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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Yep! I concur with that view. 'No level playing field' on campaign expenses = VOID REFERENDUM VOTE! We had a similar scenario in Scotland during Theresa May's failed attempt in the last general election where the leafleting campaign and associated monies linked to the Toerags was 'called into question'. I recall it was a blanket coverage of Tory leaflet after leaflet being posted through letterboxes throughout Scotland - almost a form of harassment/spam! I thought the SNP did not challenge this violation enough! Also is this faux pas common to the way that these toerags practise/cheat???
(21-11-2017, 22:01)0762 Wrote: Yep! I concur with that view. 'No level playing field' on campaign expenses = VOID REFERENDUM VOTE! We had a similar scenario in Scotland during Theresa May's failed attempt in the last general election where the leafleting campaign and associated monies linked to the Toerags was 'called into question'. I recall it was a blanket coverage of Tory leaflet after leaflet being posted through letterboxes throughout Scotland - almost a form of harassment/spam! I thought the SNP did not challenge this violation enough! Also is this faux pas common to the way that these toerags practise/cheat???

Odd. In the main you get 2 leaflets the most off each political party during election time.

I would like to ask you a question. You want Britain to stay in the EU but you also want Scotland to break away from Britain and join the EU. Let's say hypothetically Britain stays in the EU and Scotland gets independence and you apply for membership to the EU but are denied. What then?

Also let's say you joined after 2019 you would have to take the Euro as your currency and the control of your interest rates and other monetary policies would be controlled by the European Central Bank which is based in Frankfurt plus you would have to negotiate your contribution to EU funds.

Rajoy doesn't want Catalan independence so Spain could block you from joining because if an independent Scotland joined the EU then Catalan would turn round and say while we want independence too from Spain and we want to join the EU as well.

It's going to take years even if Britain leaves the EU to untangle a 40 year relationship with the EU, so how many decades would it take to sort out a 300 year relationship between the UK and an independent Scotland?
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More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Both these initial two questions re EU membership and a Scottish currency are what I'd classify as 'red herrings' previously debated before and during referendum year 2014 and I think the solutions to these 'created quandaries' have been refined by the SNP hierarchy since the 2013 White Paper was published when said issues were covered in it. My personal view is that EFTA is a valid option for a small country like Scotland and esp after watching the highly questionable behaviour of the EU re the Spain-Catalonia conflict and other 'delicate political issues'. The government of Great Britain falls into that category of criticism as well btw! There are other northern Euro countries that trade very well under an EFTA banner and I see no reason why it would be any different with Scotland and the fact we would still be trading with UK countries anyway - contrary to the unionist 'bullshit'/scaremongering that was previously uttered on this issue that all trade would cease - rubbish! Re the choice of Scottish currency, again I think a lotta thought has been put into providing a simple workable solution after all the previous unionist nonsense that centred on this very issue. My view is that Scotland has always held it's own Scottish pound/currency and one simply uses it when the appropriate transfer of currency is required. I must emphasise there are solutions to any kinda probs like the ones that are described - THEY ARE NOT INSURMOUNTABLE!! That is one of the main reasons why a comprehensive White Paper was compiled and published by the Scottish govt - it generates constructive debate and many of the issues listed in the paper can be 'refined' through time - it is a good, solid 'starting point' and also note there is a study and blueprint to be unveiled by the Growth Commission and it will cover future prosperity in an independent Scotland!! It's a case of choosing the best, workable options and 'going with it' and there is a good chance that some of them will evolve anyway as many other UDI countries have experienced before! The issues are not unique and it's all part n parcel of good governance and progressing positively as a separate state with new challenges and new aspirations to look forward to.
(22-11-2017, 13:56)0762 Wrote: Both these initial two questions re EU membership and a Scottish currency are what I'd classify as 'red herrings' previously debated before and during referendum year 2014 and I think the solutions to these 'created quandaries' have been refined by the SNP hierarchy since the 2013 White Paper was published when said issues were covered in it. My personal view is that EFTA is a valid option for a small country like Scotland and esp after watching the highly questionable behaviour of the EU re the Spain-Catalonia conflict and other 'delicate political issues'. The government of Great Britain falls into that category of criticism as well btw! There are other northern Euro countries that trade very well under an EFTA banner and I see no reason why it would be any different with Scotland and the fact we would still be trading with UK countries anyway - contrary to the unionist 'bullshit'/scaremongering that was previously uttered on this issue that all trade would cease - rubbish! Re the choice of Scottish currency, again I think a lotta thought has been put into providing a simple workable solution after all the previous unionist nonsense that centred on this very issue. My view is that Scotland has always held it's own Scottish pound/currency and one simply uses it when the appropriate transfer of currency is required. I must emphasise there are solutions to any kinda probs like the ones that are described - THEY ARE NOT INSURMOUNTABLE!! That is one of the main reasons why a comprehensive White Paper was compiled and published by the Scottish govt - it generates constructive debate and many of the issues listed in the paper can be 'refined' through time - it is a good, solid 'starting point'!! It's a case of choosing the best, workable options and 'going with it' and there is a good chance that some of them will evolve anyway as many other UDI countries have experienced before! The issues are not unique and it's all part n parcel of good governance and progressing positively as a separate state with new challenges and new aspirations to look forward to.

Even though the SNP have outlined a white paper on these scenarios doesn't mean you will be granted them by the EU just like the EU don't really have to grant Britain anything although certain countries like Germany and France would be largely affected as they export a lot of things to us such as cars, chocolates, wine, food etc.

Too many hard line Brexiteers think we can just walk away but we can't just walk away. We need to maintain a relationship with the EU whether that is single market or a free trade deal.

I think if the EU reformed and if EU laws didn't cancel out constitutional law and if they didn't treat the UK with contempt and if it was not all about the money then I think the result would have gone differently and we would have remained.

If another referendum happens on the membership of the EU it could go either way. As there will be voters who voted to remain who will vote to leave and voters who voted to leave who will vote to remain.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I don't agree re your last comment! I don't think a repeat vote will even be close and a remain vote will 'walk it'! Also the rules of the vote should be set to eliminate any favour of a 'split vote' whatsoever - a min yay or nay vote of 60% should be applied anyway as it should have been the first time around. Also the vote should be mandatory - absolutely for such an important move that will affect this country for years to come! A remain vote would definitely be favoured if these two pragmatic pre-requisites were enforced but that is just my opinion on the subject, but a strong one based on some good demographic indicators down the months that are against brexit.
(22-11-2017, 19:01)0762 Wrote: I don't agree re your last comment! I don't think a repeat vote will even be close and a remain vote will 'walk it'! Also the rules of the vote should be set to eliminate any favour of a 'split vote' whatsoever - a min yay or nay vote of 60% should be applied anyway as it should have been the first time around. Also the vote should be mandatory - absolutely for such an important move that will affect this country for years to come! A remain vote would definitely be favoured if these two pragmatic pre-requisites were enforced but that is just my opinion on the subject, but a strong one based on some good demographic indicators down the months that are against brexit.

I agree with needing 55%-60% for the vote to count. Yes the vote should be mandatory for all British citizens to vote in it because last time too many young people took it for granted that the vote would be remain and we would stay and then the next day moaned that they didn't get a chance to vote.

Well you say that a remain vote would be the outcome if all British citizens were made to vote in another referendum. Not everyone who didn't vote in the EU referendum would have been for remain you need to remember that. The undecided voter who didn't vote could have gone either way.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
...and Hammond 'steadies the ship' with another budget geared towards no contention and no more further damage to the Conservative govt! However, does this uninspiring budget ensure that the UK is now 'brexit ready'?? Nahhhh! Rolleyes
Thought corbyn was going to cross the floor and leather some tory mp this afternoon Laugh
...and following promises by that wee weasel of a Tory Secretary of State for Scotland, Mundell, and his Toerag counterpart, Davis, that the completed govt study info would be shared with all UK govs on the impact of brexit on Scotland, nothing forthcoming after 3 weeks since these assurances were made! Thumb down This is amid strong rumours that Scotland and the north of England will be badly affected! We all know this fact in Scotland anyway as fiscal studies have already been completed but we want this info 'straight from the horse's mouth' before the real 'shouting match' begins re being wrongly led down a brexit cliff face by imbeciles!!
That wee trick the tories pulled with vat on our police and fire service..... They really are utter vermin.
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