23-11-2015, 18:03
Saw my mate sat at the bar looking really miserable. "What's up Dave?" I asked
"My budgie is dying" he answered,
"Oh dear, what's wrong with it then?"
"It's got this big growth on its head"
"Oh, is that all?" I replied, that's just bone, you can take a metal file and gently file it away, he'll be fine"
"Really?" Dave asked "Thats great news! Let me buy you drink"
Next day, there's Dave even more unhappy looking than before.
"What's up mate" I ask
"My budgie died last night" he replied
"xxxx! Don't tell me you actually tried to file a lump of his head with a metal file!"
"No" he answered "Didn't get that far, poor little xxxx died in the vice."
"My budgie is dying" he answered,
"Oh dear, what's wrong with it then?"
"It's got this big growth on its head"
"Oh, is that all?" I replied, that's just bone, you can take a metal file and gently file it away, he'll be fine"
"Really?" Dave asked "Thats great news! Let me buy you drink"
Next day, there's Dave even more unhappy looking than before.
"What's up mate" I ask
"My budgie died last night" he replied
"xxxx! Don't tell me you actually tried to file a lump of his head with a metal file!"
"No" he answered "Didn't get that far, poor little xxxx died in the vice."
