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Stalin chaired the sentencing committee. A complete abuse of position as PM.

This as an absolute authoritarian dictatorship. What the fk is happening and how the fk are so many people switched off to their surroundings? Doh
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
The only solution is civil war and possible a revolution's over its reached its cycle ..

The royal family as ever edging there bets on the winners like the bastards did when all this started in the 1900s throwing there own kin on the fire in the process and letting the Jews take control over all our destiny's.
Statesideowl likes this post

More terrorists quietly swept under the rug without ever addressing the root cause.
Even better, they received around 5yrs for planning to kill members of police and politicians... Germany are toast.

People have received 5yrs in the UK for things they've posted on Facebook to put that in perspective. I couldn't imagine what you'd be getting for planning to kill police and labour MPs under Stalin's authoritarian regime
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
The kazzars another time tin foil hat moment I'm having .

Listen to this ..a people who when they took controll and massacred the other people ..took on there identity!

Mmmm ....dna traces all the bullshit politician liberals to America
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Proven correct yet again. I said nothing would happen to this prick.
Two tier Stalin has bailed out multiple Labour MP's for violence and hateful rhetoric whilst locking up the working class.

Jones' case has been repeatedly pushed back until it fades from public memory.
This wanker was calling for anyone in opposition to the faux left to have their throats cut, to which all the white women applauded... The voice of reason and righteousness, everybody!
Jones is out on bail by the way. Unlike thousands of white working class who were fast tracked to jail.
As usual there's people that just can't see it, their heads so far up their own arses.

Stalin released thousands of violent criminals from Prisons simply to make space for the 'rioters' who wrote disgusting things yet completely ignored the same behaviour or rhetoric from the faux left and from within Labour itself.
This is a fascist, authoritarian regime.

A few days ago the clown JD Vance humiliated Stalin by calling him out for the infringements on free speech in the UK.
Did anyone see the nasal monotone wanker's response?
"We've always had free speech and I'm proud of that History"

You know, likebthat 54yr old grandmother in Manchester who was harassed at her door by police for demanding Cllr Sedgwick resign..

Or, the letters being send out to residents living close to abortion clinics in Scotland that stipulate the Safe Access Zone Act 2023: Where any form of protest or praying in your own homes/private property, which can be seen or heard may be deemed an offence.. This law can be used to arbitrarily determine you've committed an offence, in your own home simply by looking at you through your window...

These are nothing more than insidious methods of eroding our last remaining civil liberties under the guise of 'Protections'
People shouldn't be missing it. Unfortunately, we are incredibly dumbed down.

Free speech? Yet it's threats of violence and prison if we criticise the religion of murder and rape?
Gutter culture and our traitorous leaders are in bed with it.
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"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

The girls are at it now! Not allowed to give details due to their age..

Oh, hang on. It's actually acceptable to give details about native children. They had no problem publishing details about "16yr old native white Scot" charged with terrorism for loitering outside a Mosque.
Reasoning and logic suggest these girls are from the same stabby religious community as all the other such crimes.

Are we at least to the point of understanding that details are given about natives whilst ethnic/religious groups are protected?

NO details are given about minors from ethnic or religious groups. Adults from these groups are reluctantly detailed in the media, at best!!

Rudakubana was never referred to as "17yr old black Rwandan" or "Black welshman"
It's a bit different for whitey! Thankfully some are able to acknowledge the glaringly obvious two tier system.

Oh, our supreme leader and advocate of releasing the sausages has found even more money for the puppet Zelensky's laundering operation....
He just said that even if a peace deal is reached, we'd still be sending billions to Ukraine for 'future security' Doh

This is the same guy that pinched pennies from the elderly and disabled as he hiked taxes up claiming there's a '22bn' black hole..
A hole they can't actually account for, it's merely an excuse for thievery.

Nobody to protest or pressure the thieving stooges because the faux left are only interested in Palestine and enabling the spread of Islam. The faux left aren't interested in any of this government corruption or corporate thievery.
They are NOT the real left.
Fascist little phuks who can't see they're the mirror opposite of the extreme right they can't stop whining about.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Probably the far right and Mossad again..
'German man' is that a bit like 'Welsh man' I wonder..?
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
German authorities on high alert after Islamic state threatens attacks on carnivals..

Perfectly reasonable and normal behaviour. Carry on as usual as it's normal to live like this.. Doh

Still yet to see any 'moderate muslim' either stand in solidarity with European natives or condemn the Islamists.

Multiple attacks by Islamists throughout Christmas in Europe and America. How many Christians are ploughing their cars in to Ramadan crowds? Absolutely none!

Strange that.. not. Because it's a hostile gutter culture with one single agenda.

So, let's blow the lid on 'Islamophobia'
Is it not strange that an alleged minority community can comitt multiple violent, deliberately hateful atrocities during the majorities cultural celebrations,
However, that majority commit NO violent or hateful atrocities against the minorities during Ramadan.
Odd that given all the putrid whining from the religious community. You'd think we were butchering them daily...

We don't hear about 'Christianphobia' do we? Despite evidence to back it up.
It's an awful lot of violence coming from a community we're told is only 4M in the UK Doh
Which is provably false as there are 1.5M Pakistanis alone in Bradford (lets be generous and say 500k aren't muslim)and almost 2M Muslims in Khan's paradise. That would leave roughly 1M outside of London and Bradford. Just 1M Muslims dispersed throughout the rest of the UK... get fking real there's more than that in Rotherham Rochdale and Luton.

You are an idiot if you believe the government and not your eyes.

Neuro linguistic programming has worked on the sheep! They can't even see themselves lined up for the abattoir.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Plenty of voyeurs, never enough spines.

Chucky the Turd and his horse packing dates to be given to muslims for iftar is exactly the type of optical subjugation the Islamic community wish to see.

I'll add, that's the head of the Church of England bending to a hostile religious group which refuses to reciprocate.
You don't see any Mullahs handing out sweeties to infidels at Xmas, quite tye opposite. They're calling for Jihad on you.
What a soft bunch of clowns we are.

From the Crown to the Serf, the country is on its knees to appease one group that we're continually told is a minority. Which is provably untrue. How would a minority have so much power and influence?

Oh dear... Who could have seen it coming? Laugh Doh

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Just when you think it couldn't get any worse does ...ethnic minorities will now have a lesser sentence than far right bigots in the future really is trying to destroy the English simple revolution republic Jews and Mohammed in the river needed !

When will whitey wake up one morning and decide he may as well die than live with Mohammed and Jew ethnic cleansing ?
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