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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(14-08-2018, 21:10)0762 Wrote: Good comments and summation of the press and tv media but add in The National up here that has a high readership and favours the Scot Nationalist cause. I'd say that is why social media is gradually thriving as lotsa people opt to never buy any tabloid or heed some of the nonsensical stuff in the media for the reasons that you mention.

Print media is on its knees because of social media and online news websites.

The Guardian have a circulation of about 300,000 copies a day and it costs £2 a day because of the lack of readers so they look at advertisers to help them out as well.

The Times is £1.80 and that's an ok newspaper even though its mainly centre-right. The Times online is pay per view, same with the Telegraph. The Sun used to be pay per view but they scrapped that.

People get there news from social media such as Twitter from the news twitter accounts. Facebook news is the least reliable as majority of it is fake news.

I've read The National that's the sister paper to the Herald isn't it? I've read the Irish times as well which is interesting.

I've read the Daily Mail Online but mainly for the comment section because that is hilarious.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Don't forget Ian Hislop's Private Eye that rightly has a solid readership because they generally "call a spade a spade" and the satire/"taking the piss" out of political "chancers" is top notch.
(15-08-2018, 01:04)0762 Wrote: Don't forget Ian Hislop's Private Eye that rightly has a solid readership because they generally "call a spade a spade" and the satire/"taking the piss" out of political "chancers" is top notch.

Yeah I read that. Pretty much tells the truth about politicians and the media.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
The media in the UK is a big reason we got brexit, a big reason we got a no vote in the indy ref, a big reason we get tory governments.

The tories are basically running the country on behalf of Murdoch,dacre and the Barclays. They peddle lies about the EU,lies about patriotism,lies about big bad foreigners,smear the xxxx out of anyone who isn't singing from their hymn sheet politically (hello jezza) to keep the masses onside and in their pocket.

Meanwhile their riches are in the caymans, and the car workers in Swindon and sunderland might lose their jobs but xxxx it as long as they and their pals get richer and more powerful its job done.

You only had to watch that smarmy xxxx grayling on the news last night ludicrously blaming rail workers and trade unions for prices going up. They are actually laughing at us,because they are untouchable and they know it.
0762 likes this post
(16-08-2018, 12:30)hibeejim21 Wrote: The media in the UK is a big reason we got brexit, a big reason we got a no vote in the indy ref, a big reason we get tory governments.

The tories are basically running the country on behalf of Murdoch,dacre and the Barclays. They peddle lies about the EU,lies about patriotism,lies about big bad foreigners,smear the **** out of anyone who isn't singing from their hymn sheet politically (hello jezza) to keep the masses onside and in their pocket.

Meanwhile their riches are in the caymans, and the car workers in Swindon and sunderland might lose their jobs but **** it as long as they and their pals get richer and more powerful its job done.

You only had to watch that smarmy **** grayling on the news last night ludicrously blaming rail workers and trade unions for prices going up. They are actually laughing at us,because they are untouchable and they know it.

Seems the media in the UK is the same as the media here with one exception - the media here tends to be left of centre and is on the whole opposed to Trump and what he is trying to do. The Tories may win because of the media, Trump won despite the media!!

Seems to me that all media needs to start reporting the facts irrespective of the party it praises or criticizes, but it seems those days are gone. Nearly all media now is somewhat biased one way or the other and the ones we like or buy or watch are generally the ones who agree with what we believe in.
Don't the BBC and ITV count as media? They were massively and unashamedly pro-Remain and remain so. Don't know what you see up in Scotland, but in England whatever the view in London is the BBC and ITV view too. Basically you have to be a racist, known-UKIP supporter if you voted Leave.

I wish Tony Benn and Caroline his wife were still alive so we could see how such cheap stereo-typing should be dealt with. Though I wouldn't want them to see what wazzocks they produced in lieu of children.

I reckon if you want to express left-wing sentiments not being in a club full of bankers and rich bureaucrats might be a decent start. If Blair and Mandleson are in the room, lock the door as you leave!
(17-08-2018, 16:56)Devongone Wrote: Don't the BBC and ITV count as media? They were massively and unashamedly pro-Remain and remain so. Don't know what you see up in Scotland, but in England whatever the view in London is the BBC and ITV view too. Basically you have to be a racist, known-UKIP supporter if you voted Leave.

I wish Tony Benn and Caroline his wife were still alive so we could see how such cheap stereo-typing should be dealt with. Though I  wouldn't want them to see what wazzocks they produced in lieu of children.

I reckon if you want to express left-wing sentiments not being in a club full of bankers and rich bureaucrats might be a decent start. If Blair and Mandleson are in the room, lock the door as you leave!

Ahh the lesser spotted lexiteer.

The media gave 'leave' plenty of coverage,farage and banks were never off the tv and 'pro leave' sentiment was given plenty of coverage, so i don't agree with your assessment.

I do wonder what benn would think about left leaning voters getting in line to facilitate a power grab by the elite, voting side by side with UKIP and racists.... Or labour pushing through a hard brexit that has no advantages for the working class... none, nada,nicht. I'd like to think he would call it out for what it is and look past his euro scepticism.

The EU is of course imperfect, but this notion that its some neo-liberal jackboot is complete garbage. If it was it wouldn't have allowed hamburg to take control of its own energy, or spain to have state controlled rail or domestic power price caps in portugal or no zero hour contracts in belgium or tax payer funded tuition in france......all exactly the kind of policies that labour had in its manifesto. Funny that eh ?
0762 likes this post
Latest scare story, the hospitals will all run out of drugs after Brexit.

Simple solution, combine them with prisons - always plenty of drugs there.

The Beeb and ITV still rehearse Remain arguments all the time and cross-question Leavers like war criminals on trial ironically about the very idiots charged with negotiating an exit with people who don't want them to leave in any case. The government is slowly developing Stockholm syndrome and very soon will be round Jean-Claude's house for a few hearty rounds of whatever Luxembourg's national drink is ........ I told you at the beginning of this whole process that the choice was really between NO DEAL and REMAINING in the union by whatever means they decided to invent. My view for what it is worth is that we won't leave. All this is just the working in the margins they occasionally let us see.

Of course I can find examples of EU measures I agree with. And that's why the Labour Party is heavily remain. Lots of labour law for instance would be far more oppressive without the EU and it certainly does act as some small protection against the excesses of the Far Right ...... but watch Poland, Italy and maybe Austria to see how far that goes. And the Far Right is a useful tool - just a bit more fear.

The Labour Party is massively pro-Remain - Labour voters however are very different, and that has been a contradiction Labour activists have wrestled with throughout my longish life. Activists are appalled by the opinions of many of the voters they are attempting to attract.

I like John McDonnell. I'd vote for him, canvass for him, work to get him in power, but I'm very disappointed that he and Corbyn switched to become pussy-remainers when the EU is no more than a trap for a proletariat handed the odd scrap and a few kind words whilst any concept of their gaining power recedes slowly into the distance. But that's the question for Labour and all Socialists, do we want to win some ersatz power for a bit and do a few nice things ...... or do we want to change the world. I want to change the world, and when Mr McDonnell reads Karl Marx, he should too, in my opinion.

The EU itself is caught in a trap between the Nation Statehood of its members and its desire for ever closer union. Like Labour with its supporters whose opinions it dislikes, that looks like the fatal flaw that will eventually rip it apart - if some stupid economic action by America doesn't get there first.

I love our European neighbours, welcome immigration when we know what we are doing, and am excited by change, but if we had a peoples' vote the only reason I could find to switch to Remain is that our political system and the EU itself has so loaded the dice that the process of negotiation looks a project too far for them all.
I think there are enough voting people in the UK who will overpower that crazy, self-destructive leave vote if that "people's vote" prevails and it becomes absolutely clear that the majority of the populace want a properly conducted repeat EU referendum vote this time with all the facts and lies laid bare for all to see! I'd call it "righting a wrong" after observing and listening to 2 years of brexit hell and irritating continuous debate and division!!! Thumb down David Cameron? The b###### stupidly "let the genie out the bottle", an idiot, another political saboteur and a coward who has completely disappeared, no doubt "filling his wellies" with dosh to channel into some offshore account of his choosing!!!
(21-08-2018, 18:43)Devongone Wrote: Latest scare story, the hospitals will all run out of drugs after Brexit.

Simple solution, combine them with prisons - always plenty of drugs there.

The Beeb and ITV still rehearse Remain arguments all the time and cross-question Leavers like war criminals on trial ironically about the very idiots charged with negotiating an exit with people who don't want them to leave in any case. The government is slowly developing Stockholm syndrome and very soon will be round Jean-Claude's house for a few hearty rounds of whatever Luxembourg's national drink is ........ I told you at the beginning of this whole process that the choice was really between NO DEAL and REMAINING in the union by whatever means they decided to invent. My view for what it is worth is that we won't leave. All this is just the working in the margins they occasionally let us see.

Of course I can find examples of EU measures I agree with. And that's why the Labour Party is heavily remain. Lots of labour law for instance would be far more oppressive without the EU and it certainly does act as some small protection against the excesses of the Far Right ...... but watch Poland, Italy and maybe Austria to see how far that goes. And the Far Right is a useful tool - just a bit more fear.

The Labour Party is massively pro-Remain - Labour voters however are very different, and that has been a contradiction Labour activists have wrestled with throughout my longish life. Activists are appalled by the opinions of many of the  voters they are attempting to attract.

I like John McDonnell. I'd vote for him, canvass for him, work to get him in power, but I'm very disappointed that he and Corbyn switched to become pussy-remainers when the EU is no more than a trap for a proletariat handed the odd scrap and a few kind words whilst any concept of their gaining power recedes slowly into the distance. But that's the question for Labour and all Socialists, do we want to win some ersatz power for a bit and do a few nice things ...... or do we want to change the world. I want to change the world, and when Mr McDonnell reads Karl Marx, he should too, in my opinion.

The EU itself is caught in a trap between the Nation Statehood of its members and its desire for ever closer union. Like Labour with its supporters whose opinions it dislikes, that looks like the fatal flaw that will eventually rip it apart - if some stupid economic action by America doesn't get there first.

I love our European neighbours, welcome immigration when we know what we are doing, and am excited by change, but if we had a peoples' vote the only reason I could find to switch to Remain is that our political system and the EU itself has so loaded the dice that the process of negotiation looks a project too far for them all.

Mcdonnell and corbyn are not 'pussy remainers' they are very much hardcore brexiteers, more so than a lot of the tories.

If they have their way the UK will end up with a 'tractor manufacture figures' style economy with no one to sell to. The world is a very different place to the one karl marx wrote about, you have to work with what you've got instead of inhabiting some fantasy socialist dreamland.

Labour voters are very much pro-remain and the party should be doing more to provide opposition to brexit, which isn't going to damage the rees-moggs of the world but very much is going to damage the british working class, who frankly have enough shit on their plates with this lunatic tory government. Eventually corbyn will pay the price for his cowardice on the issue.
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