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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Contempt of parliament ?? A new low,even for these horrible bastards.

You can see why may didn't want that advice out there, in fact they didn't even ask for it until parliament forced the issue. It basically confirms northern Ireland will remain in the EU and may has thrown the DUP under a bus. As long discussed on here it was the only way out for may, erecting a 400 mile hard border in Ireland breaks the good Friday agreement and would be hugely expensive not to mention chaotic.

This is the first instance I've heard of a country negotiating to get an actual worse deal than the one it already had.

What a laughing stock the UK is.
I don't think No Deal can be dead, because despite Grieve the peeve, Leaving at the end of March passed into Law. And Law trumps everything - even the Duke of Edinburgh and Sooty and Sweep.

So, as I can't see Parliament agreeing anything in the way of a deal, even though it now thinks it is assuming control, all I can see big enough to justify a change to the law is NOT LEAVING at all.

So we either leave with no deal, basically by complete default, whilst we are all arguing in a heap. Or we revoke our Article 50 having changed our own law (if we happen to be well-enough organised to do it).

If we were ever serious about Leaving shouldn't we have started by planning what to do in the event of a No-Deal scenario to give the EU an incentive to negotiate? As it is they just ran down the clock to put pressure on us to agree any old thing and May has been running down the clock to get her party to agree the any old thing she's happily allowed them to cobble together to throw us. And the clock, as clocks do, it just carries on oblivious.

Now by sheer inaction we've turned No Deal into the cliff edge that was originally fake news, Brexit has been successfully blindfolded, formerly unacceptable options like Norway, Switzerland and Canada are kind of on the table again and Not-Leaving-at-all, which was impossible after the referendum, is coming up fast, although no one can quite work out how get to the position of achieving the Revocation of Article 50 now being dangled in front of us (like rancid Danish bacon?).

The French set fire to the Champs Elysee over fuel prices FFS, so I'm just wondering what colour vests we should wear when we take to the streets to stop the clocks? Being out-manoeuvred by Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk is hardly what you'd want on your CV now is it?
Just as predicted, the politicians have made a right cock-up of the negotiations, aided and abetted by the civil servants. The hard Irish land border is not the biggest problem for me, it's the invisible maritime border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. The only logical possibility is to extend the Article 50 period and have another referendum in the interim - the negotiated deal v remaining in the EU. And even then we'll have to ask permission from the EU. Like it or not, they've got us by the short and curlies.

On March 29th I'll be in Vienna, so I may be gone some time. Just as Midge Ure also predicted the Brexit outcome, this means nothing to me. Oh, Vienna.
hibeejim21 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
We are a passive population compared with the French, a controlled one, and that's a fact. There were just under a million people marching in London against Brexit and remaining in the EU and they were effectively ignored by this crappy govt and it's associated RW press! That wouldn't happen in France! The people here don't realise how collectively strong we actually are and the power that we have if wielded properly! The Police and security servs would "back off big time" when faced with huge numbers of "people with a massive grievance"! Remember the Poll Tax demos and eventual London riots in the 80s! The Tory govt "caved in" on the issue as has Macron re his fuel tax moratorium which will eventually be made permanent prob discreetly in order for him to "save face".
This will go one of three way's (possibly two)

1. Another Referendum
2. General Election
3. No Brexit

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Its time to have another vote, we know much more about what leaving the EU actually involves now. What are the brexiters so afraid of ?

Now that the lies and delusions at the heart of brexit have been properly exposed it is the ideal time for another vote and if we can extend article 50 to get it done then we should.
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
Watching and listening to the PM responding in Parliament to the accusation by Ian Blackford that she has been deliberately lying to the house re the Irish "backstop" after full printed details released of the legal agreement and I despise these people - no honour whatsoever, denying the deception although it is absolutely she is another shameless "decepticon" playing political games. She is a disgrace and I wonder if she is sniffing cocaine!!!??? She is living in another world and it is another "first in my lifetime" watching this shameless shit being practised in such a cheap manner!
Remember that deal would have been on the table fairly early on in proceedings after may's ludicrous red lines ruled out an "off the shelf" option.

The Withdrawal agreement states that the UK will remain in a CU for as long as NI stays in a backstop, if we don't use the backstop we could be paying lorry loads of cash (in euros) ad infinitum due to the extension of the transition period which I believe May has talking about this morning.

Barnier has stitched up the tories like a kipper,not surprising when dimwits like davis and raab were handling the negotiations. May's deception over Ireland and the DUP - hence why leaving this to the very last minute - has come back to bite her on the arse.

She makes corbyn look statesmanlike and trump look sane.
And don't forget the real reason we are pressing on with this madness ..........The EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive.
May has backed out of a TV debate now after it was her idea.

Corbyn backs a 2nd referendum if May blocks a General Election.

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