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(14-11-2014, 00:47)Fredstersafool Wrote: I have no idea of admin 2 is coming or not all I know is your club is skint,Coop take yer tongue out his crack for once,and if anyone knows about bigotry it'll be you lot if scumbags,Trus you better put yer wig in for fixing you'll have pulled all the hair out it.

Its a lonely life being you Fred Laugh Laugh
(15-11-2014, 01:47)El Car Wrote: Tin Tin, you're very wrong - not least of all because there were no share transactions after Whyte bought those of the old company - and this won't affect the current company or the club at all. The purchase of the old company by Whyte is separate from the administration, during which the club was sold.

Ok, but it must be a bit unsettling for fans and players that this has suddenly happened?? Do you think this will have no effect on the current club and shareholders or will this only be about the way the club was previosuly sold as opposed to a problem with the validity of the sale??
Why unsettling? If they are found to have been involved in a fraudulent takeover then they will be prosecuted.
Is that not a good thing.... And this investigation has been ongoing for some time now so hardly a surprise.
I think most of our fans want to see the guilty parties brought to justice. How it affects the current company - if at all - remains to be seen, but there are a lot of links you'd need to make between the fraud and the eventual transfer to Charles Green's company which would seem to be very much broken. For example, if you assume Whyte and D&P conspired to buy the company fraudulently, put it in administration to clear the debt and resecure it for Whyte (as Whyte seemed to think), that link is broken when D&P said there was no way Whyte could remain as owner. Then if you try to bring Green into it, the problem there is the recorded conversations between Whyte and Green which made it clear Green had approached Whyte well after the company was put in administration just to try to get his shares. As far as I can see there's nothing to suggest the administration process and sale of assets weren't all totally legit, even if Green did pull a con job on Whyte during the process, albeit one that didn't go anywhere as Whyte's shares weren't required in the end.

I'm pretty sure D&P's conduct during the admin until BDO took over the show will be under close scrutiny from the police, but the previous investigations by the firm itself and regulators didn't turn up anything untoward. Any wrongdoing was carried out by a separate firm prior to it becoming part of D&P. Also worth remembering that D&P were the ones who first brought the case against Withey/Collier Bristow for the fraud.
(16-11-2014, 13:04)supercooper Wrote: Why unsettling? If they are found to have been involved in a fraudulent takeover then they will be prosecuted.
Is that not a good thing.... And this investigation has been ongoing for some time now so hardly a surprise.

Yes its always a good thing in these circumstances, but as a player or fan you must be so tired of all these issues being all over the news and sports media?? For the player and management team it can't help constantly being asked about it either.
Nae horse shit whatsoever son waken up FFs. No feeding lines from anyone- just facts sonny. Wtf do you not understand about share dealings. Enjoy yer life in yer wee blue bubble because it is about to burst big style boy
I'll consider your opinion when you show evidence of having any sort of clue of what you're talking about.

Until that fateful day, your opinion is nothing more than worthless shite.
Think you should change yer name to ostervich boy- continually burying your head in the sand. Why do you always resort to personal abuse boy?. If the original deal is found to be fraudulent, then all that has followed in the ensuing years are null and void also, including sale of shares, rights issues whatever the xxxx you want to call them- all getting a wee bit messy once more. By the way boy, it's not my opinion- it's what is happening- so stop talking worthless shite boy
(17-11-2014, 21:24)TIN TIN Wrote: Think you should change yer name to ostervich boy- continually burying your head in the sand. Why do you always resort to personal abuse boy?. If the original deal is found to be fraudulent, then all that has followed in the ensuing years are null and void also, including sale of shares, rights issues whatever the **** you want to call them- all getting a wee bit messy once more. By the way boy, it's not my opinion- it's what is happening- so stop talking worthless shite boy

This bit is what would worry me, but I do not think it is a forgone conclusion that everything that follows is null and void. It all depends of what they are charged with and why!!
Makes no difference in most ways, SCO. It doesn't matter who the owner was, the company couldn't pay creditors so went into administration. The assets were sold to a third party, and those have since subsequently been sold to thousands of shareholders in RIFC. At best the transfer of shares to Whyte would be declared a void contract and they would revert to the Murray Group, but they would still be shares in a company in liquidation no matter who owns them. I'm not even sure that could happen unless Whyte didn't pay Murray his £1. Who was the fraud perpetrated against? Best answer I can come up with is Ticketus, who were fully aware of and complicit in the deception of the Rangers board and fans, but had false representations made to them by Whyte and co.
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