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2017 Message from Our Chairman ........

06:30 1st January 2017

John Williams addresses supporters ahead of 2017

ON behalf of the directors, players and all the staff at West Bromwich Albion, I would like to wish our supporters a happy new year in the hope that they have enjoyed the festive season thus far.

Naturally, we shall be doing all we can to ensure 2017 gets off to the best possible start with victory over Hull City at The Hawthorns in another hugely-important Premier League fixture.

Beyond that comes our collective ambition for the Club to continue its progress on and off the pitch and ensure it remains a competitive force within what most concede is the toughest domestic league in world football.

For Albion fans, 2016 was a tumultuous year dominated by a change of ownership following the long and successful guidance provided by the former owner and my predecessor, Jeremy Peace.

Now it has fallen to me as Chairman to continue to lead the progress which has enabled Albion to establish itself within this ferociously-competitive division.

We must do so while tackling the challenges of transition which have inevitably followed the departure of one, firmly-established regime and the arrival of a new order.

Next week, our new Chief Executive Martin Goodman formally takes up the reins while we hope to be in a position soon to confirm other significant recruitments which I believe will give the Club fresh impetus and new ideas.

That is never a bad thing in any organisation but I suspect the fresh faces on which our supporters will be focused are any added to the playing squad during this January transfer window.

As our Head Coach Tony Pulis has made clear and I can only re-emphasise, our target now is to do all we can to recruit players who will be immediate first-team selections. We are not of a mind to do deals simply for the sake of adding to numbers and if those deals are not there, we will keep our powder dry.

It is far from easy, of course, because the higher the grade of footballer you pursue, the greater the competition. But those are our ambitions and we will do all we can to realise them.

Giving Tony the tools to continue the progress on the pitch which we have seen over 2016 will be one of the key factors in another of our prime targets – to increase attendances at The Hawthorns.

The drop in numbers is an obvious a cause of concern and already the subject of much discussion between Martin and myself. Our new CEO will have as a priority what might be done off the pitch to help to tackle this.

But to the supporters who have stood through the wind, rain and shine of another year in the life of West Bromwich Albion, our sincerest thanks.

Yes, there have been disappointments but I think they would agree there have also been some genuinely encouraging and exciting signs of a team ‘on the up.’

We shall do all we can to keep it that way.

John Williams


BaggieMan and drewks like this post
2x Premier League Champ 1x Championship Winner and World cup Winner
I believe this article by John Williams confirms that in contract extension negotiations, Pulis was told to be awarded the extension, he must improve the quality and expansiveness of our football in an attempt to reduce the swathes of empty seats at the Shrine and the disillusion of many supporters.

Good on yer John !
(01-01-2017, 22:09)TheBaggieMan Wrote: I believe this article by John Williams confirms that in contract extension negotiations, Pulis was told to be awarded the extension, he must improve the quality and expansiveness of our football in an attempt to reduce the swathes of empty seats at the Shrine and the disillusion of many supporters.

Good on yer John !

Also promising that he says we will only buy first team players at the moment not squad players,
Now if he is serious this means paying out cash for quality players ...........

Fingers crossed Thumb up Whistle
2x Premier League Champ 1x Championship Winner and World cup Winner
I apologise that I don’t post very often but I need to comment on the almost road to Tarsus transformation of Tony Pulis we have seen in the last few months. I would love to think that it has all been part of “ard work” Tony’s master plan to establish a defensive structure before releasing the team’s creative impulse but do not fully believe this.

I must admit I hated Pulis’s “park the bus” mentality he employed even against teams from lower divisions. My complaints that his philosophy was destroying the fan base were dismissed by many (non baggie fans) that football is just a business and supporters were not needed anymore with the influx of TV money. I can quite believe this of Jeremy Peace but was optimistic of the new owners. I do not believe that everyone believes that football is just a business.....optimist that I am.

I honestly believe that the new management regime genuinely shocked by the disillusion of the majority of fans with the cynical fare Pulis was serving up to maintain his reputation of never being relegated and called him to account.

I believe they read him the riot act and warned him it was unacceptable. Pulis saw the writing on the wall and with the offer of a new contract acquiesced. I will accept we have an ageing squad but still have the skilled players capable of playing decent football released from his leaden hand.

I sincerely hope Pulis has now seen the light, but knowing he is from that generation of “brown envelope” English managers I still have my doubts..... although I am optimistic.

A finish of 8th in the league on the final day will be a real success and he will be my hero and well done to the new regime.
BaggieMan likes this post
I'm always wary when anyone thinks Albion are established in the Premier League.
It matters not one jot whether you are considered 'established' or not in the Premiership.
'Established' doesn't give you points. 'Established' doesn't stop you doing a Dingles and sinking to the third tier of English footy. The only thing that counts is having enough quality to stay in the top league.
Who's suggesting we are 'Established' anyway?
drewks likes this post
I don't believe that Pulis has changed his philosophy on football at all and I don't believe the club has told him to either.

Discussions will have been had about what the problems are and I have no doubt that Pulis will have told the Board that they need to stop messing about looking for 'bargains' to balance the books and invest in some real quality. He will have also reminded them what a good job he had done keeping the Club in the Premier League with, what was basically, an over bloated squad of journeymen....and Berahino!!

We are now starting to see the results of Tony Pulis's 'football philosophy' with the addition of some of his targets, Phillips (the QPR reject, as he was labeled by some on here), McLean (can't believe some still doubt him), Evans, Rondon and Chadli.

We are probably THE most organised and hard-working team currently in the Prem and very dangerous on the break. This hasn't happened by accident. It has happened because Tony Pulis persevered with his vision of how we should play, despite the vitriol aimed at him.

Hopefully, all those Baggies that decided to 'stay away' have a rethink and return to the Hawthorns and get behind a bunch of players who look like they enjoy their jobs.

Looking forward to a happy 2017... Thumb up

PS. Did anyone notice the 'man-hug' Ben gave Shane Long... Wink

Having said all that, we will probably lose to Hull now... Whistle
aries22, HRK, drewks like this post
(02-01-2017, 10:40)TheBaggieMan Wrote: It matters not one jot whether you are considered 'established' or not in the Premiership.
'Established' doesn't give you points. 'Established' doesn't stop you doing a Dingles and sinking to the third tier of English footy. The only thing that counts is having enough quality to stay in the top league.
Who's suggesting we are 'Established' anyway?

John Williams did, in his statement.
(02-01-2017, 11:27)tidy Wrote: I don't believe that Pulis has changed his philosophy on football at all and I don't believe the club has told him to either.

Discussions will have been had about what the problems are and I have no doubt that Pulis will have told the Board that they need to stop messing about looking for 'bargains' to balance the books and invest in some real quality. He will have also reminded them what a good job he had done keeping the Club in the Premier League with, what was basically, an over bloated squad of journeymen....and Berahino!!

We are now starting to see the results of Tony Pulis's 'football philosophy' with the addition of some of his targets, Phillips (the QPR reject, as he was labeled by some on here), McLean (can't believe some still doubt him), Evans, Rondon and Chadli.

We are probably THE most organised and hard-working team currently in the Prem and very dangerous on the break. This hasn't happened by accident. It has happened because Tony Pulis persevered with his vision of how we should play, despite the vitriol aimed at him.

Hopefully, all those Baggies that decided to 'stay away' have a rethink and return to the Hawthorns and get behind a bunch of players who look like they enjoy their jobs.

Looking forward to a happy 2017... Thumb up

PS. Did anyone notice the 'man-hug' Ben gave Shane Long... Wink

Having said all that, we will probably lose to Hull now... Whistle

Nice one tidy Thumb up
(02-01-2017, 11:27)tidy Wrote: I don't believe that Pulis has changed his philosophy on football at all and I don't believe the club has told him to either.

Discussions will have been had about what the problems are and I have no doubt that Pulis will have told the Board that they need to stop messing about looking for 'bargains' to balance the books and invest in some real quality. He will have also reminded them what a good job he had done keeping the Club in the Premier League with, what was basically, an over bloated squad of journeymen....and Berahino!!

We are now starting to see the results of Tony Pulis's 'football philosophy' with the addition of some of his targets, Phillips (the QPR reject, as he was labeled by some on here), McLean (can't believe some still doubt him), Evans, Rondon and Chadli.

We are probably THE most organised and hard-working team currently in the Prem and very dangerous on the break. This hasn't happened by accident. It has happened because Tony Pulis persevered with his vision of how we should play, despite the vitriol aimed at him.

Hopefully, all those Baggies that decided to 'stay away' have a rethink and return to the Hawthorns and get behind a bunch of players who look like they enjoy their jobs.

Looking forward to a happy 2017... Thumb up

PS. Did anyone notice the 'man-hug' Ben gave Shane Long... Wink

Having said all that, we will probably lose to Hull now... Whistle

I also find it amusing that because we're now playing better it's not down to the players or Manager, but down to the Chairman having a word in Pulis' ear to say let's see some more expansive football!  Laugh

I've never been fond of Pulis but I'm warming to him now. We need to keep in mind why he was brought in by Peace, and that was to keep us up at all costs until he sold the club. And on a very modest budget in comparison to the clubs we're competing with. He'd gambled with some very dubious head coaches before and we were very lucky to have survived under the tenure's of Irvine and Mel.

Now that we're under the new owners we've seen our play begin improve and become more expansive because we're not just trying to stay up at all costs - we're aiming to achieve the ambition what the new owners said they have for us, which is for us to move up the league and establish ourselves as a mid table team. We're doing quite nicely on that front and going into the 2nd day of the window I think we'll see at least two good additions to the team. Schlupp is one I think will happen. Schneiderlin not so much.

On the topic of attendance there's a key point in the Chairman's New Year Message that should not be overlooked:

 "But to the supporters who have stood through the wind, rain and shine of another year in the life of West Bromwich Albion, our sincerest thanks."

For me it's the die-hards that need to be acknowledged not those who've stayed away; as those will soon be back in droves now that we're on the upward trajectory again. 

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