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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Well funnily enough re the subject of the rotten press in this country, just read all this shit from the Daily Express!!
Note that Gibraltar, like Scotland, voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU anyway. Does that definition confirm that Scotland is similarly a "colony" of England lol (forget the UK term in this context!!)?
And the latest revelation to come out of WM is that Mrs Windrush has attempted to bribe 14 Labour MPs from brexit supporting mining communities! In other words, support my deal and here's money made available to assist your local region - lotsa "bungs"!!!! This is British democracy (?????) "at work"!!! As dirty as it gets and the word "desperation" immediately comes to mind!! Absolutely disgraceful and it kinda sums up certain shameless people who represent this govt and the shit image that they present to us and the outside world!!
So Nissan "pulling the plug" on their Sunderland investments!!! Isn't this city the same Sunderland that witnessed that symbolic event of that stupid woman celebrating their successful Brexit vote in June 2016 on the shoulders of some other stupid Brexit voter in the official polling station!! As the saying goes, "You reap what you sow"!!!! Stupid ####s!!! And that is just the beginning of the real shit if this nonsense prevails!!
(03-02-2019, 02:11)0762 Wrote:
So Nissan "pulling the plug" on their Sunderland investments!!! Isn't this city the same Sunderland that witnessed that symbolic event of that stupid woman celebrating their successful Brexit vote in June 2016 on the shoulders of some other stupid Brexit voter in the official polling station!! As the saying goes, "You reap what you sow"!!!! Stupid ####s!!! And that is just the beginning of the real shit if this nonsense prevails!!

The Nissan super cars are built in Italy. The GT-R50 is designed in Italy and going to be built there too, only going to build 50 of them as they are a special edition. Lovely car but the price for one is $1.1 million.

I think this is one of the problems with not having any British manufacturing in this country anymore, as it's all owned or been bought out by foreign investment and this is one person and a certain party to blame for this Whistle They sold off everything 30 years ago for the ££££££££££, these people would probably sell a family member for money if they could.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
British car manufacturing had actually been doing very well over the last 20 years, entirely down to foreign investment and easy access to the EU marketplace. Certainly nothing to do with the tories policies!

Nissan will quietly shut Sunderland now by simply refusing to retool as models come to the end of manufacture. Same applies to Toyota at Derby.

But I guess these communities voted for this so they can't complain too much when their jobs xxxx off to Slovakia.
0762 likes this post
(03-02-2019, 20:46)hibeejim21 Wrote: British car manufacturing had actually been doing very well over the last 20 years, entirely down to foreign investment and easy access to the EU marketplace. Certainly nothing to do with the tories policies!

Nissan will quietly shut Sunderland now by simply refusing to retool as models come to the end of manufacture. Same applies to Toyota at Derby.

But I guess these communities voted for this so they can't complain too much when their jobs xxxx off to Slovakia.

Yeah but these are foreign brands. When was the last time we had a proper British make actually built in Britain? Rover/MG? Land Rover/Jaguar are owned by the Indians after they bought them out in 2008. One thing which annoyed me was when BMW Williams bought the Mini brand off Rover because I thought they would build the originally design of the mini, instead they built the Mini on steroids.

What I mean Hibeejim is this country was built on industry when you look at the past. We built cars, famous for steel, the Clyde built ships, we had coal mines, textile mills as well and all that's gone. We've lost a lot of factories while being in the EU where they have relocated to Slovakia and Poland because it's cheaper.

What have we got now? We've got nothing, it doesn't matter if we stay in the EU or leave the EU because we will have nothing then either.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I'm afraid you are wrong there. The better option by a "country mile" is remaining with the EU and following progressive political policies to improve our lot (instead of moaning about all the bad things re the "bad old EU and preaching isolationism!) within the biggest global market in the world and one can access other global markets through the EU anyway. Re this Nissan withdrawal, as said previously in another thread: "You reap what you sow"! The nostalgic past is gone! Great days for many people of a certain age but these days are over!
(03-02-2019, 22:21)0762 Wrote: I'm afraid you are wrong there. The better option by a "country mile" is remaining with the EU and following progressive political policies to improve our lot (instead of moaning about all the bad things re the "bad old EU and preaching isolationism!) within the biggest global market in the world and one can access other global markets through the EU anyway. Re this Nissan withdrawal, as said previously in another thread: "You reap what you sow"! The nostalgic past is gone! Great days for many people of a certain age but these days are over!

So your happy with the country being asset stripped because it sounds like you are. Also sounds like you are voting for the wrong party, should be voting Tory instead if you are happy with asset stripping.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I hate the Tories with a passion as you well know! I think there is a harsh lesson to be learned by many brexit "preachers"!  Also progressive political policies as suggested in my thread #1278 do not go anywhere near a position of asset stripping. So don't even bother insinuating something which wasn't explicitly suggested anyway and, in many cases, becomes "out of control"! Lastly, one important item I never mentioned was the EU's recently negotiated deal with guess who? Japan!!! And Nissan concentrating ops in Japan!!! Mere coincidence esp after last week's EU-Japan trade agreement!!? "Smell the coffee" eh!!
I work for a Sheffield manufacturing company who’s philosophy is to produce products in the market it sells in. As a company we are against Brexit but we also expect there to be little change to our operations if the UK leaves or not. We will adjust to whatever the outcome is, not because we want to but because we will have to as we are 85% export. We now have manufacturing in Sheffield (4 factories), India, Poland, France and Chicago (with West Coast in CA coming later this year), companies will have to adapt to survive and prosper.

As regards the car industry, that wasn’t killed by one entity, the Unions in the 60s and 70s have a lot to answer for with their stupid antics of constant walkouts and strikes., Red Robbo and all that entailed played a major part in killing the industry. Steel manufacturing in Sheffield collapsed in the early 80s, not sure that had anything to do with the EU, that was a global problem with cheap imports from the Far East. But Sheffield adapted over the next 20 years and now produces more tonnage of steel than it ever has and is a world leader is speciality steels and forgings. The difference is the industry used to employ more workers than it does now but it is still the backbone of Sheffield industry.

I agree with Matt that staying in the EU will not guarantee manufacturing companies will stay in more expensive member states such as the UK, while trade and movement of people is essentially free a lot of companies will move to these member states that have far cheaper labour rates and offer massive incentives for factories to be built. This obviously isn’t the be all and end all of the EU but it is one aspect of it, especially since the membership has been expanded to include a lot of countries who are distinctly an economic class below the major Western European countries.
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