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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Reading this latest contribution from one of the biggest brexit Tory "decepticons", Liam Fox, I'd remind him that 2016 is gone and the UK population is definitely not a brexit one anyway!!! So GTF with your latest shit Dr Fox - I'll add it to a huge list of deceptions/disingenuous comments made by this shameless Tory clown and many others!!!
(21-01-2019, 00:52)ritchiebaby Wrote: Matt, she seems to be exploring every option except the obvious and sensible ones. It begs a major query on her mental state. I don't like the woman and I don't like her attitude, but the constant drubbings she gets from all sides must be having an effect on that.

(21-01-2019, 00:50)0762 Wrote: Well Corbyn looks like he'll finally be backing a joint parliamentary motion to block any "no deal" scenario! Lets wait n see as this is now clearly a fluid political situation where both mainstream parties could well commit political suicide if they make the wrong move.

There is a No Deal scenario at the moment. Parliament voted to leave the EU on 29 March by a huge majority and passed the necessary legislation to do so. To be honest, we can't afford to wait and see as we need to do something positive to change things.

I don't like her either but she can't keep ruling options out to carry on with her deal that was voted down heavily in Parliament.

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This is a very good Guardian article re the PM's political position and I think that one point that should have been added re Mrs May is that her so called "strengths" are actually her weaknesses!! Think about it! Certain character attributes have failed her "big time" and that is a fact!! Strangely enough, Jeremy Corbyn appears to be in a similar position but obviously with different attributes that render him "weak"! IMO they are both "lightweight" politicians, a "sign of the times"!!
Looks like mays plan b is plan a minus the backstop.

The roadblock here is the No Dealers. No Deal was NEVER suggested as an option during the Referendum. Yet I still feel it was the plan all along.... Davis's farcical negotiations and resignation....raab's blatant time wasting.... The ludicrous red lines that may just invented as endorsed by the electorate.

One of the dead certainties of Brexit is a short term rise in food prices. There will be shortages of fresh food and overall prices are expected to rise by 15-40%. That might sober a few heads until that moron trump comes in June to shaft us with a trade deal. Fox,boris,rees mogg etc are all on board with this and are 'Atlantic bridge' about what they want. Even if the EU was undemocratic and corrupt you are still better off with them than this bunch of charlatans.

(21-01-2019, 00:58)spireitematt Wrote:
(21-01-2019, 00:50)0762 Wrote: Well Corbyn looks like he'll finally be backing a joint parliamentary motion to block any "no deal" scenario! Lets wait n see as this is now clearly a fluid political situation where both mainstream parties could well commit political suicide if they make the wrong move.

You can't take no deal off the table though because it's pretty much telling the EU we will accept any deal you give us and also it's a legal part in Article 50 that if neither side comes to an agreement then the member state will go to the default option which is fall out the union with no deal. Only way to stop no deal happening is revoke Article 50.

May could easily take no deal off the table....parliament doesn't want it.

However it means she loses power if she does as the ERG and DUP will turn on her. Corbyn knows this, he seems determined to bring her down at all costs. He's unfortunately been made labour leader at the wrong time in history.
The binary vote in 2016 was a disgraceful lack of proper foresight and organisation of a referendum that we realise now was hugely important to this country's future prosperity and to the constitution itself. As previously mentioned in other threads, the vote should also have been made mandatory and a near split vote should not have have been anywhere near an acceptance of this kinda vote by any competent government. The whole thing was a sham and the creation of certain conservatives who have been obsessed with this EU issue for decades! And their anti EU RW media "stoked up the fires" for about the past 3 decades! These people wanna "seize their moment" from a 52% vote in 2016, not even a third of the voting population and with the usual "1st past the post" mentality. The c#### "got their feet in the door" and they are desperate with their "charlatan agenda" that has been well described by hibeejim! I'm wondering when the political "touch paper is finally lit" for millions of people to hit the streets of London en masse and tell this government to stop ignoring us and call a people's referendum. I can't believe this population is so passive as to allow any "wrong move" to just "pass us by" and hope all will be well!!!
rewrite the good Friday agreement ? Laugh

The UK already has made that move by altering the original arrangement.

We've talked about this at length before. Look at the Intra-Irish border on a map. There are 208 road crossings along its approximately 500km length. And as many again tracks suitable for SUVs and tractors. There are farms with fields on both sides of the border, streets where houses on one side of it are in NI and those on the other side in Ireland. Even commercial premises and houses where one door or gateway is in the North and the other in Ireland.

Its absolute madness trying to enforce a EU/UK border there.
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(21-01-2019, 17:20)hibeejim21 Wrote: rewrite the good Friday agreement ?  Laugh

The UK already has made that move by altering the original arrangement.

We've talked about this at length before. Look at the Intra-Irish border on a map. There are 208 road crossings along its approximately 500km length. And as many again tracks suitable for SUVs and tractors. There are farms with fields on both sides of the border, streets where houses on one side of it are in NI and those on the other side in Ireland. Even commercial premises and houses where one door or gateway is in the North and the other in Ireland.

Its absolute madness trying to enforce a EU/UK border there.

It's not my idea! It's what she's trying to do!

You can't re-write an International treaty especially when it's in the Irish constitution and it's Irish law.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Well I think there is a simple conclusion to come to re who is the political idiot to dream up such a stupid move/idea or is it just more political games being played out with no accord again!?
hibeejim21 likes this post
(21-01-2019, 18:38)spireitematt Wrote:
(21-01-2019, 17:20)hibeejim21 Wrote: rewrite the good Friday agreement ?  Laugh

The UK already has made that move by altering the original arrangement.

We've talked about this at length before. Look at the Intra-Irish border on a map. There are 208 road crossings along its approximately 500km length. And as many again tracks suitable for SUVs and tractors. There are farms with fields on both sides of the border, streets where houses on one side of it are in NI and those on the other side in Ireland. Even commercial premises and houses where one door or gateway is in the North and the other in Ireland.

Its absolute madness trying to enforce a EU/UK border there.

It's not my idea! It's what she's trying to do!

You can't re-write an International treaty especially when it's in the Irish constitution and it's Irish law.

We know it's not your idea Matt. The pressure is being piled on the Republic though..
This is a good summary of May's position! There's an Einstein quote that the definition of insanity is proposing the same thing time n time again and expecting a different result. Insane!!! She is clearly trying to convince a majority of Tories, DUP and others to try and turnaround the same deal! It aint gonna happen and it shouldn't happen because it is not right!
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