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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Hot on the heels of this latest Tory govt shambles is a UN report by Philip Alston slamming in to the Tories fiscal policy against the poor and accusing the Toerags of choosing to make the poorest people in Britain effectively poorer while funding tax cuts for the wealthy. Of course, a lotta this group of people are their supporters, their backers! As Alston succinctly put it - even their Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hammond could "easily have spared the poor" but chose not to". The report reveals that 14M people, a fifth of the UK population, live in poverty and 1.5M are destitute. His current extrapolation predicts child poverty rising by 7% up to 2022 poss up to a rate of 40%! Alston also praising the Scot govt and their £125M attempt to mitigate the worst aspects of austerity but encouraging the Scot govt to do more in publicising the Scot Welfare Fund.
Todays guardian.

Emails reveal Arron Banks’ links to Steve Bannon in quest for campaign cash
One of Farage’s people on there too.

Democracy my hole.
Here’s the article about Arron Banks in the Guardian:

Bannon has also spoken with Robert Mueller’s office multiple times in the past month or so. Banks now has the NCA and the Special Counsel looking at him.
Warning shot from Arlene and the DUP bullyboys..... They voted with labour or abstained on finance bill readings defeating the government.

We no longer have a functioning government.
Time for Corbyn and the Labour Party to call for a General Election on these grounds? Whistle They won't!
The EU and may have called the brexiters bluff. Brexit in name only is the best you are getting, lets see if you will be brave enough to implement a no deal brexit.

The clock has run out now.
Yep! That's what it looks like and I see it more simply as a lotta wealthy people trying to force their political will on a number of other wealthy people who have a set agenda to "make it happen" at any cost and some of them would poss even "kill" to "get their way. This deal is still gonna hit the UK economy "big time" and is not gonna improve our current economic position within the EU. Also this is only an agreement that is not legislatively binding yet! Lastly, has anyone else noticed the sudden "change"in tone of the Tory press - amazing when one considers all the extreme Brexit shit they uttered for a long, long time - a bunch of scumbags driven by instructions from above, no doubt!!! Up here in Scotland I describe them and their crass activities as "propagandists" whose sole function is to promote the status quo , the union; the Scotsman is a classic example of this shit and it is ironic that they and other associated "rags" have been in financial crisis and looks like their pension funds will be "downgraded" but not plundered lol!!! IMO time is fast approaching to push on with Scot Indy 2 and separate from these people and this crap British govt - GET A MOVE ON NICOLA AND START ALIGNING WITH THE BROADER SCOT INDY MOVEMENT!!!
If we leave the EU we will still be ruled by unelected people. Doesn't really matter who is in Government, Labour, Conservatives, SNP etc they have no power as they are just figureheads. It's the civil servants who run the country.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Maybe in England spireit but I dispute that insinuation from a Scottish viewpoint! IMO bring on Scot Indy 2 asap - we've been "shat on" and disrespected for far too long up here! No equal partnership, no unity, a fragmented union - they can #### off!
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