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The battle of Orgreave - another Tory cover up?
(02-11-2016, 01:43)hibeejim21 Wrote: The decision was driven by a desire to protect the Conservative Party from what would assuredly be the revelation that the behaviour of the Police at that time was sanctioned and encouraged by them for their own political ends. That needs to be put out clearly in the open and for the record,thats how society is meant to work not hiding behind cowardly 'we all know what happened' type thinking.

Theresa May must have known what would happen when SHE first, and wholly unexpectedly, floated the idea of an enquiry, and then amber rudd followed up basically by telling the families it was going to happen before her u-turn yesterday. There is now an inexorable momentum towards an inquiry into Orgreave. It is going to happen eventually,so they should just have gone ahead and bitten the bullet.

The tories are basically just trying to keep their right wing in check with this decision while brexit proceeds.

Jim, surely if there is an inquiry then by the time that all takes place and is concluded the likelihood is that the Tories won't even be in power after all the Brexit stuff?? And after Hillsborough there is surely no doubt in anyones mind that the SYP were being used by the Tory government to cover things up to make everyone look better?? Not sure how this inquiry would change that anyway.
SCO,the tories grip on power in the UK is even stronger than under thatcher - they will be in power for the next 20 years.

I get what you are saying but without the Hillsborough inquiry some people still would have believed the authorities version(s) of events no matter what and no matter how obvious it was to the rest of us. Now they can't. Sometimes You have to go the extra mile and make it truth,otherwise these bastards always have a way out.

You just cant allow this to go because no one was convicted or died. Unless we are going down the legal route in future of "it doesn't matter you meant to kill/maim people and ruin lives, you didn't succeed in doing any lasting damage so no harm done.... off you go."
(02-11-2016, 14:03)hibeejim21 Wrote: SCO,the tories grip on power in the UK is even stronger than under thatcher - they will be in power for the next 20 years.

I get what you are saying but without the Hillsborough inquiry some people still would have believed the authorities version(s) of events no matter what and no matter how obvious it was to the rest of us. Now they can't. Sometimes You have to go the extra mile and make it truth,otherwise these bastards always have a way out.

You just cant allow this to go because no one was convicted or died. Unless we are going down the legal route in future of "it doesn't matter you meant to kill/maim people and ruin lives, you didn't succeed in doing any lasting damage so no harm done.... off you go."

I agree with you, it shouldn't just be covered up or allow them an easy way out, but I just don't think this needs a full inquiry and the millions of pounds that will cost!!
The official figures for the cost of the latest Hillsborough inquiry were released today and it showed the families legal costs were 63m and the police costs were 20m, both amounts being paid by the government. I know these things shouldn't be about money but that is a hell of a lot of money and for me should be a consideration in making the decision for Orgreave. I would rather see that money spent on the communities that were affected than going into the pockets of the lawyers!!
In the case of Hillsborough and bloody sunday where the miscarriages of justice were so terrible and so damaging to the british people I think its worth every penny frankly,especially when you see the multi millions pished away on the royal family or ludicrous projects.
+ the recently published billions of quid that is lost due to tax avoidance in the UK. Of course, if we have a current UK Tory gov for the elite and the rich, is this economic failure any surprise?
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