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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I've said this many times before and I'll say it again that Scotland is so different and diverse, culturally and politically, compared particularly with England that it just amazes me (and I'm sure many other Scots too), watching the ridiculous shenanigans that emanate from our near neighbour in different forms of behaviour, comments, practises etc. We are historically strongly linked with Europe and that goes back well over 100 years - self-evident if one moves around Scotland and studies the effects of that long association since the days of the "entente cordiale". Watching toerags trying to change it on our behalf is an insult, pure n simple and I spit on the Union for what it's worth!!!
So may has been given 2 choices now really by the EU - EEA/Norway style deal where we accept freedom of movement....which her party will never accept, or a Canada style deal free trade deal which means a hard border down the irish sea - which the DUP will never accept.

Or its "no deal" which even that loony tune knows will tank the economy.

Talk about snookered. Laugh
Corbyn will back a 2nd referendum on the final brexit deal IF the labour members and trade unions vote in favour of it at conference.

Finally some hope labour might step up to the plate.
St Charles Owl likes this post
And looks like he is currently backing Scot Indy 2 (how kind eh but I think the Scottish people will ultimately decide on their sovereign right to vote for Scot Indy!) although his Scot Labour pal/prat, Leonard, a political "nobody" up here in Scotland, flying his Unionist colours to join the Unionist Tory leader, Ruth the mooth, and the Unionist Libdem leader, Rennie, in endorsing their continuous anti Scot Indy campaign/stance in blocking any initiative for Labour to move in that direction. I'm curious to see how Corbyn responds to this contradiction!
labour are just a mess right now, starmer says remainings an option,mcdonnell says no, corbyn with his fingers in his ears. The party at war with itself when the country needs them most.

I just don't know what to make of corbyn, I want to like him, he seems like a decent guy and think he doesn't get a fair chance at times (that marr interview on sunday was an absolute joke) and I like many of the policy ideas..... But he doesn't seem capable of uniting the party or providing leadership for the nation.

The political system in the UK is broken on the rocks of brexit. The more our democracy up here gets diluted, redacted, stolen and pished on, the less of a xxxx I give about the UK.

Brexit with no SM/CU or a Norway/EFTA type outcome kills the much vaunted but bullshit "solidarity" between the constituent nations and their respective peoples. That's why Scotland is different to other regions of England that voted remain. The tories are playing brinkmanship with what they apparently are meant to be all about ...."unionism".
Very good comments Jim. I previously said the UK needs another big political party to offer something different compared to the usual "tired" left or right options offered by Tory or Labour parties with political ideologies that are "flawed" and proved to be that way in decades gone by. It won't happen of course! Another big factor is the fact that all the political parties are riddled with "lightweight" people/politicians who have no real backbone to their persona at all - no leadership qualities, no durability, no great reputation. Agreed the Union is well n truly "fractured" for many reasons incl the common one you mention. How these shameless people can preach unity on the one hand and then come on all strong with this anti Scotland shit is beyond me and I, like many millions of Scots, have had enough and will become politically active at this rate! They clearly do not like the existence of a huge Scot indy movement that has developed since that sham of a referendum in 2014 and, of course, a Scot govt that these f###### unionists do not like in place at the Holyrood Parliament ever since 2014!!! Listening to this latest Scot Labour leader, Leonard, "banging on" with his usual Unionist anti Scot indy agenda absolutely drives me bananas with his shit rhetoric on the subject. We just had a Scot indy ref????? No we didn't!!! It was staged 4 years ago and the mood has now changed up here for various reasons incl the shameless lies of 2014 - very much like the Brexit scenario!!!! The rest of his pitiful speech in a Yorkshire accent, preaching to the Scottish people, deserves the contempt that most Scots toss in his direction!! The guy is a political nobody who won the Scot Labour leadership nomination under highly questionable circumstances from a previous leader, Dugdale, who again did nowt to improve the position of Scot Labour up here. Both political "lightweights" of the highest order.
May in the USA predictably whoring the country to trump. Lowest taxes and corporation tax in the g10 eh ? I wonder who is going to be paying for that ? Oh aye the british people's public services.

Meanwhile the government appoints a "supplies minister' to make sure the country has enough food if we crash out in march.
I'd better start digging and preparing the back garden now eh lol! Get all the winter crops set up!
Our farms and car makers will be out of business 6 months from no deal.
(27-09-2018, 19:54)hibeejim21 Wrote: Our farms and car makers will be out of business 6 months from no deal.

Do we have any car makers left??
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