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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I assume the 100+ Tories who voted against this will now switch to vote for her in the no confidence vote, and I see the DUP have already said they will, so I assume she is likely to win this vote. Then what happens??? Is the only way to end up at no Brexit and a retraction of Article 50 another referendum??
(16-01-2019, 02:59)St Charles Owl Wrote: I assume the 100+ Tories who voted against this will now switch to vote for her in the no confidence vote, and I see the DUP have already said they will, so I assume she is likely to win this vote.  Then what happens???  Is the only way to end up at no Brexit and a retraction of Article 50 another referendum??

Yup, Robert Mugabe would be proud of these hypocritical arseholes in the DUP.

Parliament has to get something together fast that can be voted through and sideline the flat earthers from ulster and Rees moggs crew. But may should have done that a long time ago.

If they can't 'no deal' is what happens after Mar31.
The quote of this week was actually made by Corbyn today: "This is a zombie govt"!! Lol!! Yep! A majority govt that is propped up by a bunch of hypocritical devils called the DUP who are out of touch  with their own population in NI re Brexit! Disgraceful and yet it looks like their own political self-preservation mentality will prevail in this no confidence vote. No honour and full of Tory shit and guffaws in the debating chamber as usual! I'm convinced that an emergency national govt (Labour et al) should be put in place and #### Mrs Windrush and her cronies and her rejected flagship policy on Brexit! F### them! She/they had well over two years to do this and didnae consider a cross-party drive to give it their best shot!! F### them!!
A Tory woman MP stood up and said in Parliament that this is Labour's fault because if Labour and Corbyn had campaigned hard enough for Remain then we would be remaining in the EU and we wouldn't be where we are now. It was a free vote. Who gave the referendum in the first place? It wasn't Jeremy Corbyn it was David Cameron. The Tories have messed this up and they have the audacity to blame Labour and other people.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
It is slightly bizarre to vote massively against everything a government has done for over two years and then to decide you have full confidence in them. How badly would a government have to do for these people to have no confidence in them.

Government in America is shut down, here it is unable to pass a stool. You can see why the rest of the world blanches when we tell them to copy western democracy.

I said all along it was No Deal or No Brexit. I can see how out of apparent sheer stupidity we accidentally fall into No Deal, but I can't outguess the process or rebellion that would be required to reach No Brexit (but I still think it's the big favourite, because I don't believe the people or Parliament really matter). Concepts like "the will" and "sovereignty" are only the wallpaper to be stripped once the shit has actually hit the fan.

All this for a referendum called to keep the Tory Party together ......... and now they are worried the unexpected result is going to destroy them. Hey ho!
(16-01-2019, 19:39)spireitematt Wrote: A Tory woman MP stood up and said in Parliament that this is Labour's fault because if Labour and Corbyn had campaigned hard enough for Remain then we would be remaining in the EU and we wouldn't be where we are now. It was a free vote. Who gave the referendum in the first place? It wasn't Jeremy Corbyn it was David Cameron. The Tories have messed this up and they have the audacity to blame Labour and other people.

The press will help them reinforce that impression matt. Whilst his stance has disappointed me I don't blame him particularly for what happened. This is a tory made disaster.

(16-01-2019, 19:45)Devongone Wrote: It is slightly bizarre to vote massively against everything a government has done for over two years and then to decide you have full confidence in them. How badly would a government have to do for these people to have no confidence in them.

Government in America is shut down, here it is unable to pass a stool. You can see why the rest of the world blanches when we tell them to copy western democracy.

I said all along it was No Deal or No Brexit. I can see how out of apparent sheer stupidity we accidentally fall into No Deal, but I can't outguess the process or rebellion that would be required to reach No Brexit (but I still think it's the big favourite, because I don't believe the people or Parliament really matter). Concepts like "the will" and "sovereignty" are only the wallpaper to be stripped once the shit has actually hit the fan.

All this for a referendum called to keep the Tory Party together ......... and now they are worried the unexpected result is going to destroy them. Hey ho!

All we can say with certainty right now is that legislation shows we drop out with no deal on Mar 31st.
That must be why many leading brexiteers were having champagne parties last night!!?? Agreed it was a Tory creation and I still hope it rips their party to shreds and they disappear off the political map for decades as I personally hate them and their divisive political ideologies "with a passion"!!!
The Tories playing the game of pass the blame must have been taking notes from President Trump. Create a problem and then blame the other side is his method of keeping his supporters on side.

They’ll get the tabloids involved and blame big, bad nasty Corbyn for everything and hope enough people forget the actual culprits who caused all of this. If that doesn’t work then cause a BIG distraction.
Corbyn "not playing ball" tonight and not meeting a manic PM who slagged him off venomously this afternoon - some of her criticisms could easily have been reversed against her TBF!!! Setting a pre-requisite on her and demanding she removes a "no deal" from the Tory agenda!! I'm listening to another Tory slimeball called Dr Liam Fox again talking drivel re the "way forward". This is a man with a history of many stupid, ill-conceived remarks re charting out a brexit solution and he is embarrassingly Scottish!!
I think those opposition talks may is on about will be a handy distraction and help with expectation management if the lack of a plan b appears.

May slating Corbyn for wanting 'no deal' off the table before talks, but the telegraph has audio of hammond telling the business community that 'no deal' won't be happening. So looks like it already is.
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