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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
I notice the Brit govt's sudden increased budget provision to the MOD/military and must say I wondered when that would happen and totally unsurprised - 4B Euros per annum for the next four years and what an absolute financial obscenity when one reflects back to their shit heid attitude to free meals for school kids. Of course, one realises immediately what this record budget increase is really all about - filling the coffers of their arms/ordnance-providing backers/conservative party donors and remember this is more tax payers money being fed into these c#### pockets!! Thumb down
Absolutely. Now all the former MOD manufacturing sites, Royal Ordnance, HM Shipyards and Submarine bases, RAF bases, (the list goes on) are either in "private" hands, (and no I don't mean you Private Spike Milligna, former comedian and well known typing error), or permanently closed, he has to keep greasing the wheels that shovel the funds straight back into the Tory Party coffers. Many of these private "owners" are Johnny Foreigners, or failing that, their businesses are registered in tax havens so they pay bugger all tax here worth talking about, other than staff wage taxes, local taxes (maybe, maybe not) and then they get the Gov't to help them pay bribes for backhanders for foreign arms deals.
Oh, hold on - they just slapped Rolls Royce on the back of the legs for doing that. Then awarded them more defense contracts to ease the pain.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Those food banks wont defend themselves old boy !
0762 likes this post

And now we discover that another Tory non-entity named Priti Patel has finally been formally proved to be a bullying little shit but most of us knew that anyway although the Brit govt again tried oh so hard to cover it up. The subsequent punishment should really be her immediate sacking and no loss anyway as she always was an embarrassing waster for long enough and should never have been in such a senior Cabinet position ever since her forced resignation from the May govt!! She can then return back to her paymasters in Israel where I'm sure she'll be "kept sweet". How she has never been "found out" re govt security breaches is beyond me!!
This could well be the most dangerous and corrupt tory government ever, and that is saying something!
And Patel gets backing from Boris, so the inquiry was a complete waste of time and money. No surprise there as he has a record of defending the indefensible.
Cabbage is still good for you
Not only that Ritchie but this is the second time that Patel has been found guilty of bullying a civil servant, and the third time she has broken the ministerial code. These arseholes just carry on regardless, it's trump all over again.
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
The (not very) Priti one is now apologising for something that she never apparently did, and nobody in the cabinet ever saw or heard her do. In addition Bodgit hasn't read another report - why are we not surprised? They don't do reading at Eton. Dead pigs are a different matter but reading, nah, not on the curriculum

She could always clear off to Israel again on another unauthorised trip I suppose while the dust dies down. Maybe she could take JC with her to show him the sights, after all it's not that long to Christmas. Book him in for some woodworking lessons that might come in handy for next Easter. Donkey hire shouldn't be a problem right now and let's face it, who in Westminster doesn't have a cross to bear?

Having thought about it - that's two people hoping for at least 2 resurrections by next Easter when there hasn't been one in over 2000 years. Not gonna happen is it?
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
The shameless disregard for people or rules is so deserving of the criticism that Patel, Johnson et al are facing even from sections of their own press/media, the reason being that they don't wanna lose more of an ever diminishing readership. Johnson's reluctance to reveal the full formal report on Patel's crass behaviour just says it all!! He should be forced to do it and finally expose the extent of this woman's shit behaviour that an apology and a highly questionable response of "I didn't mean to offend anybody" is not believed by any straight-thinking citizen of this country - UTTER CONTEMPTUOUS BULLSHIT THAT GOES HAND IN HAND WITH THE WAY THAT THESE TOFFEE-NOSED C#### HAVE BEHAVED FOR YEARS AND BELIEVE THAT IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE Thumb down I'd luv to bring down this corrupt political "nest of vipers" and return to some form of political normality on this "side of the pond" as well!! There would be millions n millions of people who would be partying in the same way as happened in the US after Joe Biden's election victory.
Supermarkets revealed as place visitors and workers most likely to be exposed to coronavirus in PHE data.

No shit Sherlock.  Doh  Doh

[Image: 06_19_2014_holmes.jpg]

Ooo'd a thunk that was ever going to happen when it's the one and only place everybody can go?

Those that haven't got home deliveries booked up for the next 6 months with a weekly supply of bogroll and every soap/detergent known to man, or Morrisons that is. Smartass

Time to shut the Supermarkets and open the sports venues and pubs again if you ask me.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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