19-09-2015, 01:24
An elderly couple after long dating period decided to get married.
For pre-wedding settlement on finances, cost contribution, memories of prior spouses etc. they went to candle light dinner in a fine restaurant.
Topic now was on their physical relationship.
'How do you feel about sex?' old dirty man had to ask.
'Well,' she said, responding thoughtfully not to turn away the opportunity, 'I'd have to say - I would like it infrequently.'
The puzzled old man looked her in the eye and asked "I'd have to ask - Is that 'in-frequently' one word or two?'
For pre-wedding settlement on finances, cost contribution, memories of prior spouses etc. they went to candle light dinner in a fine restaurant.
Topic now was on their physical relationship.
'How do you feel about sex?' old dirty man had to ask.
'Well,' she said, responding thoughtfully not to turn away the opportunity, 'I'd have to say - I would like it infrequently.'
The puzzled old man looked her in the eye and asked "I'd have to ask - Is that 'in-frequently' one word or two?'
