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European Union Referendum - In or Out??

Owen Smith ousted from the shadow cabinet for 'breaking ranks' re a viewpoint that would be supported by a huge proportion of voters within the UK population and yet the Labour Party/Corbyn has it's own 'agenda' and fragmentation that is similar to the imploding tories!! I wish these morons would start to realise there is a massive opposition to brexit within the country and yet we are watching this group of people (brexiteers and protagonists) who have managed to inadvertently 'get their foot in the door' in the 2016 referendum on a 'split vote', 'clinging on' to force this initiative on behalf of the British people as more n more revelations are unfolding re the unscrupulous and shady methods that were being employed re attaining their 'end goal', the latest one being the involvement of Cambridge Analytica!!! Thumb down
Smith must have known he was risking the sack with those comments 0762. Starmer and corbyn are going around saying everyone is united in the shadow government on brexit policy and he is talking about something completely different to the guardian. Thats just politics.

That said i tend to agree with smith in a referendum on the final deal. But would it be practical ? I don't know.
(20-03-2018, 00:44)hibeejim21 Wrote: Not sure what our fisherman wanted, or expected. The tories have predictably thrown them under the bus, no way will the scots tories vote down brexit to protest against this....dream on.

70% of the UK landed catch is exported to the EU, the fish we like to eat simply isn't found in UK waters anymore (and largely has never been, the major decline in the UK fishing fleet is not the EUs fault but the Cod wars)

Also now becoming clear is the true extent to which the public were misled by Cambridge Analytica's corruption and propaganda. The common links ? Putin/trump/bannon/breitbart/farage/cambridge analytica.

A referendum on the terms of the final deal seems fair now. But sadly unlikely.

If the truth be told, the fishermen in NE Scotland represent a Little Britain mentality in miniature TBF! Single issue voters who have failed to appreciate the 'big picture' and their importance in it. It's understandable: the EU means other nations' fishing boats in Scottish waters. So anyone offering to end it would get their vote - firstly Gove and the 'leave campaign' and then the toerags took advantage! Of course, these fishermen didn't perceive a scenario riddled with broken promises and unaware of their negotiation power or economic importance within the larger UK picture - their cause would be regarded as 'not so important' and could be 'traded off' for another more 'juicy' part of a final brexit deal. It is an excellent example of the mindset of No voters and Brexiters in those NE fishermen (who voted No and Leave) who now feel 'sold out' by the UK govt.
Now many British firms/companies asking for a 5 year brexit transition! Talk about 'seeing the light' eh! Just don't bother with brexit FFS or have another referendum that will 'right a wrong' and start realising it was a huge mistake with a Little England/Little Britain mentality attached to it - never considered the 'bigger picture' and massive negative repercussions to the country.
Chris patten pointing out today that the nearest the brexiters get to a trade deal is at the check out at waitrose.

And this little gem...

LBC can reveal that more Brits would prioritise leaving the European Union than maintaining the United Kingdom in its current form.

and this ....
The shit is well and truly hitting the fan now with the Cambridge analytica stuff. The tories are up to the their necks in this too.

This has gone way beyond propaganda and has absolutely subverted UK democracy. putin/bannon/breitbart/farage/banks/ on one side and bojo/gove/Cummings/Parkinson (mays secretary) on the other AND in between them and working for both Cambridge analytica,aggregate IQ and chris wylie.

Wylie is in the commons right now admitting that vote leave have cheated and swayed the result. This involves corporation corruption, broken data regulations and has breached the privacy of millions. This is also about the manipulation of elections and politics by the powerful few who are in it for nothing more than financial and political gain.
I'm at a loss as to the big fuss made about Facebook passing/selling users' data to Cambridge Analytica. Any information I post on Facebook (profile/photos/likes/quizzes, etc) becomes their intellectual property, according to their rules. Basically they can do what they like with it as we have handed over ownership of our views to them. This is of great value to firms like Cambridge Analytica who can then give interested parties a list of contacts who think they same way as they do. I get lots of advertising offers on my FB page from organisations who think they can influence me to buy their goods. NO CHANCE!

It's a modern take on the Labour and Tory Press barons who used their influence to garner votes for their parties. Much more basic back then with no contact names, but still the same principle.
Cabbage is still good for you
Well if you cheat in eg the Olympics and get caught, you don't receive or own the medal any more. The rules on the UK political front, particularly Tory, is that this ethos does not apply. I watched and listened to the bbc's PM Questions and just 'switched it off' after observing the contemptuous way that Mrs May has tried to 'sweep the critical issues under the carpet' - I've used the word 'shameless' regularly since 2014 when applied to unionist politicians and that continues to this day as I observe this crass practice of lies and deception being racked up even higher than the worst days of Tony Blair and Daphne Broon!! Absolutely shameless and there is no hope for this country with these 'decepticons' in charge - a disgrace! What baffles me is how passive the UK population has been to brexit being incompetently brokered and the steady drip, drip, drip of revelations re the undemocratic way it has come about. The political suppression of our population is nothing short of amazing and it feels like we are 'sleepwalking' into an abyss with no return.
Re the UK PM, Mrs May, I gather she is visiting Scotland tomorrow to sell the ntion of the eventual introduction of brexit to the Scottish population. Who the f### is she actually gonna visit up here, a country where her political party is frowned upon and opposition to brexit has increased much more than the 2016 vote (reckoned to be >70%)? Will it be another one of these Tory stage managed jobs with their cheer leaders and sycophants to support her! I've previously observed this insincere, false shit in Edinburgh when David Cameron did not want to speak to the ordinary Scottish voter 'on the street' - so fake and insincere and no wonder there is a significant proportion of the Scot populace who want a minimum of home rule/devomax for Scotland. She will come to Scotland, just like the last gen election, and spout off again about the strength of the union and better together - lost her majority last year and trying to 'play the same card' when her political party's current standing is even worse than last year and we all know why that is!! Just tell her to GTF - EVERY REGION IN SCOTLAND VOTED AGAINST BREXIT!
...and Mrs May has one of the shortest PM visits to Scotland ever recorded - a visit to Ayr and arrives in the morning spouting off to the Scot population re the 'strong union' shit again and pisses off at lunch time!!!! Thumb down It epitomises the usual shit and disregard that these toerags have for Scotland and that is why Scots like myself want a minimum self-governance attached to a proper home rule banner - effectively devomax that was promised by these unionist morons in 2014 but never delivered! Time to force it or even better - just push for indyref 2 and be done with it!
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