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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
I'm starting to get bored of Brexit and it hasn't even happened yet.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Barnier basically spelled it out to the pound land Mosley what's coming. That's why he wants another go round to let him off the hook.

But no, the tories,farage and the easily manipulated,far right enablers are going to have to suck it up. This is going to destroy the UK economy,and it will be the working class that foot the bill so the uber wealthy keep their tax haven out of Europe's reach.

Our only hope is the EU do us a deal,but Norway have now stepped in to make that harder.
Is that the same Norway that has a huge oil fund that is worth well over a trillion quid while Scotland was never granted that same 'wise fiscal move' all these years ago as the British govt continued to squander all that money on accumulated debt!!? And you wonder why many Scottish citizens like myself still want Scot indy asap and also ponder why so many fellow Scots somehow 'cannae see the light' when it comes to such a radical move for the greater good of our country!!!
Listening to the author and ex Scottish rugby player, Peter May, on the radio and heard one of the best descriptions of the brexit fiasco yet - 'the biggest piece of self-harm ever carried out by the British state'! He and his wife are now French citizens after sussing out, well before the EU referendum vote, that part of the English population was daft enough to actually vote it in and proved right - well said mate but I'll just push for Scot independence (and finally get rid of all these RW English and unionist shameless bastards who have 'led us down the garden path') rather than becoming a French citizen even though my grasp of the French language is pretty good!
Interesting that dimwit davies wants a Canada ++ deal for us,yet the Canadian negotiator says the best we could get is single market/EU.

He also described leaving the EU as the “greatest loss of free trade rights in human history” and that a CETA style deal is not compatible with what the phase 1 progress report says abt N Ireland” i.e CETA deal incompatible with what gov already agreed to on Irish border. So WTF ?

This is the guy that did the Canada/EU deal so he knows what he's talking about.
Can we stop with the anti-English bastard comments, please? From what I am reading, the intolerance is coming from one direction only. By all means talk from the Scottish perspective but please show some respect for English members and readers.
Ska'dForLife-WBA likes this post
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
Haven't called anyone " an English bastard".
Whattt!!!!??? That is just a distortion of a scathing comment in a thread that made no reference to anyone on this board and this person knows exactly the shameless people who are being referred to AND most of them reside in Engerland or have huge leanings towards unionism!! Don't personalise a relevant criticism like that FFS - outrageous and irrelevant!! Nuff said!
So why have you rephrased it then if there was nothing wrong with it? Just accept that your comments were or could be offensive to someone, please.
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
There was no significant rephrase to disguise anything offensive Amelia!! The reference was directed at RW b######, implicitly or explicitly, who are predominantly English or unionist and have irritatingly played a huge part in this whole brexit fiasco and are shameless as previously observed by many Scots like myself in Scottish referendum year 2014 when this country was rife with these shameless c#### and their shameless comments!!!! At the moment, I'm observing a similar campaign up here in Scotland for months n months where these people just 'don't disappear' and they have a massive anti Scot indy/anti SNP/anti Scot govt agenda - absolutely ludicrous!! Do you wanna see the full official list of the people I'm referring to????????? I perceive that thread #636 as deliberately creating an issue when there is not an issue and the idea that there was some personal offence or reference to any member of this board borders on 'having a laugh' TBF. Read the comment properly eh! Rant over and no further comments to follow - I've 'said my piece' re this 'creation of a mountain out of a mole hill' and that is exactly what it is!!

(17-01-2018, 18:50)hibeejim21 Wrote: Interesting that dimwit davies wants a Canada ++ deal for us,yet the Canadian negotiator says the best we could get is single market/EU.

He also described leaving the EU as the “greatest loss of free trade rights in human history”  and that a CETA style deal is not compatible with what the phase 1 progress report says abt N Ireland” i.e CETA deal incompatible with what gov already agreed to on Irish border. So WTF ?

This is the guy that did the Canada/EU deal so he knows what he's talking about.

This is probably why Davies is being marginalised by his own party leader, Theresa May, who is in such a weak position but she still realises that the guy is a 'liability'. Also reflect back to 2015 when the final reading of Cameron's European Union Referendum Act was set up to be approved or rejected! The only opponents of that referendum bill were the SNP who deemed it fundamentally undemocratic as it treated the UK as a unitary state rather than one with four interested parties. That 'quadruple lock' principle rejected in the UK parliamentary vote by the allied 'better together' (that was a laugh and deja vu eh!) unionist group of Tories, Labour and Libdems by 544 votes to 53 - the validity of that SNP position has been vindicated by the crisis over the Irish border and the political fallout in Scotland where we are seeing the arrogant assumption of English MPs and English voters that they can 'railroad' the whole of the UK out of the European Union with Davies well to the fore of that way of thinking together with a huge list of others with the same narrow mindset. Call this country a democratic one? My erse!!
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