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Gina Miller - I SALUTE YOU!!!

I've added this news piece re Gina Miller's latest role in taking on the British govt and winning again! It is well worth reading and I salute this woman, together with the SNP's Joanna Cherry, for enforcing the fundamental principles of the British constitution against the highly questionable motives of a fascist British govt with no respect for the rule of law. The other part of this story is her huge resolve to withstand the "forces of evil" that have festered so noticeably in England in the years that followed that ill-fated referendum of 2016. The continuous intimidation and threats are an absolute disgrace in any civilised country and it continues unabated until the present day with sadly Jo Cox, a Labour MP becoming an innocent victim of this whole poisonous culture that has infected the Brexit campaign and attracted the lunatics who will do anything to "make it happen" and attach themselves to the "poisonous narrative" that has consistently spilled out of many pro-Brexit MPs and supporters who "didnae get their way" even though it was a dodgy campaign from start to finish!!!!! All I can say is: GINA MILLER, I SALUTE YOU - a campaigner who will be well remembered in British political history for all the right reasons and yet you are not a politician!! BRAVO!!!
Lord Snooty likes this post
The way this is all going though, it won't be long before there's another victim like Jo. The whole country's gone mental. People arguing about things that three years ago they couldn't give a rat's arse about.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
I totally agree with you LS 100%. I fear something "silly" is gonna happen very soon and it is all related to the poisonous narrative from people in responsible positions like Johnson!! Listen to his nauseating narrative that he uttered tonight on his return to parliament - he behaved like a scumbag and his political reference to Jo Cox was unbelievably crass and WOWWWW, did he "cross one big red line". This man is definitely trying to copy a Trump style horrible, antagonistic narrative - a demagogue in full view of his opponents. Watch it and be amazed at the degradation of British politics that will reverberate in certain extreme areas of our society - disgraceful and deserving of a resignation and cursory "boot up the erse" right out of no 10 and into the gutter where this moron belongs!!
Lord Snooty likes this post
Boris is going to turn us into the USA politically. His comments about jo cox were absolutely disgusting. Wanker.

I would imagine privately that blowjo will be very nervous at the moment. It is critical for the cabal of super rich that is backing him that Brexit is not delayed until next year when the new EU tax laws come into force. This was always the plan, they prefer 'no deal' and have been working for it for years with their stooge Davis deliberately xxxx up the negotiations on their behalf.

The opposition are too trusting in parliaments normal conventions, that's out the window now as this guy is going to ride roughshod through them. They need to come together and take the 'gloves off' and start using dirty tactics to defeat this government and form a 'unity' government to see us through this period.
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