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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
They even tried to hijack Corbyn's recent proposed policies on housing and student loans but again totally unimpressive and lacking a convincing dialogue on it!
US rounds on Britain over food quotas as post-Brexit trade woes deepen

Seven trading heavyweights slam the British government’s position on quotas after Brexit.

By Hans von der Burchard
 | 10/4/17, 8:19 PM CET
 | Updated 10/5/17, 1:44 PM CET

The U.S. and other international trade heavyweights have dashed Prime Minister Theresa May’s hopes of a smooth Brexit by rejecting one of her core plans for reintegrating into global trade networks.

Washington’s slap-down of Britain is the second big trade reality check for May in less than a fortnight. Only last week, the U.K.’s increasingly fragile position in trade disputes was exposed by the country’s inability to prevent new, ultra-high tariffs from the U.S. that could hit thousands of jobs in a plane factory in Northern Ireland.

In a fast-developing second trade spat, Washington has teamed up with Brazil, Argentina, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Thailand to reject Britain’s proposed import arrangements for crucial agricultural goods such as meat, sugar and grains after Brexit. The fact that the U.K.’s opponents include the U.S., Canada and New Zealand is a significant setback because Britain is trying to style its former colonies as natural strategic and commercial allies after it has quit the EU.

Since August, Britain and the EU have repeatedly insisted that they had reached an agreement on the terms under which Britain would buy in food from around the world after Brexit.

Laugh  Laugh
To follow on from these 'negative impacts of brexit', Brussels now rejects any concessions and the 'ball left firmly in Theresa May's court'! What will she do with it? F### all eh except delaying the inevitable 'car crash'!! From a Scottish viewpoint, I see this as an impending national emergency and our emergency exit is definitely Scottish independence! Lets not hang about too long on these Little Englander c#### down south. Patience, boldness and courage in our politics up here and learn something from what went on in Catalonia and bringing a mass population on board to peacefully push for indy and self-determination!!
Over a year after the referendum and 40 years since the anti-EU lobby got going and still they have no idea what they want or how to get it. It's beyond xxxx laughable.

We said this very early on but the tories negotiating strategy is to crash out of the Brexit negotiations without a deal, and then blame it on EU intransigence and inflexibility.

The UK is a laughing stock.
It's so reminiscent of the Republicans over here and Obamacare!! For 7 years they have said they will immediately repeal it and replace it with something better, yet as soon as they get that opportunity they are all over the place and cannot pass anything that is acceptable to even their own party!!! Seriously, what is gong on with politics these days??
I despair SCO, i really do.

The tories are falling apart in front of our eyes,but still they insist on dragging us all down with them.
(11-10-2017, 18:35)St Charles Owl Wrote: It's so reminiscent of the Republicans over here and Obamacare!!  For 7 years they have said they will immediately repeal it and replace it with something better, yet as soon as they get that opportunity they are all over the place and cannot pass anything that is acceptable to even their own party!!!  Seriously, what is gong on with politics these days??

A few years ago, well before all this shit arose, I regularly commented and debated with various friends/family members that there are no 'heavyweight politicians' any more and I was particularly referring to the state of UK politics. I suppose it's a similar political situation in the USA although I did have a lotta time for Barack Obama TBH but still unsure where he'd rank amongst the real political 'greats' from the past. I believe the black events that eventually unfolded on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean are partly linked to this 'political vacuum' where we can observe all these lesser political individuals with no real substance attached to them - it's the same of the same personas with slightly different political ideologies/allegiances. In Scotland IMO it's one of the reasons why Nicola Sturgeon's standing as one of the devolved leaders in the UK is very highly regarded not just within these shores. She presents her convictions and authority very well compared with other very lightweight political individuals who have tried to challenge her position down the years but failed miserably because they were not good enough and were classed as politically 'frail'!
Where is this nonsense that it is the EU that is holding back negotiations coming from ? The tories can't agree on anything regarding brexit.

When we signed article 50 we agreed to the EU conditions - settle our bill,secure the border issue in ireland and guarentee the rights of EU citizens who live in the UK.

Not one of those conditions has been met. Don't forget that May also triggered an unnecessary court case by trying to bypass Parliament with Article 50. She didn't need to do that at all. She also called a general election which delayed talks further.

Going by the Finnish official close to the talks verdict today, its clear its the UK that is dragging its feet and delaying talks because IT DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Something for the hard of thinking brexiteers to mull over whilst they digest the article below.
(17-10-2017, 18:46)hibeejim21 Wrote: Where is this nonsense that it is the EU that is holding back negotiations coming from ? The tories can't agree on anything regarding brexit.

When we signed article 50 we agreed to the EU conditions - settle our bill,secure the border issue in ireland and guarentee the rights of EU citizens who live in the UK.

Not one of those conditions has been met. Don't forget that May also triggered an unnecessary court case by trying to bypass Parliament with Article 50. She didn't need to do that at all. She also called a general election which delayed talks further.

Going by the Finnish official close to the talks verdict today, its clear its the UK that is dragging its feet and delaying talks because IT DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Something for the hard of thinking brexiteers to mull over whilst they digest the article below.

The £490 billions pound poorer has nothing to do with Brexit its because the Tories have been incompetent with the economy and they've got there sums wrong. Since they've been in power in the last 7 years they've borrowed £870 billion more than the whole of Labour have borrowed in there whole time in power. Austerity hasn't worked but they still seem to plough on with this ideology. Also foreign investors are put off with investing in the country as Brexit is up in the air and there seems to be no real direction the same would happen if Scotland went independent.

What the EU want is they want the money upfront before more negotiations and trade negotiations begin, If we give the EU £100 billion before talks they could take the money and run and not give us any deal. Reason why the Tories can't agree on anything relating to Brexit is because there split. Half want to leave while the other half want to stay and are dragging there feet.

What should have happen is the Tories should have got on with Brexit but done it cross party, cut there holidays short to sort this out and then at the end of the 2 year leaving period they should have then called a General Election in 2019 instead of calling a General Election this year because calling a General Election has wasted time and its made the Tories and Britain's hand in negotiations weaker.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY

This additional OECD report really cuts to the heart of this whole issue from an economic viewpoint. A remain vote would give our economy a massive boost and is anybody really surprised by that impartial economic view from the OECD study of the current UK position! The late Tam Dalyell was absolutely right when he previously commented that there was no courageous UK politician, a political 'heavyweight', who was capable enough to put a kybosh on the whole brexit fiasco and stick to the status quo with such a tight public opinion poll 'kicked into the long grass' for the good of the country!!!
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