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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Focusing more closely on Mrs May's 'strong union' insinuation that brexit will keep the UK Union together? This leads me to ask, 'IS THERESA MAY LIVING IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE'???? Do we sceptical Scots finally have proof, if it was needed, that the lunatics have taken over the Westminster asylum???
Scots voted to remain in the EU and, as the the Brexit shambles unfolds, increasing numbers are clamouring for independence and Scotland is even now preparing for it.
What part of this position does our ers(e)twhile PM not understand?

And the Lords unsurprisingly defeat the EU Withdrawal Bill and push for a customs union. However, this vote is more of a symbolic one rather than voting against it with any 'real clout' against a cynical govt trying to hold some kinda 'high ground' on Brexit. However, it ties in with a huge clamour throughout the country to similarly tackle this Brexit fiasco and start doing something about it with notably many anti Brexit protests taking place nationwide last weekend.
Not one former,living cabinet member voted for the government on this. Not one.

Of course the lords are recommending a course of action closer to keir starmer's view "stay in a customs union pretty much like the one we have now". Rather than the governments position but it wont change anything.
Record numbers of nurses and midwives from EU27 countries quit Britain last year, fuelling fears that a Brexit brain drain will deepen the NHS’s already chronic staffing crisis.

A total of 3,962 such staff from the European Economic Area (EEA) left the Nursing and Midwifery Council register between 2017 and 2018. The register tracks who is eligible to work in those areas of healthcare in the UK.

The number of departures was 28% more than the 3,081 who left in 2016-17 and three times higher than the 1,311 who did so in 2013-14, the first year the NMC began keeping data on such departures.

At the same time, the number of EU nurses and midwives coming to work in the UK has fallen to its lowest level. Just 805 of them joined the NMC register in 2017-18. That total is just 13% of the 6,382 who came over the year before.
It's OK! It will all 'come good' again once the 'Great' in Great Britain is restored eh - according to all the lying bastards, English nationalists and the lying gets who were promoted to this shit Tory govt after their whole lying Brexit campaign. I notice today the Scot govt being cajoled to concede on the devolved powers (or lack of them) because the Welsh govt capitulated re Clause 11 - Saint Theresa May and that 'wee weasel Scot Secretary Mundell quickly told to GTF! IMO up here in Scotland we need to start mobilising the Scot Indy movement 'up another notch' - start the wheels rolling again as the political landscape in Westminster has deteriorated even more and the Labour Party is in no great shape as well as the Libdems who seem even more terrified of the Scot Indy threat than their unionist pals.
It's all going to plan for the tories.

The NHS is going to be fucked,devolved powers siphoned off back to Westminster and the tories filling their pockets on the back of brexit plus political uncertainty in Ireland.

There is absolutely nothing good for the UK in leaving the EU for ordinary people. What a cheap con-job.
0762 likes this post
Hence my suggestion the Scot Indy movement and senior officials of the SNP 'get the finger oot', align and start the hustings early and present the case for Scot independence; embrace a big section of the Scottish voting population who have never totally dismissed the notion of self-determination as the current British political position, and other negative events, blows away all the shit that was previously uttered in the 'better together' unionist argument which was always shit anyway for any politically knowledgeable Scot and proved beyond all doubt in view of the political trauma of the past 3 years.
(25-04-2018, 19:57)0762 Wrote: Hence my suggestion the Scot Indy movement and senior officials of the SNP 'get the finger oot', align and start the hustings early and present the case for Scot independence; embrace a big section of the Scottish voting population who have never totally dismissed the notion of self-determination as the current British political position, and other negative events, blows away all the shit that was previously uttered in the 'better together' unionist argument which was always shit anyway for any politically knowledgeable Scot and proved beyond all doubt in view of the political trauma of the past 3 years.

The brexit voters don't quite get yet what they have begun the process of,but when they do I suspect outrage and probably a non corbyn labour government.

To be honest I'd take any kind of labour government now,simply just to save the UK from itself.
Now the House of Lords defeats the UK govt re a fundamental part of the EU Withdrawal Bill and decree that the UK Parliament must be empowered to formally agree on a final deal but disagree on a no deal and poss send the govt reps back to Brussels to negotiate further.
Liam Fox's 'nose knocked out of joint' by the Lords' decision and I'm delighted to see this brexit 'extremist' not looking so smug but still using this cretinous line re the 'will of the people' - it changed doctor Fox for various reasons incl the lies and deceptions!
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