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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I watched and listened to Labour's Tom Watson totally dismantle Mrs May's character, leadership and negotiating skills in a very good speech in parliament yesterday that exposed her frailties in these areas. No empathy and not geared to forge alliances were paramount in exposing her weaknesses and failure as the leader of the current UK govt. Her lack of any great response to Watson "said it all" for me! Very accurate indeed!!
The problem for Jeremy is it doesn't sound too logical to complain about May's red lines and then impose one of his own.

No Deal is on the table, because at the moment it is law. Parliament voted for it. Unless May proposes a new law to go before Parliament she has no way way to take No Deal off the table (and it'll be there laughing at them whether they refer to it or not).

Isn't the crux of the matter that Parliament and representative democracy are outdated concepts with rules and structures totally unsuited to the twenty first century?
ritchiebaby likes this post
Westminster voting intention:

LAB: 39% (-)
CON: 37% (-)
LDEM: 8% (-1)
UKIP: 7% (+1)
GRN: 3% (-)

If repeated in a GE we would be looking at another hung parliament. So what's the point ?
What still amazes me is that there is still loadsa folk in England who back the toerags and their divisive political ideology. As Devongone previously iterated, I can't figure how these outdated political parties have not been overtaken by a different political party with a 21st century progressive outlook on the positive way forward. Traditionalism still prevails and I'd love to see the age split on this issue. I won't be surprised!
No offence to the boys on here but English exceptionalism has a lot to answer for.
(17-01-2019, 19:21)hibeejim21 Wrote: Westminster voting intention:

LAB: 39% (-)
CON: 37% (-)
LDEM: 8% (-1)
UKIP: 7% (+1)
GRN: 3% (-)

If repeated in a GE we would be looking at another hung parliament. So what's the point ?

That's a poll. Poll's don't mean anything. 1,000 people's opinion or viewpoint isn't the opinion or viewpoint of the whole country, also I think people lie in polls.

(17-01-2019, 21:44)0762 Wrote: What still amazes me is that there is still loadsa folk in England who back the toerags and their divisive political ideology. As Devongone previously iterated, I can't figure how these outdated political parties have not been overtaken by a different political party with a 21st century progressive outlook on the positive way forward. Traditionalism still prevails and I'd love to see the age split on this issue. I won't be surprised!

It's due to the media. The right wing media tell people how to vote by smearing the opposition and when the media can't smear party policies or plans in manifesto's then they attack the leader personally as a last resort. Look what the media did to Ed Miliband and Corbyn.

Margaret Thatcher had it right when she said: "When they attack you personally, it means they have not a single political argument left". Like her or loathe her it's true.

Also from 1979 onwards every leader that a certain media mogul has backed has got into power.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(17-01-2019, 21:44)0762 Wrote: What still amazes me is that there is still loadsa folk in England who back the toerags and their divisive political ideology. As Devongone previously iterated, I can't figure how these outdated political parties have not been overtaken by a different political party with a 21st century progressive outlook on the positive way forward. Traditionalism still prevails and I'd love to see the age split on this issue. I won't be surprised!

What’s missing in the UK, and particularly England, is an effective opposition. Thatcher consistently beat Labour because they were a crap opposition and made themselves unelectable. The Tories were hated when she was PM yet she won 4 GEs, today’s Labour Party feel no different to Kinnocks!! Look at Scotland, it took years for the SNP to gain traction before they became a force in elections as we see now, Labour has to change if they want to win a GE.
Going by question time in derby last night, there are a lot of very, very thick and ignorant people living there.

(17-01-2019, 23:59)St Charles Owl Wrote:
(17-01-2019, 21:44)0762 Wrote: What still amazes me is that there is still loadsa folk in England who back the toerags and their divisive political ideology. As Devongone previously iterated, I can't figure how these outdated political parties have not been overtaken by a different political party with a 21st century progressive outlook on the positive way forward. Traditionalism still prevails and I'd love to see the age split on this issue. I won't be surprised!

What’s missing in the UK, and particularly England, is an effective opposition. Thatcher consistently beat Labour because they were a crap opposition and made themselves unelectable. The Tories were hated when she was PM yet she won 4 GEs, today’s Labour Party feel no different to Kinnocks!!  Look at Scotland, it took years for the SNP to gain traction before they became a force in elections as we see now, Labour has to change if they want to win a GE.

The past is the past.

Whats missing now, is a halfway balanced press and non-trump like politics.
Yep! I agree re the unbalanced press coverage in this country and the definite infiltration of the bbc which is no longer the impartial broadcasting company that it used to be in decades gone by. As I've commented previously, it reminds me of 1930s Germany with this continuous "spoonfeeding" of RW propaganda and lies/fake news to try and bring down their political opponents and demonise others who don't share their flawed political views.
The beeb is firmly on message with the Tory scum....they know if they don't tow the line they will be broken up and sold to Murdoch.
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