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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
I share those sentiments 100%. It is a free choice but I can't for the "life of me" figure out how there are lotsa folk in the country who back the Tories, a divisive political party who I have never voted for and never will and also note in Scotland there are clearly millions of Scots, past and present, who have not voted for the Tories in well over half a century - no voted Tory govt in Scotland since the 1950s and no coincidence!!! I actually find it so fitting that they are at the forefront of initiating Brexit and destabilising the country with their extreme political ideology and policies!! The fact there is definitely more to follow in Scotland from a political party full of shameless hypocrites who preached to Scots, in referendum year 2014, the exact opposite (re remaining in the EU) to what they are "spouting off" now - a bunch of lying, insincere bastards who moved on to the same political strategy re Brexit and failing to debate the true implications of it in the long term!! Likewise I despise them with a passion and can't believe that a huge "chunk" of the Brit population have supported their extreme stance on Brexit esp after all the lies, xenophobia and misogyny - IMO they can have these c#### and keep them but don't "drag" other parts of the country into this mess esp with the COVID related probs already there to deal with - I personally find this too much to bear from another Brit govt who we never voted for up here!!
Given Bodgit's stance on the tellybox, while wearing his Bob the Builder's outfit for the 31st time in a month, this time stood in front of a big windmill, designed and built in Denmark, delivered to the UK and erected somewhere where it is hopefully windy enough to turn and generate power without the emissions from his fat arse, that leaving on WTO terms (or as he prefers, an Australian deal) clearly shows he doesn't do irony.

We're (sorry) He's prepared to leave the biggest free trading block in the world, because we don't like "unelected Johnny Foreigner's telling us how to run our country." That's not how the EU works, BUT IT'S HOW THE TORY PRESS CLAIMS IT WORKS. So we'll depart on WTO rules, which will be dictated to us by unelected Johnny Foreigner's, telling us how to run our country - except it will add around 10% on average to everything we buy and sell (that's the cost you and me, not what the prices are at the factory gates) and will push inflation through the roof.

Some thick Tory pillock was claiming 2-3% this morning but quite honestly, if you think I believe anything one of those lying bastards says on TV any more then you are more naive than the idiots that voted Leave on the back of what the lying bastards were claiming over 4 years ago in the first place.

PS - a note to Bodgit's Doris - can you get him something else to wear the next time you take him down to the Soho sex shop where you buy his clothes please? His 'Bob the Builder' thing might fit a little better than the 3 piece suite he was wearing for dinner in Brussels last week, but hell, you wouldn't see a woman politician wear the same thing twice in a month on TV let alone every photo op the prick turns up for, 31 days running. It might spice up your sex life a bit again too. He looks like he needs some more paternity leave. He hasn't had a month off that we've noticed in weeks now. Or a day hiding in a fridge either. Not that he's done anything different from when he does have some time off.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
So now the latest line of Tory BS has been aired on the tellybox.

When the R number was heading skywards north of Watford Gap it was irresponsible Northerners not doing as they were told. Oh how the righteous plebs darn sarf liked to get their point of view aired on Jeremy Vine. What a smug set of barstewars they were. Now that Larndan and the Sarf East, which should have been in Tier 3 anyway, but Bodgit didn't want to work from home or put the Larndan economy at too much risk, have Covid numbers coming out of their ying-yangs - they've suddenly developed a new strain of Covid.

Well, what do you know, the virus that doesn't harm you if you have a meal and a pint in a pub but it does if you only have a pint, now knows how to mutate but only south of Watford. Hold on, what's that bright new star in the Eastern sky that has suddenly appeared? Where's me tin of frankincense gone? I've a pilgrimage to make. I'm off down the local donkey sanctuary to get me a rental. Talk to you soon folks after I've sent me two mates, a gold merchant and a fellow tree sap expert, a text to meet me at Felixstowe Docks.

Shoppers In Larndan, Daliy Fail pics - new strain my arse
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(14-12-2020, 22:30)theo_luddite Wrote: So now the latest line of Tory BS has been aired on the tellybox.

When the R number was heading skywards north of Watford Gap it was irresponsible Northerners not doing as they were told. Oh how the righteous plebs darn sarf liked to get their point of view aired on Jeremy Vine. What a smug set of barstewars they were. Now that Larndan and the Sarf East, which should have been in Tier 3 anyway, but Bodgit didn't want to work from home or put the Larndan economy at too much risk, have Covid numbers coming out of their ying-yangs - they've suddenly developed a new strain of Covid.

Well, what do you know, the virus that doesn't harm you if you have a meal and a pint in a pub but it does if you only have a pint, now knows how to mutate but only south of Watford. Hold on, what's that bright new star in the Eastern sky that has suddenly appeared? Where's me tin of frankincense gone? I've a pilgrimage to make. I'm off down the local donkey sanctuary to get me a rental. Talk to you soon folks after I've sent me two mates, a gold merchant and a fellow tree sap expert, a text to meet me at Felixstowe Docks.

Shoppers In Larndan, Daliy Fail pics - new strain my arse

The absolute contempt the tories have treated people in the north at a time like this really defies belief.

(13-12-2020, 21:59)theo_luddite Wrote: Given Bodgit's stance on the tellybox, while wearing his Bob the Builder's outfit for the 31st time in a month, this time stood in front of a big windmill, designed and built in Denmark, delivered to the UK and erected somewhere where it is hopefully windy enough to turn and generate power without the emissions from his fat arse, that leaving on WTO terms (or as he prefers, an Australian deal) clearly shows he doesn't do irony.

We're (sorry) He's prepared to leave the biggest free trading block in the world, because we don't like "unelected Johnny Foreigner's telling us how to run our country." That's not how the EU works, BUT IT'S HOW THE TORY PRESS CLAIMS IT WORKS. So we'll depart on WTO rules, which will be dictated to us by unelected Johnny Foreigner's, telling us how to run our country - except it will add around 10% on average to everything we buy and sell (that's the cost you and me, not what the prices are at the factory gates) and will push inflation through the roof.

Some thick Tory pillock was claiming 2-3% this morning but quite honestly, if you think I believe anything one of those lying bastards says on TV any more then you are more naive than the idiots that voted Leave on the back of what the lying bastards were claiming over 4 years ago in the first place.

PS - a note to Bodgit's Doris - can you get him something else to wear the next time you take him down to the Soho sex shop where you buy his clothes please? His 'Bob the Builder' thing might fit a little better than the 3 piece suite he was wearing for dinner in Brussels last week, but hell, you wouldn't see a woman politician wear the same thing twice in a month on TV let alone every photo op the prick turns up for, 31 days running. It might spice up your sex life a bit again too. He looks like he needs some more paternity leave. He hasn't had a month off that we've noticed in weeks now. Or a day hiding in a fridge either. Not that he's done anything different from when he does have some time off.

The tory press are still doing it, like they have from the start.

The BBC allows idiots like Jenkin and Dowden to bluster on about how the evil EU won't offer Britain a free trade deal that allows it to retreat from current standards, without pointing out that Trade Deals usually involve convergence, not divergence.

The idea the UK could sit off the coast of the EU, not contribute towards and undercut it whilst enjoying privileged access, was always a fantasy. But thats what the electorate were sold, all on the back of prejudice towards Europe and its people.
I recently listened to another Tory prat, Liam Fox, similarly "preaching" to American officials that I'm sure they wouldn't want a neighbouring country like Mexico interfering in the governance of US Affairs. The same applies to EU interference on Brit governance. When quizzed on a similar position re Scotland's devolved govt, the c### did a "body swerve" and changed the subject - another shameless bastard presenting an argument that suits his Brexit cause only!! Thumb down
The clowntramp has been like a zombie since Cummings left. Beyond clueless.

I mean my English geography isn't great but I do know blaydon isn't in the midlands, like Boris seemed to think at pmqs. Then his grasp on reality slipped totally when he said the 4 nations were on the same page re covid at xmas only for Wales and Scotland to contradict him while he's on his feet.

Absolute dickhead.
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
Blaydon is about halfway between Watford and Aberdeen, or maybe the odd Hebridean Island as far as Bodgit's knowledge/grasp of geography is concerned, how close would you like it to be? Hell he's only 200 miles or so off. Geordie's have been known to sound like drunken Brummies to some that were educated in the shadows of Windsor Castle surely?

Woooooaaaaahh, me lads
Ya shud ah seen us gannin' .....

Why the feck aye, mon.
hibeejim21 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Unicef has launched a domestic emergency response in the UK for the first time in its more than 70-year history to help feed children hit by the Covid-19 crisis.

There you go. A big xxxx off Christmas present from the tories. They should hang their heads in shame.
And we have another shameless Tory bastard named Duguid, a Scotland Office Minister, up here in Scotland "banging on" about the "specific shape of pasta" available in the shops??????? This would be the only inconvenience to shoppers says this moron together with the usual shit that there is a lot of scaremongering going around not least from the SNP. It says a lot for the level of tolerance that is evident up here and how these shameless c#### come out with this bullshit and are not tracked down and challenged or even beaten up in the street for such impudence/contempt. I'd also add the name of a real 100% RW extreme moron named Kelvin Mackenzie, a shit heid of an ex Sun editor who has a high regard for himself, to a list of shameless c#### who regularly "spout off" their inciteful drivel against any target that they deem to be worthy of a verbal attack. Again it surprises me that he has never been "decked" by a passing Liverpudlian or Scot or any other targeted individual that he has flagrantly lied about or insulted. This man is definitely not normal anyway but certainly deserves some form of retribution.

Merry Xmas - a Brit govt version lol!! Laugh
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