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Ken shame that.

Still better than any of the bullshit iv'e been spun from you,apparently Mickey Mouse wears a Trusevic watch.
Thing is, unlike you, Mickey Mouse can tell the time.

Now hurry up with that £20 you owe me. It's nearly pub o' clock. Cool
£20 I owe you lol Trus i'm working two jobs at the minute for xmas i'll sort you out when it's over,that's if you can tell me why I owe you £20.
1p for each time you've spouted lies and bollocks about Rangers.

Hang on, I'm letting you off too lightly here! Whistle
I've never spouted any lies that's your department
A warrant out for Craig Whyte too now. About time, eh.

I'm a bit surprised about the D&P arrests since they've ready been subject to a couple of investigations and cleared, but I suppose that was in their role as administrators. It'd be interesting to know the full extent of Whitehouse and Clarke's role in the initial takeover.
El Car, it's important to consider that the four were not arrested, they were detained for questioning. Within a matter of hours, a warrant for Whyte's arrest was issued. Go figure.

Important to take into consideration D&P's statement saying the matter relates to employees of the company they took over, before they took it over, and not D&P themselves.
El Car likes this post
Trus, you really are a total fud of the highest degree. What do,you,not understand about detained for questioning? This whole scenario his going to blow yer beloved club right oot the water. Fraudulent purchase by Craigie boy- means any subsequent share dealings are also fraudulent as ' the Owners" had Nae legal rights to be trading shares. You are going down quicker than the titanic laddy, waken up son.
Tin Tin, you're very wrong - not least of all because there were no share transactions after Whyte bought those of the old company - and this won't affect the current company or the club at all. The purchase of the old company by Whyte is separate from the administration, during which the club was sold.
(15-11-2014, 00:42)TIN TIN Wrote: Trus, you really are a total fud of the highest degree. What do,you,not understand about detained for questioning? This whole scenario his going to blow yer beloved club right oot the water. Fraudulent  purchase by Craigie boy- means any subsequent share dealings are also fraudulent as ' the Owners" had Nae legal rights to be trading shares. You are going down quicker than the titanic laddy, waken up son.

Utter horse-shit, and you know it. Who's feeding you your lines?

Sorry, you probably don't know, or even realise.
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