22-12-2014, 02:41
Not sure how long he'll be in charge anyway, but McDowall did pretty well as Celtic's reserve coach.
22-12-2014, 02:41
Not sure how long he'll be in charge anyway, but McDowall did pretty well as Celtic's reserve coach.
22-12-2014, 03:13
C'mon El Car, yer clutching at straws a wee bit there. McDowall as a good Celtic Coach? That will go down well with the Bears!. Cost cutting exercise big time. Players budget about to be slashed by 2 million next season- bring on the youths from Murray Park- oops, there ain't any. Losers big style- admit it son, yer team is dead
22-12-2014, 07:02
(This post was last modified: 22-12-2014, 07:04 by supercooper.)
He was there ten years, so Hardly a state secret.
And as for being dead how many years have you been harbouring that hope, only for us still to be here. You must have a strong back carrying that massive chip.
22-12-2014, 11:21
It would be good to strip away some of the deadwood actually. Templeton, Shiels & McCulloch are high earners who could all go without being missed much, although we possibly need McCulloch at the moment purely through lack of options in that area. Then there are those some people have probably forgotten about entirely: Peralta, Zaliukas, Hutton. I think we'd make a fair saving if we could offload that lot. We've got plenty of Murray Park players ready to come in if needed - McKay, Halkett, Stoney, Gallagher, Hardie, McAusland, Gasparotto, Murdoch. And if we could get rid of Ian Black and replace him in the team with a footballer we'd be laughing. So in a footballing and financial sense slashing the budget would be great news.
22-12-2014, 11:32
Interesting that you mention bringing in the youth and offloading some first team players, El Car, it is also covered by David Somers in the statement he will give to the AGM today.
Rangers FC - AGM Statement (RNS Number : 4108A) 22 December 2014 From David Somers' statement to the AGM : "there was a lack of appetite from shareholders to invest significant extra funds just to pay wages and utility bills." Damn right, that is revenue expenditure, which must always be funded from income, not continual investment !!!
22-12-2014, 11:37
(This post was last modified: 22-12-2014, 11:49 by supercooper.)
For any other club to slash costs it's a good thing go figure.
I for one am glad, its a logical step in the right direction. The christmas period should determine the outcome of the league.
AGM over. No great surprises - basically the same shower in the 'requisitioner' mob from last year makes up the bulk of the shareholders in attendance, mainly acting like a bunch of 5 year olds throwing the biggest tantrum of all time and accusing the current board of all the same things they accused the previous board of - namely events that took place before any of them were even on the board. No specific examples of anything done wrong by any of the current board able to be produced by the baying mob. Complaining about people being laid off despite the fact it's really the fault of those shareholders and any other boycotters when you think about it. And John Brown demanding to know if Green, Ahmad, Whyte are still involved, who owns the deeds etc.
22-12-2014, 15:00
Uof are halfwits rather than ask searching questions they go in like a baying mob.
Dont get me wrong Somers didn't exactly cover himself in glory. Constantly trying to antagonise and having a total disdain for the shareholders in general.
22-12-2014, 19:03
Somers made a lot of sensible statements in his speech, but I am sure you guys have heard most of them before!! I do think his closing statement is the important one, as long as its genuine and he follows what he says:
"My personal goals remain what they were 12 months ago. Namely to ensure that the events of Rangers' recent past can never happen again; to cleanse the Club of these events, and also to ensure that Rangers gets back to the top in football." Now I don't know what previous boards have said, particularly the one that Green headed up, but I really hope for your sake the order of these goals is completely deliberate, ensuring the past cannot happen again, is and should always have been paramount for the club ever since your were pushed down the league. While the ultimate goal is to get Rangers back to the top flight and competing for trophies, Europe etc, the other goals have to be achieved first!! I have only taken an interest in your situation over the past year, so excuse any ignorance I show, but the passage back to the top was always likely to be fairly easy the first two seasons, as it proved to be, but had the previous boards done a better job on the finances then you would have been far better prepared and set up for this seasons campaign, one that was always going to be more difficult and was made even harder by Hearts and Hibs deciding to join you this season!! Putting the football goal to the back of this list is still vital, I think while you are struggling at the moment the playoff is still a very realistic goal so this board have to get you into a financial position to be able to achieve that at least and once you get back to the top flight fans will come back and revenues will automatically increase for you to push on from there, but it has to be self sustaining going forward!!
22-12-2014, 20:07
I'd settle for financial stability and a decent product on the park for the fans to unite behind.
And a manager that actually knows how to coach a team would be nice too. |
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