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Well said Worthing, its so easy to attack those on the 'dole' without knowing how they got there, I just hope on the day the Club will not be embarrassed by idiots, either on the dole,workers or those with more cash than class
I don't think it ever was an 'attack on those on the dole'. It was an attack on 'dole-scroungers', not genuine job seekers.


Quote:I just hope on the day the Club will not be embarrassed by idiots

I think we all hope that, it would be self-defeating in all respects.
Yes, embarrassment at the hands of a FEW idiots is something that we all want to avoid.

If the board really had the best interests of the business and club at heart they would have made use of the stadium - there might have been protests etc but at least we would have been shitting on our own carpet. As it is we might have a tiny minority of fools and rabble rousers dragging our (and by that i mean the fans) reputation through the mud in London where it will be very high profile.
Like Manchester??
There he is....Timmy leaves him with a face like a painter's radio and he comes over here to burble shite.

It's embarrassing.
Trus has raised the underlying problem : 'the reality is that neither side can win outright.' (Post #597, above).

Whatever the outcome of the EGM, there is no guarantee that it will put an end to all these boardroom battles. Both sides can muster more than the 25% minimum shareholding to block any further share issues.
If the Dave King camp 'win', the Easedale camp still have at minimum 26% shareholding.
If the Easedale camp 'win', Dave King plus the 3 Bears have over 34% shareholding.

Quite frankly I am sick of both camps and would welcome a hostile takeover from Robert Sarver !!!
Yeah, but as we've seen, its the board that calls the shots and makes the decision s: thumbing its nose to the largest shareholder(s). So, new share issue or not, there will be change.

Also, I cant see 1% being that much of a hurdle.

Venue cancels.

Bizarre,isn't it, hiring a venue when you own one?
(09-02-2015, 21:44)Larry-AV Wrote: Trus has raised the underlying problem : 'the reality is that neither side can win outright.' (Post #597, above).

Whatever the outcome of the EGM, there is no guarantee that it will put an end to all these boardroom battles. Both sides can muster more than the 25% minimum shareholding to block any further share issues.
If the Dave King camp 'win', the Easedale camp still have at minimum 26% shareholding.
If the Easedale camp 'win', Dave King plus the 3 Bears have over 34% shareholding.

Quite frankly I am sick of both camps and would welcome a hostile takeover from Robert Sarver !!!

The Easdale vote is key to progress really, and while their influence in the boardroom can be ended at the EGM the shareholdings held by the brothers will only increase in value - at least in the short term - if King and the Three Bears get on top of things, so I don't see them going any time soon. However, if they have nothing to gain from an alliance with Ashley they might just throw their lot in with King for the reason I've just mentioned.

(09-02-2015, 17:01)Trusevich Wrote: I don't think it ever was an 'attack on those on the dole'. It was an attack on 'dole-scroungers', not genuine job seekers.



Quote:I just hope on the day the Club will not be embarrassed by idiots

I think we all hope that, it would be self-defeating in all respects.

What are the chances though? We're still weeks away from it and it's already turned into another embarrassing situation. My approach to most things Rangers these days is just to accept that it'll be a horrible mess but it'll pass and we'll get a step closer to stability and respectability. The future's bright, we're just a wee bit away from getting there right now.  Thumb up
I see Mark 'Nixon' Dingwall and the Dirty Record have excelled themselves with their shock and outrage that a government minister who once mentioned freedom of speech IN 2008! has not leapt to the fore to attack Rangers for banning the red top bog roll from our property.

Dingwall, you are a fanny of the highest order. The Donkey's Rectum has a long history of printing exactly what it likes with no regard to factuality or offensiveness. Believe it or not, even banned from Ibrox and Murray Park, it can and will continue to print exactly what it likes. So tell me, where is it that freedom of speech has been impinged upon in any way?

Mind you, half the world was up in arms over Charlie Hebdo claiming it was about freedom of speech when, again, it was no such thing. Charlie Hebdo suffered some horrific consequences of what they'd been printing, but at no time were they unable to print whatever they liked.

Of all the scurrilous chancers heading up Rangers fans groups he's got to be the worst, yet he's also sadly the one that seems to have hung around longest. I'm sure there's one person on this board who'd probably back him to the hilt now that I've had a go, but with all the dodgy crap this guy's been involved in how does anyone see him as a trustworthy leader?
"I'm sure there's one person on this board who'd probably back him to the hilt now that I've had a go, but with all the dodgy crap this guy's been involved in how does anyone see him as a trustworthy leader?"

Who's the person?
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