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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
To be fair, you only have to listen to Ian Blackford's contributions to the Brexit debate, to see where matt gets his opinion from. To be equally fair, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn et al are doing exactly the same. They're going over the same ground again and again and getting precisely nowhere. It's little wonder we despair of our politicans.
Cabbage is still good for you
(21-12-2018, 02:14)ritchiebaby Wrote: To be fair, you only have to listen to Ian Blackford's contributions to the Brexit debate, to see where matt gets his opinion from. To be equally fair, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn et al are doing exactly the same. They're going over the same ground again and again and getting precisely nowhere. It's little wonder we despair of our politicans.

Westminster is an absolute circus Ritchie. I actually thought for once corbyn was making some serious well thought out points yesterday and then the whole thing got derailed into childish rubbish by the tory benches. It really is incredible, at a time of national crisis.

Brexit should have been a cross party issue, but the tories have opted for a power grab. Democracy has been completely subverted and now sidelined.
0762 likes this post
Good comments and I totally agree. I reckon Mrs Windrush is on "something" (snorting cocaine?), such is some of the irrational and stupid stuff that she has uttered and the repetition is jaw dropping!

So Corbyn slammed, brexit it is and like millions of other people/voters in this country, I despair re this destructive stance!!! Thumb down Now I'm gagging for a Scot Indy move to push on asap but "holding steady" on the rudder for the appropriate moment to tell these complicit unionists to GTF!!
Corbyn is throwing away the small chance he had of winning power for labour with his idealogical claptrap. Lots of EU countries have state owned industries and different tax and spend policies.

His democratic socialist manifesto has a lot of merits - no doubt about it. But he wouldn't be able to enact with Brexit.Nor would he be able to negotiate the kind of deal he is talking about there with the EU. Its a terrible shame he is facilitating this right wing power grab - the younger generation and labours huge remain support won't forget it.
Aye! The remain support within the LP membership is about 85%. Also remember his pitiful representation of the remain cause/campaign before that fateful referendum vote in 2016. It was disgraceful and disingenuous! That poor representation , together with the overall shit representation of remain voters like myself really pissed me off - that whole campaign was poor and lacking all the proper info and conviction required of an effective operation to back the status quo while the lies,  deceptions and scaremongering were peddled by a bunch of shameless brexit "chancers"!!! Also add in the financial irregularities and the shit Cambridge Analytica stuff!!! It should be seriously challenged but Corbyn is doing the same thing again and I wonder if there is an element of collusion in this whole shameless episode!!?? Do we need a "yellow vest people's movement" to focus the politicians who are clearly not listening!!?? I do wonder!!
May is implementing the will of the majority of Conservative members in Brexit. But they hate her and will remove her when they are ready.

Corbyn is betraying the majority of Labour members in his aiding of Brexit. When the Labour membership wakes up and realises that the Labour Leadership and the PLP by supporting him has betrayed them the shit is really going to hit the fan.

Because of that the snap election corbyn keeps waiting for would not necessarily provide him with any kind of victory. A labour majority is fantasy stuff in my opinion.

Which is going to leave us with a tory gov with a de-regulated,low tax economy. Austerity+++ , food and environmental standards to be junked and the NHS carve up to continue with American firms. Don't believe me ? Check out the lobbyists that have been meeting with davies,rees mogg,boris,raab and the rest of the 'Britannia unchained'..... Friends of trump and putin. They have been drooling for a 'no deal' brexit for years now and they aren't going to give up easily.

God help us all.
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Yep! You are absolutely right Jim! My daughter is an NHS nurse currently active in the surgical wards and op rooms and well up on the huge threat of Brexit and its incursions on NHS funding, NHS jobs, issuing of contracts and the huge "vested interest" in "making it happen"! Note that Mrs Windrush's husband has been "raking in" millions of quid off the back of NHS contracts - not illegal but very unhealthy in terms of more vested interest. After all the disgraceful, obnoxious childish events I've observed in Parliament in the past few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that Scots deserve to live in a country run by grown-ups and that means independence for Scotland. I believe that the path Scotland takes should be decided by the people and Scotland's resources should be harnessed to improve the lot of said people of Scotland by people who are bothered enough about it to live in our sovereign country. One of the most important lessons of Brexit is that the UK is governed by intellectual pygmies, people who appear psychologically and emotionally ill-equipped to deal with the realities of the UK as a medium-sized European state and who have temper tantrums because they can't have their Brexit "cake" and eat it! The lesson is clear - if Scotland wants a govt of grown ups, of a political class who have a realistic view of Scotland's place in the world, we're only gonna get it with independence. Indeed, Nicola Sturgeon is one "shining political beacon" who has stuck steadfastly to the proper way forward since that awful vote in 2016 while other Brit political so called leaders should actually be "falling on their swords"! Their failure demands it!!!!!
It looks like Mrs Windrush is now handing out new year "royal gongs" to various brexit Tories, and others, who can be "bribed". It makes this whole Royal Honours System of awarding so called "top people", even more grubby than it has been for such a long time. This is all part n parcel of the grubby "political" Tory govt that is playing a major role in ruining this country!!

We have bought some new refrigeration units and a shipping company without any boats.

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