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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
So MPs will vote on "preferred options" or "indicative votes" that would poss break the impasse:-

1. A customs' union
2. Common Market 2.0
3. FTA
4. Another referendum
5. Revoke article 50
6. No deal

Option 5 is definitely my preferred choice and option 4 would be a "fall back" position. The rest of these options do nothing to improve the UK's current status of trade with the EU. Another huge anti Brexit march looms in London on Saturday I do wonder if it has to turn "nasty" for the shameless people in this incompetent and fractured British govt to start listening and as it also becomes apparent that the "will of the people shit/pitiful argument" has been blown away by the news that the "remain" opinion over "leave" has increased by 10 pts! I actually believe that it is much more than 10 pts and it is certainly massive in Scotland, a country whose population rejected this shit from day 1 and IMO let the English voting population come to terms with it eventually and common sense finally prevail.
Like most of the referendum debate No Deal is a total misnomer. No Deal would involve loads of deals and lots of arrangements. It isn't simply an absence of organisation in which everything miraculously functions. As a leaver I would have been happy with No Deal but I don't trust that this government has done everything necessary to ensure that such a change would cause no more than temporary disruption. If you don't get that giving a contract to a ferry company without ferries in a port in need of serious dredging to accommodate a ferry is a bad idea, how can anyone trust anything else you should or should not be doing? So that's how come I think REVOKE is viable option. We lost the negotiation. What the hell we would do with the next part is beyond me.

The will of the people is irrelevant. We were told in the referendum that our say was final, but Parliament already denied our will once it set itself as the ultimate approver of any deal. But in truth we voted leave under the expectation that it would happen under a stable-ish majority Tory government under Cameron. He resigned, we unexpectedly got May, she was prompted into an election by Tory opportunists who then discovered she was going to say exactly the same thing for six weeks and turn everyone against her and create a minority government in thrall to a fairly wayward party in Northern Ireland. The will of the people was denied once the fixed-term government we thought we had was turned into that new weak minority unable to govern. For all the lies that were told during the referendum, the biggest lie turned out to be that the people's decision mattered.

My solution would be to put May's Deal to a referendum asking whether it would be better or worse than our current position in the EU. If we thought WORSE than having spent nearly three years doing it the Government should be forced to call a general election having revoked Article 50 due to its own incompetence. My hope would be that in the election both major parties would largely be wiped out.
The end para suggestion would be fine as long as Brexit , and any catastrophic "no deal" btw (none of this shameful positive stance on this shit"!), is "kicked into the long grass" for eternity!!
Meanwhile this shameless PM May promises to end her tenure as PM if her Tory detractors back her deal!!!!??? So imagine it - she f#### off just like her predecessor, David Cameron, and leaves an utter political mess behind her for some other ersehole Tory leader (there is nobody in their party to currently do it anyway!!!) to deal with it - f###### ridiculous in a situation where the Speaker of the house already warned her that her deal will not be considered on a 3rd occasion unless significantly altered and indeed he has put out a verbal warning this afternoon that there is no guarantee that this "desperate move/motion" will be given any consideration. No guarantee!!!??? HE MUST BLOCK IT AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE AND TO BACK UP HIS AUTHORITY ON THIS ISSUE!!!!!!! This woman is a "fruit cake" and her impudent, obsessive behaviour re trying to push a deal that has been firmly rejected by the House is absolutely unacceptable. IMO if by some miracle it was passed, this would cause a f###### political storm and I'd certainly be demanding that the SNP immediately pulls out of Westminster, stuff any Scottish representation, request retention of our EU membership as per our Scot population vote and get the independence bandwagon seriously rolling!! There is a huge list of occasions that the Scottish Parliament has been ignored in the Brexit process - it is time to play hard ball and stop being dictated to by a bunch of contemptuous English toffs!!!
I think some things are obvious from last night’s voting.
We are leaving the EU. Too many MPS are worried by repercussions from their constituency voters to do anything else. It is a well paid job after all.
They are trying to find a balance between that and leaving with something, which is well nigh impossible.
Unable to offer a referendum because it would mean Scotland could rightfully do the same for independence and they need our resources, and fearing to hold an election where there would be no guaranteed majority due to the Brexit division in the population.
They are mice on a hamster wheel, peddling furiously but getting nowhere. A no deal scenario is now the most likely outcome but they will likely try to get an EU extension.
The only chance is Berrow allowing Mrs May’s deal to be presented again, which at the Nth hour may gain a majority but still highly doubtful. Now it transpires that half her withdrawal deal will be proposed tomorrow dohhh!!
Interesting times.
hibeejim21 likes this post
Tommy Robinson, the Livingston loyalist flute band, Nigel farage, 'dim' Tim Martin, UKIP and the archetypical little englander bigot mark xxxx Francois.

This is who is lining up behind the leave voters. You know things are bad when even the DUP are having second thoughts, the penny has dropped and they know they stand more chance of staying in the UK by not leaving.

Yesterdays antics outside the house of commons were nothing short of disgusting. Brexiteers have been conned into rebelling against the wrong system. Without free access to the European market and without EU protections on employment conditions and a good deal more, the people who voted for Brexit will find they are a good deal worse off than they are today. And who is going to fill that political gap when they realise this ? The kind of people I mentioned at the top.

Happy days.
0762 likes this post
Hear hear Jim! Yesterday lotsa folk against Brexit told they were traitors or "go home" etc outside Westminster!! These people are RW scumbags and Robinson is nothing more than a shameless opportunist who had no interest in the referendum events of 2016. We need an absolutely huge anti Brexit march in London by the real people of this country as I'm sure many other British people are starting to "smell the coffee" and not being heeded by these shameless MPs with their own undemocratic agenda!! The last march and that huge petition (still rising in numbers!!) recognised by senior EU officials and yet our own govt and other politicians trying to "sweep it under the carpet" with impunity - shameless bastards as usual!!
(30-03-2019, 11:51)hibeejim21 Wrote: Tommy Robinson, the Livingston loyalist flute band, Nigel farage, 'dim' Tim Martin, UKIP and the archetypical little englander bigot mark xxxx Francois.

This is who is lining up behind the leave voters.  You know things are bad when even the DUP are having second thoughts, the penny has dropped and  they know they stand more chance of staying in the UK by not leaving.

Yesterdays antics outside the house of commons were nothing short of disgusting. Brexiteers have been conned into rebelling against the wrong system. Without free access to the European market and without EU protections on employment conditions and a good deal more, the people who voted for Brexit will find they are a good deal worse off than they are today. And who is going to fill that political gap when they realise this ? The kind of people I mentioned at the top.

Happy days.

A nice little roll call of essentially white supremacists in all but name, and in Robinson’s case just an outright shameless racist!!!! I do not think these bunch of twats represent the bulk of the leave voters but it must be an embarrassment to a lot of them that this is the face of the fake campaign they in many cases genuinely backed!!!!

Read this story and add to the list another RW rich scumbag named Aaron Banks "peddling his shit" again and one of the main money contributors to making that fake Brexit campaign happen - a despicable little man with no moral fabric attached to him whatsoever, much like the others on that black list of shameless c#### who have duped many unsuspecting voters within the UK populace. Also IMO Dominic Grieve is a "good guy" even though he is a member of the C&U party and this country is definitely "going down the tubes" unless someone of real substance challenges and finally defeats these scumbags who have haunted this country in what appears to be an eternity - absolutely horrible, contemptuous and despicable people who still seem to captivate many "weak" folk in our society with their rhetorical shit and innuendo and flagrantly at the forefront of electoral fraud!! I honestly would love to see all these cretons "blown away" and removed from our society forever - what an improvement that would be!!!
So May trying to "reach out" to Jeremy Corbyn after a 7 hour meeting with her Cabinet, one of the worst Cabinets in political history. What I'm hoping is not gonna happen is the Tories and Labour (a Labour Party/opposition that is again one of the worst in political history!!!) are not gonna "carve up" a Brexit deal to deliver to the people on a 52% vote that has now changed beyond all doubt and when this whole process should definitely be going back to the people!! Is this gonna be "ground hog day"? I hope not!!
I don't see how being in a Customs Union as Labour proposes approximates to what 52% of the people voted for. I'm pretty sure less than 2% of them were thinking, "oh we'll still be in a customs union anyway."

How anyone can listen to Yvette Cooper knowing she willingly married Ed Balls is beyond me. How she can imagine she is representing her constituency when it voted leave and she has done everything she can to frustrate that is another parliamentary conundrum.

By sheer genius we have now reached a point at which a PM who was fairly dubious about the EU from the start is calling for help from Mr Corbyn whose party gives him no option but to be a remainer although he has spent his career opposing our EU membership. If they were racehorses and the country were a stud farm you'd do everything you could to keep them apart. To what they will give birth so defies imagination one can only hope it is still-born.

Whilst I can see the attraction of listing the names of prominent right-wingers few people could ever like in-lieu of argument why not look at Europe too - Juncker, even little Luxembourg sickened of his leadership and he remains under investigation there ..... Poland could hardly wait to hand over the mental and physical midgetry of Tusk ........ Belgium loaned in van Rumpoye whose name I can't be bothered to spell right because mis-spelling neatly illustrates his confused thought processes. There is more than one ship of fools sailing these waters, and many houses more than deserving of the plague.

We'd be better off IN than leaving under May's half-baked terms or marooned in Labour's customs union unable to act in our own best interests. How can you spend almost three years reaching this point? We're at least 4-0 down to Bayern Munich and the first leg isn't quite over. I'm not feeling positive about the return leg ......
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