(12-11-2016, 23:46)St Charles Owl Wrote: (12-11-2016, 23:27)Maddix Wrote: The trouble with politics is that people are in it for the money (and power/ego trip) and not the vocation. In the good old days representatives had a day job and did all the councillor bit in their spare time. Now it's a career path full of graduates with absolutely no knowledge of what it's like to work for living 
Completely agree!!! Ironically Trump is definitely not in it for the money and he certainly can't be accused of being a career politician!!! He does have a few other faults though!!!
A few?
I can't imagine being Ok with anyone talking the way he does as a representative of my community, regardless of the stupidity the left brings to the table.
Always The People Vs them. this no different, Trump shakes up nothing as he surrounds himself with lobbyists. he's a con man. he will continue to xxxx both sides.
That said I completely agree that his default of promises at this early stage can only spell disaster. but disaster doesn't happen unless you're an Anthony Weiner, disgraceful as he is. they all do it. he just happened to be the one Liberal that said 'xxxx you' to the Republicans. no surprise they found a way to disgrace him and not the ones in their faith based child abusing party.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy, the double standard bleeds out. The left has a lot to answer for as it continually looks for further PC answers in order to fragment itself further, continually losing ground to climate change deniers, female body regulators and all round Zealotry.
I can't even identify with some of the people within my own party and that's where the left went wrong because the right will forever be unified with a ubiquitous hate of the left.
I love a good whine with my cheese fellas, don't get me wrong I Liked your posts because I respect an opinion outside my own.. And I really don't think we differ that greatly at times
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius