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So, you've no inclination to revert to on-topic discussion?

I see the RIFC share price has risen to 26.5pps today. Looks serious, we surely must be skint. Admin2 any day now, eh?

Fυcking idiot. Doh
When did I mention admin you idiot
Ah, are you saying admin2 isn't going to happen then?
Edgie's prediction was that we'd be in administration by Christmas...2012. His next
starring piece - on which he staked his entire credibility as a commentator on the subject - was that RIFC would never file a set of financial statements. Do we really need to hear any more about what he thinks will happen?
Of course not EC. The bitter fantasist's credibility went for a Burton years ago. The only people who care about his effluent utterings are the mongos and brain dead morons that are happy to kneel in front of him and nosh on his fetid old cock.
Putting aside any biased opinion of a Celtic fan, are you guys worried by the amount of money the club is spending (or leaking depending on your view)?? It seems everytime a pay period comes around a new injection of money is needed, with MA leading the way with his loans. Attendances are down, commercial revenues are still not producing what you need and the fanbase is fairly split over the current and previous boardroom setups, that seems to be all leading to losing revenue and consequently more borrowing!! Surely at some point cuts need to be made to balance the books, if its not the directors taking the money, where can these cuts be made??
Various regimes have been trying to make these cuts for years now, going back to well before the administration. The salaries of directors in recent times has been an overblown factor latched on to by people who wanted to turn it to their own advantage. At the end of the day we've spent more money paying off directors forced out by those people. My suspicion is that Mike Ashley's latest loan is effectively going towards paying off Wallace and Nash.

Sure, we can always try to be more cash-efficient, and hopefully will going forward, but the boycott has been the most damaging thing to our finances this season - again costing more than our directors ever have. As far as I can see, the only aim of the boycott was to starve the company of the cash it needs to survive, and thus to try to kill off Rangers. It's an act of spite, and as far as I'm concerned it;s not a split that will ever be mended, since those who have taken part can no longer call themselves supporters. As such they should just shut up and stop interfering with the club completely.
supercooper and St Charles Owl like this post
FFS the resident lapdog is still at it, too thick to realise the bigots thought he was a cretin as they treated him like a pet, and as for egomaniacs your very own Maroon fits that bill the worm!

And as for long arms its a dream you still chase fwed....
I have no idea of admin 2 is coming or not all I know is your club is skint,Coop take yer tongue out his crack for once,and if anyone knows about bigotry it'll be you lot if scumbags,Trus you better put yer wig in for fixing you'll have pulled all the hair out it.
So 4 men detained over the alleged fraudulent purchase of the club,what happens if it's found the purchase was fraudulent??
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