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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(27-09-2018, 20:52)St Charles Owl Wrote:
(27-09-2018, 19:54)hibeejim21 Wrote: Our farms and car makers will be out of business 6 months from no deal.

Do we have any car makers left??

Yes, but they are all dependent on the single market.
Tory contingency plans for freight leaked.

.... Kent is basically going to be a lorry park. Serves them xxxx right
Also a food minister appointed particularly with a focus on poss food rationing!! Laughable and a case of "smell the f###### coffee" you bunch of Tory clowns!!!!
Toyota say they'll have a shutdown for undetermined length of time in the event of no deal.
I listened to this news story in the morning and Toyota clearly running a slick turnaround in their ops with the EU providing a huge chunk of their business and customers. Naturally their top people don't want any predicted glitches/hold ups, due to Brexit, that will damage their business and reputation. So that's another big company to add to the long list of withdrawals due to Brexit eh!! Has the "stampede" already started?
We are heading for the sunny uplands of a deregulated singapore style nation. Probably on WTO terms, with trumps pals coining it in.

The WTO of course is headed up by unelected,undemocratic bureaucrats in Geneva rather than Brussels but that irony doesn't seem to matter to the brexiteers..
0762 likes this post
Oh gawd, you still think we are leaving the EU don't you?

You're just inventing bollux stories to scare yourselves when the lights go out, even though you know you'll have a nitelite anyway.

Even daft Donald Tusk and his cherryless cake aren't going to get us to leave. Mrs May's run out ideas and dress sense, Boris is dancing in a bit of scrub land he thinks might be a sea of wheat (see Procul Harum) and Jacob Mees van der Rogg is shaking patrician hands with chinless Tory delegates who are universally incapable of naming even one of their own party's policies. There's no majority for anything in Parliament, the Europeans bizarrely don't seem to want us to go now (why they couldn't say that loudly before the referendum is beyond me), and no one has a clue how the public would vote if given another chance after two years plus of Brexit torture. Kent becomes a lorry park? It has more chance of becoming a cannabis park, a sculpture park, an underwater theme park ..........

Why would anyone want to join a club no one can ever leave I ask myself? Who is directing this horror, Wes Craven or Jimmy Boyle?

Our heron leader is taking us nowhere and the rest of the world is going to think we're mental. That's all.

Why's no one worrying about the effects of not brexiting? The influx of cheap Balkan labour keen to exploit the new opportunities, plunging wage-rates, the inevitable move to then tie ourselves into the stupid euro, the expense of shelling out for Jean-Claude's drunken European army, the cost of getting back our place at a table at which no one will listen to our voice in future ..... we'll be a little satellite of France and Germany who'll have exercised their power and proved that they are our mummy and daddy.

When we stay because we can't think of anything else to do, things won't be the same you know. And you becoming a satellite of a kind-of Oliver Twist country can't be too great for a Scotland tied into us. And the weaker we are, the tighter we'll hold on to you.
Like many other UK residents, I'm watching the antics of various suspects at the Conservative Party conference and have come to the conclusion that we must move quickly to organise another EU referendum. There is no unifying speech or anything close to it and we are just observing confirmation again that we are a fractured nation, totally disunited by a fractured political party called the Conservative and Unionist Party, led by a motley bunch of imbeciles who should not be leading this country into a Brexit abyss - they should not be allowed any mandate to continue further and cause even more untold damage!! I'll scream if I hear the words "WHAT THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR", part of a phrase that has been randomly repeated by rhetorical erseholes for the past 2 years!!!! Aaaaarghhhhhhhh!!!
(02-10-2018, 18:07)Devongone Wrote: Oh gawd, you still think we are leaving the EU don't you?

You're just inventing bollux stories to scare yourselves when the lights go out, even though you know you'll have a nitelite anyway.

Even daft Donald Tusk and his cherryless cake aren't going to get us to leave. Mrs May's run out ideas and dress sense, Boris is dancing in a bit of scrub land he thinks might be a sea of wheat (see Procul Harum) and Jacob Mees van der Rogg is shaking patrician hands with chinless Tory delegates who are universally incapable of naming even one of their own party's policies. There's no majority for anything in Parliament, the Europeans bizarrely don't seem to want us to go now (why they couldn't say that loudly before the referendum is beyond me), and no one has a clue how the public would vote if given another chance after two years plus of Brexit torture. Kent becomes a lorry park? It has more chance of becoming a cannabis park, a sculpture park, an underwater theme park ..........

Why would anyone want to join a club no one can ever leave I ask myself? Who is directing this horror, Wes Craven or Jimmy Boyle?

Our heron leader is taking us nowhere and the rest of the world is going to think we're mental. That's all.

Why's no one worrying about the effects of not brexiting? The influx of cheap Balkan labour keen to exploit the new opportunities, plunging wage-rates, the inevitable move to then tie ourselves into the stupid euro, the expense of shelling out for Jean-Claude's drunken European army, the cost of getting back our place at a table at which no one will listen to our voice in future ..... we'll be a little satellite of France and Germany who'll have exercised their power and proved that they are our mummy and daddy.

When we stay because we can't think of anything else to do, things won't be the same you know. And you becoming a satellite of a kind-of Oliver Twist country can't be too great for a Scotland tied into us. And the weaker we are, the tighter we'll hold on to you.

Wow. That's like a game of brexiteer bingo.

HOUSE. Laugh Laugh
(03-10-2018, 00:24)0762 Wrote: Like many other UK residents, I'm watching the antics of various suspects at the Conservative Party conference and have come to the conclusion that we must move quickly to organise another EU referendum. There is no unifying speech or anything close to it and we are just observing confirmation again that we are a fractured nation, totally disunited by a fractured political party called the Conservative and Unionist Party, led by a motley bunch of imbeciles who should not be leading this country into a Brexit abyss - they should not be allowed any mandate to continue further and cause even more untold damage!! I'll scream if I hear the words "WHAT THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR", part of a phrase that has been randomly repeated by rhetorical erseholes for the past 2 years!!!! Aaaaarghhhhhhhh!!!

The key thing to remember here is that those worried about immigration down south are in for a mighty kick in the teeth. And it wont be "workers from the Balkans" - it will be a huge increase in non-EU migrants (which has been steadily rising anyway) as javid stated at conference.

So prepare for an influx of Nigerian,indians and Pakistani's.

On the news last night they interviewed a Nissan worker, 63, sitting on a barrier waiting for his lift home, said he had voted leave, like many of his colleagues, because he was “sick of the EU deciding our laws”. And you just know that if you asked him to actually cite any laws he particularly objected to, which the EU had imposed on a UK government against its wishes he wouldn't have a xxxx clue. Cos they don't exist.

Then take the EU Structural and Cohesion funds for the 2014-2020 period which amounts to €460 billions, an increase by €113b compared to the previous six years plan. Thanks to Thatcher, the UK didn't contribute as much as they should to these funds, so it won't affect the poorer regions in the 27 member states. The UK poorer regions will have to hope the British government replace these funds after 2020. Laugh Anything left coming our way from Europe which would normally go for infrastructure projects throughout the UK will go straight to Westminster and be shoved into the gaping financial hole that is crossrail, nothing surer.

Those aren't "bollux stories" they are actual facts. But aye lets worry about the consequences of not brexiting Laugh Laugh Give me xxxx strength.
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