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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(09-11-2017, 02:36)hibeejim21 Wrote: ' That would be a bit like me taking your food and then selling it back to you at a higher price'

Well it might be if there was such a thing as 'british fish' and if you didn't know anything at all abut quotas and historic catch shares,or acknowledge that british fisherman fish in others waters and sell their fish abroad,get repairs etc overseas. So aye it would be like that if it wasn't totally untrue, your quite right.

'I think the other reason in places like Grimsby, Boston, Lincolnshire etc they voted to leave because they have a lot of migrants living and working in the towns picking the fruit and veg in the fields.'

Now i do agree with you on that score. But its the supermarkets that cut farmers' margins to the bone and if farmers have to pay higher wages then they will either stop producing uneconomic food and hey presto you get price rises. Its heading that way anyway post brexit. Unless you do 'environmentally suspect' food deals with the likes of the USA. And thats coming too.

The alternative to immigration is robotisation. But that requires massive investment and the question now is how to transition from low wage, low productivity to high investment and high productivity. The tories don't seem to have a clue how to do it,corbyn at least is least trying to take the debate forward but i'm not sure he knows how to do it either.

'it's very very hard to see this Government lasting.'

They are a complete joke,but they won't go to the country any time soon. They are in no state for an election even next year and have given the DUP a lot of cash to make sure they can cling on to power.

Supermarkets are not good to farmers especially when it comes to dairy farming and cattle farming. Supermarkets were paying farmers a pittance for the milk they were producing but they have paid them a little bit more but not much. I watched a programme on BBC 2 called This Farming Life and they followed farmers in Scotland and one farmer was complaining about the rules and regulations supermarkets impose on him when selling beef to them.

Also weird how you mention robots as a I read an article a few days ago that 600,000 jobs could be loss in the next two decades due to robots doing the work. I also read about how operations in hospitals could be done through a robotic mechanical hand which is manned by a machine operator. Scary stuff. If robots are meant to take jobs then UBI (Universal basic income) will need to look at becoming a possibility for the future.

Yes they are a complete joke at the minute and they have no credibility. Yes they gave the DUP £100 billion which came from the magic money tree or down the back of the sofa. It's a disgrace that they gave £100 billion to them so they can cling to power while the NHS is struggling and public sector pay workers haven't had a pay rise. If they stopped with these white elephants like HS2 then they would have more money for public services. As for HS2 down South where they are building the track they are tunnelling so they don't have to knock down peoples houses but when it gets so far up North they are going to have to knock down houses.

HS2 is not needed instead of building something which will rip the country in two they should just reopen new lines and maintain the lines we already have. They also need to abandon fracking and nuclear power as majority of people don't want it and don't like the idea of it.

Also another thing which really gets on my nerves is the term "Northern Powerhouse" The Northern Powerhouse has apparently been going for the last 2 years but no one really knows what it is or what it does. The Northern Powerhouse has never even started its just a term the Tories have coined to keep the floating voter and Northern Tories happy or to be seen to be doing something.

Another thing which I find rather odd is voters still hark on about Labour and what they did back in 2007/2008 that was over 10 years ago and Labour haven't been in power for 7 years but they still harp on about it but they don't criticise the Tories and what they've done over the last 7 years in power its like they've got short memories when it comes to the Tories either that or its Stockholm syndrome. I blame the media because the media in this country is predominantly right wing and they feed so many lies instead of being impartial and telling the public the truth.
0762 and hibeejim21 like this post

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Good comments and nice to see other 'critics' sifting out lotsa obvious criticisms re Tories and the shit politics and policies that they practise - there is so much 'ammunition' out there to 'shoot them down' and yet they still retain a power base!!! How sickening!!
Going by davis's comments today we are heading for a "no deal" scenario with the EU.

The situation with northern Ireland alone is completely impossible.
(09-11-2017, 21:26)0762 Wrote: Good comments and nice to see other 'critics' sifting out lotsa obvious criticisms re Tories and the shit politics and policies that they practise - there is so much 'ammunition' out there to 'shoot them down' and yet they still retain a power base!!! How sickening!!

They are the type of people who climb the ladder and then pull the ladder up behind them to stop other people having the same equal opportunities.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Like priti Patel... A dead eyed,pole climbing,opportunist. Straight from the Cameron school of politicians.

I'm deeply worried about her selling the UK out to Israel, and if she was acting on her own steam she should face prosecution.

Its truly shameful. As a British person in really ashamed.
Aye Jim. There is more to this story than 'meets the eye' and she is indeed a 'number 1 chancer' and a brazen one at that! The most annoying thing about her removal is that those toerags replaced her with another non-entity of a brexiteer!! Thumb down But good to listen to Lord Kerr's critical comments of these shameless bastards re 'trying to deceive the British public about the implications of activating article 50 and no turning back' - Lord Kerr confirming that article 50 can be revoked any time through the process and it is a political document, not a legal one!
(10-11-2017, 18:53)spireitematt Wrote:
(09-11-2017, 21:26)0762 Wrote: Good comments and nice to see other 'critics' sifting out lotsa obvious criticisms re Tories and the shit politics and policies that they practise - there is so much 'ammunition' out there to 'shoot them down' and yet they still retain a power base!!! How sickening!!

They are the type of people who climb the ladder and then pull the ladder up behind them to stop other people having the same equal opportunities.

I'd attach that criticism to the toerags' association and touting of private education which actually provides for about 3-5% of our kids but the people who 'sign up' to it know only too well that the opportunities for 'plum jobs' and very good future opportunities are enhanced for this group of people, most of them being wealthy! Up in Scotland I'll never understand why the divisive 2 tier education system still prevails in a small country with a population of just over 5 million people!? What happened to equal opportunities for all our kids and that goes with the same top class education and not one that is more favourable for 'the few' esp in a civilised and pluralistic society! Freedom of choice is the usual defence when this issue 'raises its ugly head' again but such a choice is not free to everyone!!! That's why it's part n parcel of the me me me Tory ideology with no regard for anyone else. I hate these people (incl the Thatcher lovers/admirers!!) with a passion and that view will not change in my lifetime. IMO the current crap Tory govt is predominantly riddled with two groups of people - nasty individuals and extremely nasty ones and I'll never figure out how a good number of people within the UK voting population are so easily duped by this horrible political party that has actually inflicted a lotta damage to this country and there is more to come! IMO it is not just the Tory party that is in chaos as suggested in the press/media; the chaos is a feature of British politics and the entire British Union is in meltdown - when will Scots waken up and realise that England is 'heading down the toilet'? Do we really wanna sleepwalk into joining them down the U-bend???
Dan Roberts
Honda UK telling MPs it imports 2 million components a day from Europe on 350 trucks and holds 1 hours worth of stock. It would take 18 months to put customs admin in place but every 15 minutes of delay would cost £850,000 a hour. That's not including WTO tariffs of 10% and 4.5%.

Aye but,lets take back control.

Some tory dick is going to have to tell the country that brexit is impossible. I think its only right boris goes first.
(14-11-2017, 18:36)hibeejim21 Wrote: Dan Roberts
Honda UK telling MPs it imports 2 million components a day from Europe on 350 trucks and holds 1 hours worth of stock. It would take 18 months to put customs admin in place but every 15 minutes of delay would cost £850,000 a hour. That's not including WTO tariffs of 10% and 4.5%.

Aye but,lets take back control.

Some tory dick is going to have to tell the country that brexit is impossible. I think its only right boris goes first.

I'm being very flippant with this comment but maybe a progressive UK government could strike a deal with Honda and their suppliers and give them incentives to manufacture those 2 millions parts here in the UK?? Think about the savings on transport costs alone, as well as the benefit to the environment and of course the jobs it would bring!!! Not at all convinced we have that government at the moment, but if Brexit is to be a reality at some point then the UK government will need to become very creative to entice companies to set up in the UK! Its doable if they would put their minds to it but I wouldn't hold my breath!!
This is the lie thats put out by the brexiters, this notion that the UK can do its own business in 2017, it cant, it is wholly dependent on other nations.

Honda aren't going to change their business strategy to suit brexit. They already have it as good as it can be with their manufacturing and support centres throughout the EU. That was the part of the gig with them bringing plants here in the first place!

The tories might have to throw them another bung.
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