as usual and some of the ensuing comments are actually contradictory when one considers that the status quo, i.e. the current UK-EU arrangement, is far superior to this touted deal!! The DUP already not backing the deal and NI is still the "stumbling block"!! And a questionable 3 day turnaround to debate such an extensive doc on Saturday?????? Why a Saturday??? Because we are dealing with RW fascist chancers, pure n simple!! About 90% of May's previous deal retained as one notes the text of this deal comprises 60 pages against 900 pages of the May withdrawal agreement and it transpires this deal is WORSE than May's previous one which would still be paying out the billions (£39B??) of quid for the "divorce bill" huhhhhhh?! Corbyn already endorsing that view and condemning it out of hand. Also it has become apparent that this fascist British govt is trying to negotiate with the EU that they will rule out an extension. IMO this would be unlawful under the judicial terms of the Benn Act if attempted by these fascists!! I'll be very surprised if Tusk, Juncker, Barnier, Merkel would ever broker this cynical (Cummings) move. Lastly, no surprise that Farage also slamming into Johnson and his non-conforming deal and preferring the EU extension huhhhh!!
So, Northern Ireland gets to stay in the EU Single Market, apply EU rules on VAT, harmonise VAT with the RoI and in return, the UK gets to be the EU's tax collector?

I don't think I can cope with all this winning.

BTW, if Northern Ireland can stay in the EU Single Market, apply EU rules and still be part of the UK Customs Union, why can't Scotland?
Exactly and well spotted Jim!!! Don't forget Scotland had a much bigger majority remain vote than NI did but it just enforces the view that this fascist British govt has no regard for a Scottish govt/devolved country that is not affiliated to any unionist paymaster in Westminster (and follows a peaceful negotiation process!) and their bias against Scotland and the Scottish govt has been self-evident for a long time and will not disappear until the Scottish electorate make them go away in a political sense and consequently glean some respect for a country that is so "different" from the destabilising shenanigans that are happening on a weekly basis in England. They are a shower of disrespectful c#### together with their RW media chums who impudently come out with their continual SNP/SCOT INDY BAD state propaganda colonialist shit ad nauseum!!
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Farage complains Juncker overriding Benn Act..... The nerve of this chancer moaning about not getting an extension Laugh

Empire's over matey.

English law doesn't rule the E.U.

The Benn Act compels the P.M to ASK the E.U for an extension. And if he does the E.U are quite within their rights to tell blowjo to GTF.
If this new deal passes a vote in Parliament on Saturday then the Benn act is irrelevant anyway. It only forces the PM to ask for an extension in the event that no deal has been agreed in Westminster prior to Oct 31st. Its definitely going to be close, depends on the 23 rogue conservatives and it will depend on a number of Labour MPs voting with the Tories to pass this, assuming of course the DUP stick to being against it.
My "default" re this line that it will be "close" is the fact that this fascist Tory govt, and their previous antagonistic tactics/antics, is definitely one of the most hated British govts within the "Westminster bubble", never mind throughout big regions of the country. I think that "factor" is hugely significant and the "alarm bells will be ringing" if MPs allow this particular group of Tory extremists to "pull this off", a Brexit deal that favours a deregulated economy, workers' rights eroded etc. The ultimate question is, "Will MPs within the Labour Party deliver such a deal to BoJo's scumbag minority Tory govt"? Curious and will Corbyn and Starmer-Smith corral their MPs to "stand firm" esp against the Tory haters of any Corbyn govt!! Lastly, d'ya remember Johnson's comments to listeners at the DUP Conference - THERE IS NO WAY I'LL ALLOW A BORDER IN THE IRISH SEA!!!!!???? The disreputable JOKER at his best and the recent joker cartoon of Johnson in the Spectator just "says it all" - a vg caricature of this shameless moron and how accurate it actually is!! Also a British PM???????? FFS what is the world coming to and what the f### is going on regularly in England that this shambles moves from one crisis to the next!! Also remember this is still just the first step in UK-EU negotiations!!!! It has taken almost 4 years to reach step 2 in the withdrawal negotiations!!!!!!!!!!
Looking at the text its mostly identical to may's deal, so why the sudden volte face from the brexiteers? And when it isn't identical its actually worse. I long predicted the DUP would get chucked under the bus as it was the only way out for the tories. May couldn't do it because she needed their votes, Boris doesn't because he has basically hit the reset button before a GE in which he will get a majority.

All this does is kicks the can down the road for the non-existent Stormont Assembly to resolve, in the hope that the prevailing hard right winds will pull the plug on any chance of a meaningful deal. It’s the duty of ALL MPs with a modicum of decency of conscience to oppose it.

Sadly I think the anti-corbyn wing of the Labour Party will vote it through, knowing that a GE is coming to save their own skins. And the public are so fatigued with the whole thing now that they just want some kind of resolution - not realising this is a shit one.

The EU and Ireland are happy because its a deal that weakens the UK's hand considerably and frankly they have us over a barrel in the years worth of trade talks that come.....With trumps America first helping themselves first.

Also this deal is extremely bad for Scotland in a business and farming sense, I reckon it makes Irish unification and Scottish independence much more likely going forward.
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