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(28-03-2022, 18:54)theo_luddite Wrote: Don't forget there's still a report that Bodgit is trying to kick into to long grass or his personal shredder regarding Russian influence in elections and maybe referendums.
The P&O chap Hebblethwaite brazenly admitted to breaking employment laws because he and his cronies saw law breaking, deception and lies happening daily in the HoP thanks to this corrupt Government. Schnapps is calling for Hebblethwaite* (must be Lancastrian with a name like that) on one hand to resign whilst knowing Bodgit is probably looking to offer him a knighthood for services to the Maritime Industry (and the Arab owners who will help their government buy more weapons from us) if only to piss off the likes of John Prescott.
*The Hebble is a brook in Halifax (yes it's in Yorkshire) that provided the water for many an engineering and textile mill on its run down the valley to join the River Calder including the giant John Crossley & Sons carpets mills that employed around 6000 folk and change at its peak (including me for a few years) oh and don't forget Mackintosh's. I've never quite worked out how they removed all the lanolin, wool and dye residues from the water that Crossley's (and others) poured into it if they extracted water from the brook (in the days before piped and treated water from the reservoirs up on the moors took over) when they made their chocolates and toffees but I was nearly offered a job by them too when I left school. (Nestlé these days). I've never quite took to walnut whips for some reason.
There was a Hebble Bus Company in my youth that ran services to far flung exotic places like Bradford and Burnley. If we ever get drawn against the mighty Shaymen in a Cup match I'll gladly weave some of the history of Halifax into the thread.
Thwaites is a Lancashire brewery that I'm well on my way to downing 6000 of it's pints, surely. hic. I'll admit I've lost count as other breweries keep getting in the way.
Hence I'd be happily convinced he's Lancastrian and happy to be proved otherwise, but ....... apparently it's a Cumbrian name - well I was close. Still the wrong side of the Pennines'clearing'.
Dunno whether he is a Lancastrian or not but he certainly looks like a poster boy for Tory Fat Cats.
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30-03-2022, 23:46
(This post was last modified: 30-03-2022, 23:47 by 0762.)
Never took a salary reduction either and said it to a Holyrood parliamentary committee with a shameless "I'm alright Jack straight face" while cutting up loyal employees left, right and centre. As extreme a Tory as far as I can see and matches up to his toff accent.
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31-03-2022, 17:32
(This post was last modified: 31-03-2022, 17:35 by 0762.)
Note the Office for Budget Responsibility predicted the decline in trade since Brexit WILL CONTINUE. The OBR forecasts show that imports and exports are down 15% on where they should be had Brexit not occurred. This info was quietly disclosed on the day of Rishi Sunak's Budget announcement.
The Tories decided to punish those on benefits. Universal Credit taper rate has been reduced. Hence the Resolution Foundation warns that this will push one million people into poverty. That means more debt, not eating properly and having no ability to keep warm. The reason for the cut? Inflation is at 6.2%, the highest in 30 years! Additionally, pasta has gone up by 9.4%, milk by 11.1% and electricity bills by 23%.
Sunak is the richest man in the Brit Parliament. He refused to say if he would personally benefit from the increased share price of Moderna due to its government Covid-19 vaccine contracts. The hedge fund he co-founded was a major investor in Moderna, but allegedly invested in a blind trust?? The man is a "snake TBF"!!
The dire financial costs of Brexit were well known on this Sb board and predicted by financial experts elsewhere. These were dismissed by the lying bastards/Tory Brexiteers who are now running the country after usurping their own political party/govt. We could remedy the situation in Scotland with independence. However, there is no serious campaign for this and no leadership currently to make it happen. IMO workers in Scotland would be wise to mobilise to remove the Tories and bring about liberation. This can't be done through the existing structures and tainted institutions - invoke George Buchanan's well known "right of resistance" eh!!
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I'm well in favour of workers mobilising.
I'm all for liberation so that includes Scottish people. Inclusion is good too.
I just can't see how the Office for Budget Guesswork can possibly attribute falls or gains in trade and prices to Brexit or any other cause. After two years of Covid and Pyjama Working followed by a war in Europe, to which Europe daren't suggest the answer it might like to see, I don't see that whatever your beliefs you can attribute cause and effect with any degree of certainty. If you were a Brexit Conspiracy Theorist you might see the last couple of years as the biggest cover up since America added Area 52 in Utah to Area 51.
Rishi Sunak is a Yorkshire MP so we can blame poor old Theo Luddite for him too. William Hague's old constituency is it? How lucky can you get?
As for Hebbletwat P&O is a British Company but its ships sail under random flags of convenience, specifically so it has a chance of subverting legal jurisdictions around the world. But you wouldn't have thought even such a painfully obvious oppressor would be stupid enough to choose the ugliest and least attractive man in the country to head it up. Even so, he's good news for Boris. He needed a hate figure closer to home than Putin and who wobbles onstage but Hebbletwat?
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31-03-2022, 23:10
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2022, 00:02 by theo_luddite.)
Er, no you can't Devon - I was born in working class West Yorkshire, the West Riding to be accurate, not the posh end of North Yorkshire or the North Riding, where I had the vote for about 12 years and never voted Tory and I've voted in Wolverhampton for over 30 years, give or take 7 years when I was in Canada.
Never voted Tory in any election, ever, so the thing that is Sunak is as much yours as it is mine. How you can make out that Sunak is somehow my fault because he represents a constituency that I've visited maybe twice in my life is beyond me. Gi' yer 'ead a shake lad.
On the other hand, there's a bloke that went somewhere nearby to to test his eyesight.
Otherwise you're talking the same bollox that Bodgit talks every time he opens his mouth.
PS - my local MP has yet to open their gob on owt that matters - I've sent a few messages reminding them of the fact. I'm not holding my breath. An 11 year old on their first day at the "big school" would have made a better and more impressive speech than my current (unfortunately) Tory MP.
Wolverhampton North if you want to do any real research rather than blaming someone for something they have absolutely no control over.
PPS - I also spent one weekend in Devon a few years back (Torbay area), so it makes me about even. Am I also responsible for their MP?
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03-04-2022, 11:31
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2022, 12:18 by Devongone.)
Sorry Theo I made the mistake that as a Huddersfield fan you have a sense of humour. As a Chesterfield fan mine just exited stage left.
I've felt represented in my life politically ONLY when I was in Chesterfield and Tony Benn was MP. Otherwise our MPs' opinions bore little relation my own. I once moved my vote to Huddersfield as I lived on the Lockwood Road, so I could vote for Tariq Ali.
Shockingly I don't blame every Yorkshireman, or everyone who has ever visited Yorkshire for everything that happens there. I try to make nice people laugh and occasionally to make them consider the flip side of ingrained opinions.
BIG MISTAKE! Genuinely Sorry. Thought I was amongst friends.
No one need worry about seeing my opinions, or jokes, on Babble again.
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03-04-2022, 18:23
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2022, 18:25 by 0762.)
Tony Benn? You have to read his first book publication to appreciate how he despised the establishment system that still "infects" the country well into the 21st century plus the class division that one could argue TB was very much part of as a privileged boy. His dismantling of the anachronistic Royal Honours process and the patronage/expected loyalty to the Queen really "hits the nail on the head" and ties in very much with my own antagonism towards this outdated system together with the unelected members of the House of Lords, privileged hereditary peers and the ridiculous massive cost to the public purse while many people in this country are toiling to "make ends meet".
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Devongone, you are amongst friends. However, not all of them share your (or my) sense of humour or opinions. But that's as it should be and I'll still readily give my opinions on just about everything. So there!
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OK I think I've proved to plenty I've a sense of humour on here over the years. Mine fails occasionally as much as anyone's, we've all missed the odd one that flew over our heads and fired off more than a few that flew over everyone else's heads.
I've sat on this for a couple of days and while I think I owe Devon an explanation, I don't think I owe you an apology for my reaction.
There are two people (amongst may others) at the head of this government who have taken the piss big time out of the working man over the last 2+ (let's be fare 12+) years. The first and foremost is the current bloke we call The Prime Minister, the second, maybe a little more recently is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, thought quite honestly, he's signed off to all the scams that Downing Street have allowed. since the last election.
As a result of their mishandling of everything over that last two years, I've ultimately lost a very good and well paid job through no fault of mine and and every fault of theirs, so why would you expect me to have a sense of humour when it comes to being labelled as having owt to do with those two clowns.?
I'm not the only one, but it is where it is. I was given a letter every week for 6 months saying I was a vital worker, followed by a redundancy notice. Oh, how we laughed at that one.
I've had a few days a month of work rather than anything close to full time work since then and now the fool that is Sunak has announced his latest tax and NI increase attack on those earning somewhere between nowt and bugger all, on top of all the other stuff like energy bills, petrol, food, travel, you name it going up. It costs us all a lot more more money, and it is in no way funny.
I don't know your personal circumstances , but to me it takes a strange sense of humour in my opinion, to blame a Yorkshire bloke for Sunak for all that bollox. The only Town fan I know (not personally mind) that is a millionaire is Deano and I've no idea of his politics., but he's a working bloke done well, not a millionaire bloke that lucked into a billionaire wife who's dad is worth who knows what.
If I don't get your sense of humour occasionally, well, not everyone get's mine occasionally (maybe more than occasionally) either but I get on with it.
We shake our heads, shrug a shoulders, explain it (if we need to) and get on with it.
Good luck for the rest of the season, though my brother will hope Halifax will finish above you in the League.
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That NI "hike" starting today!!  This is political ideology gone mad and it has indeed been going on n on n on for the past 2-3 years. I'm surprised people are not "on the streets" en masse to protest against these privileged, elite shit heids who do not represent the interests of the majority of our population. It seems that big factions of the French people are far more into these kinda demonstrations against a government that is not listening to their own citizens.