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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Some have gone that way Jim - a lot clearly haven't. Last week I had to go into the office for 6:00 for 3 days to cover a production trial. I normally go in for 8:00 when the M6 is now as busy as it ever was. I was astounded how much traffic was on the road 2 hours earlier on Weds, Thurs and Fri mornings. At that time of day there's no way that it's Schools and Uni traffic and it wasn't all goods traffic either. Amazon (& the like) warehouse shift changes maybe.

That said, it's mainly Production and Technical Lab staff that are on site each day where I go. The office staff are still encouraged to work from home most days. The place across the road however has a full and overflowing car park every day so they've got most people in. Then again, that business was bought last year by the dickheads that I had the displeasure of working for up to about 5 years ago. Yet to meet anyone I know that used to work for them that has a good word for them. As a result the poor sods across the road probably still don't know what's hit them yet.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
And I'm sure that is not Amazon you're referring to either Theo lol! Whistle
Who me? - Never - The fact they opened a place next to us and i've to get passed 20-30 HGV's in the morning to get into our car park never even entered my head.

Oh and about 50% of the stuff we order ends up with them instead of us - feck me are these delivery drivers all fecking blind.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Sing when we're fishing, we only sing when we're fishing.

So, Bodgit can't get the easiest trade deal done ever because of some trivial thing with fishing (bear with me) and his mates want to make the rules up on who they choose to subsidise in order to boost our sales into the EU.

The fishing thing is a stinking pile of herring, not just a red herring.

In 2019, UK vessels landed 622 thousand tonnes of sea fish with a value of £987 million. Compared to 2018, this is a reduction of 11 per cent and 2 per cent in quantity and value respectively.

The UK is a net importer of fish, with imports exceeding exports. The UK’s trade gap in 2019 for sea fish is 270 thousand tonnes.

In 2019, the UK imported 721 thousand tonnes of sea fish, with a value of £3,457 million. It exported 452 thousand tonnes with a value of £2,004 million.

So we export 73% of what we catch - to the EU - and we import more than we catch anyway. This will now all have import/export taxes added so, we'll lose out (net) on that one.

A huge chunk of imported fish tonnage is farmed salmon - which also get's lumped into the fresh water fish catch. I take it our trawlers just can't wait to start circling the UK salmon farms to keep them out of Johnny Foreigners nets.

What am I missing here that is a problem to a trade deal?

In 2019, there were 5,911 UK registered fishing vessels. There are around 12,000 fishers working on UK registered vessels. This has been stable for the past decade.

Almost 80 per cent of the UK fleet is made up of vessels of 10 metres and under in length. Vessels over 24 metres in length account for just 4 per cent of the total number (236) but for three fifths of total capacity and a third of total power.

In the mean time, we're spoiling for a fight by telling the Navy to have a go at any fishing boat leaving a French/Spanish port and sailing more than halfway across the Channel. Great way to win friends and influence people. I take it any fish found on board will be wearing a flag of the nation in whose waters they were caught to make them easy to identify.
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Read the front page headline on that shit riddled "rag" of a tabloid, The Daily Mail - GUN BOATS READY TO PROTECT OUR FISHING WATERS. Btw the Scottish govt is not deploying these extreme measures. Again I must say this antagonistic nonsense is not what was ever visualised by millions of people who voted for Brexit and indeed many of them are now opposed to this whole Brexit charade as OPs now show that a majority of people don't support it any more as it becomes clearer that the economic/COVID-19 "landscape" has dramatically changed everything. I'd luv to bring down this whole "vipers' nest" of Tory bastards in much the same way as done to Trump and his shameless RW entourage - finally move to some kinda political civility and proper respectful governance!!!!!
By credible sources at the midweek dinner Johnson's behaviour was an absolute disgrace. Doing his usual attempts at dividing the EU figureheads to no avail and generally behaving like an absolute cretin. He even managed to upset the normally mild mannered dutch pm.

The fish is neither here nor there in terms of a deal, as we've discussed countless times on here the UK fishing industry would be dead without the EU. Its meant next to nothing to us economically since the 70s. Getting all gunboat diplomacy on one of our NATO allies is xxxx embarrassingly pathetic.

The current offer to the UK is a deal in which if we align, we get full access. And if, in future, we diverge they limit access or put up tariffs. The UK choosing to go to no access and
full tariffs on everything now makes no sense.

You can only assume there was no intention to do a deal at any stage once they got shot of May, and this is just payback to Rees-Mogg's boys for getting him in as PM, and to Farage and his cronies for not standing against him in any tory seats.
ritchiebaby likes this post
It's no surprise - he was an absolute disgrace as as the Foreign Secretary - how short does he think their memories are? Not that Raab is much better. Doh

The only private company as incompetent as this lot is BT

Bodgit says his door is always open to discussions with the European Heads of State - er, well, Maggie (Theresa) May was clearly told to go and deal with the EU negotiators, not them. His door might be open but his brain isn't - well, not the two sex/money mad brain cells that just about exist between his ears that amount to his brain.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Apparently Macron and Merkel are so pissed off with him they wont speak to him. They did the same with trump remember? Just put up the shutters to try and avoid relations completely going down the shitter.

The next thing to happen will be that the pound will tank, which is good news for the hedge funds and disaster capitalists not so good news for the rest of us. Remember these guys and the oligarchs have got tens of billions riding on this.
(12-12-2020, 17:29)hibeejim21 Wrote: By credible sources at the midweek dinner Johnson's behaviour was an absolute disgrace. Doing his usual attempts at dividing the EU figureheads to no avail and generally behaving like an absolute cretin. He even managed to upset the normally mild mannered dutch pm.

The fish is neither here nor there in terms of a deal, as we've discussed countless times on here the UK fishing industry would be dead without the EU. Its meant next to nothing to us economically since the 70s. Getting all gunboat diplomacy on one of our NATO allies is xxxx embarrassingly pathetic.

The current offer to the UK is a deal in which if we align, we get full access. And if, in future, we diverge they limit access or put up tariffs. The UK choosing to go to no access and
full tariffs on everything now makes no sense.

You can only assume there was no intention to do a deal at any stage once they got shot of May, and this is just payback to Rees-Mogg's boys for getting him in as PM, and to Farage and his cronies for not standing against him in any tory seats.

Yep! It is what I said in a previous thread Jim - I definitely believe this was contrived from last year when one looks closely at Johnson's shenanigans from autumn onwards - a f###### creton and I gather his disgraceful behaviour was similar to what we observed from all these despicable Brexit shits in the EU Parliament in the weeks before they left - good riddance btw but their representation, coupled with Johnson's shit, was an absolute embarrassment to this country and IMO all part of one of the biggest political conspiracies that I've ever seen in my lifetime.
I mean this is just bonkers now. Even Corbyn the long term eurosceptic wanted the softest of brexits.

The role of the UK media in all this shouldn't be forgotten. They pushed for a referendum, and most of them pushed for a leave win and Boris as PM. They have fucked us over and over again, hand in hand with this rotten political class. I cant tell you the hatred I have for these people right now. The tories have created a monster that has turned on us all as a result of chasing the racist vote.

xxxx happy days.
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